
In one nostril and out the other.

Apparently if you snort some kind of "brain chemical" you don't have to sleep anymore. I guess the inventors of this miracle product have never heard of coke, speed, or Jolt Cola before. I remember when I was thirteen my friends and I used to buy a 24 pack of Dr. Pepper and drink the whole case while we threw random garbage and pieces of wood onto our gasoline-fueled bonfire. Then in a caffeine and sugar haze of insanity, my friend Blake decided it would be a good idea to put on a freakish mask of an old toothless man and climb onto his roof to terrify his young step brothers. Unfortunately for these two kids they had a skylight, and woke up to a terrifying moonlight creature banging on the glass with glee. The kids promptly screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors and saturated their mattresses with urine. The point of my story is, getting amped off of legal shit isn't always a good way to go.


Leisure Time

I'm not out assassinating political leaders because I have blog wars and and a level 60 Night Elf wizard to entertain me.

I think the main point Dan is making is that us Americans are attempting to deliver the wrong American social tradition to foreign countries. We shouldn't be trying to export democracy...blowing up opposition is obviously not the short track to that goal, and Iraq is like a bunch of diahrettic 3 year-olds in a McDonald's ball pit; there's just shit everywhere and it's gonna be a bitch to clean up. Well I say we fed those damn kids the wrong food! They're only 3, we can't expect them to be discerning eaters.
We should be exporting the great American tradition of leisure time, or as we at the Monstro like to say, the art of a "hard sit." Assassinations and IEDs would all but cease is we were distributing XBox Live! accounts like we were distributing food and medicine. Why the hell is Condoleeza Rice visiting Pakistan and Iran? She is scary as hell. Hire a part-time actor serving steaks in Hollywood to put on a Master Chief suit and have him stomp around Baghdad handing out Xboxes and that guy will have every militant for miles diving in front of bullets to ensure that the poor sap in the suit stays alive to deliver more 360's.


Blog War?

We are in a blog war with Sam Johnson's Glider Bison blog? Is that some sort of fucking joke? Being an ex-improv guy I should know jokes, and that must, I dare say, must be some sort of fucking joke. Let's talk about Sam Johnson, mainly his fucking unending and unquenchable desire to eat massive amounts of dick.

Getting challenged to a blog war by someone who lives off the raw flesh of nature's most cunning beast is like someone trying to beat Tesla and Einstein's lovechild (Rube Goldberg) in a goddam science fair.

See any dick around? well watch out cuz ol' Sammy J will be rarin' 'round the corner with a mouthful of slobber soon to be filled with cock. Know someone with a cock who doesn't want it anymore? Great, put him near Sam Johnson so he can chew it straight up. Guy loves his cock, ram it down his throat, guy has no gag reflex, genetically bred for loving ze cauck.

On a totally unrelated and shockingly more appropriate note I was using some Preparation H yesterday and read on the label to ask your doctor about using it if you suffer from depression.

Excuse me what the fuck??!?!?

My only thought on that is that if you are already clinically depressed, knowing you need to put gel on your ass so it doesn't itch/burn might put you over the top. People are so afraid of being sued, it's amazing.

I miss the days when I had the brain power to post like Dan just did. Poop.


I don't usually get up in arms about anything outside the 2-3 meters of space that follows me wherever I go, but FUCK! Sometimes a story sticks with you, and when it reaches its tragic conclusion you want to kick God in the balls.

Benazir Bhutto, 54 year old Pakistani populist movement leader AND WOMAN, was murdered today at an election rally. I could comment on the conspiratorial nature of current Pakistani "President" Pervez Musharraf, but instead I think I will summarize with a poorly put together visual aid:

attempted assassination of political enemy (Oct.) - fails - declare martial law - suspend democracy and elections

attempted assassination of political enemy (Dec.) - SUCCESS! - repeal martial law - allow elections to continue

If you need some explanation, chew on this obtuse statement: the perp is usually the one who stands to profit the most.

Say what you will about the tenets of modern American democracy, at least a majority of the country solves its problems without violence--and with a few exceptions this holds even truer for the national political sphere. We have extremists too, and it's a benefit of conservatism that most right-wing nuts were taught early to repeat, "I may disagree with your opinions, but I will defend to the death your right to speak them." This is something that is often lacking from your left-wing nuts repertoire of cliches because s/he knows they're* right and doesn't care what you think.

Please allow me to imitate a liberal and use Bhutto's death (just for a moment) to forward my own politics. I've always wondered why people's reactions to political events (in 3rd world countries) are destructive. We never seem to do this. I think it's because we have alternative ways to vent aggression. I just set nine fire traps around a sleeping dragon and killed it. Although it was in a fantasy world, I was deceptive and used fire bombs...essentially. If I didn't have shit to do, I'd probably be out turning over cars and burning office furniture at every opportunity too. In conclusion fuck Jack Thompson.

Benazir Bhutto's assassination speaks strongly about the dictator's fear of symbolism. Whoever the fuck killed her feared her. A 54 year old woman who spoke at rallies. Come on! Whether the killer feared her political sway in an upcoming election or had the even more absurd fear of "the outspoken, independent woman," make no mistake, it was fear that drove them. It was also absurd.

Who is afraid in this NEW war on/of terror? It still seems like the same old type of war. Two sides misunderstand the other. Each side takes turns killing each other. Each fears what the other side stands for or represents.


Eat Animals Raw

There is nothing I like more, with about a dozen exceptions, than eating raw the flesh of nature's beasts. A week ago my family was fixing chioppino (a sort of fisherman's stew thing) and I insisted on tasting each element before its cooking began. As former roommate Jeffrey Bernstein can testify, I am consumed with the desire to eat an entire steak raw. Whenever possible I will eat at sushi restaurants, ideally eschewing accouterments and eating only the fish. In the last 1 week, I have eaten raw oysters three times.

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances who will not eat a raw beast, especially not an oyster. This is a shame. Sometimes, like in the case of the dozen exceptions mentioned above, one has to do things that in polite company seem unpleasant or inappropriate, in order to maximize fun.

To quote the Old Dirty Bastard: "Ooh Baby, I like it raw. Ooh Baby, I like it raw."

Blog Wars?

Apparently some heathen barbarians from across the Great Alps have donned their bear skins and whittled new clubs out of winter evergreens in a attempt to cross the Pass in the dead of winter to surprise the bastion of civility and human accomplishment that is The Monstro with some kind of surprise raid. Accoriding the the anger-filled cave etchings found over on Glider Bison, The Monstro has been called to arms and the whole while we have been sitting, sipping tea, and inventing things like geometry while the Glider Bisonites are struggling with the simple concepts behind agriculture. From what I can gather for the barbarian ramblings, The Monstro has been engaged in a "Blog War" which despite being the most advanced civilization on the great globe I cannot exactly figure out how to fight. Our geometers have crafted giants siege engines that can launch boulders hundreds of yards. We have horsemen from the Red Desert that can ride the like wind. We have cannoneers from the colonies and flying machines from the canals of Venice. The great army of The Monstro numbers in the millions and our technology is limitless, but somehow Glider Bison has managed to engage us in a war that we do not know how to fight.

The Bisonites attempted in some form to dictate rules of engagement, but never sent an emissary to our courts, never once engaged in civilized preparation, never once even declared war. They simply posted the decree on their own grounds and waited, patiently, for war to come to them. We Monstronauts are not warlike. We are imperialistic maybe, but we are not bloodythirsty. We march when we see gain. We never are simply sporting for a good fight.

Since the Glider Bison decree went unheeded for a long month and the deadline is coming to a pass without the Generals knowing we would march to battle, I believe the only civilized action is to postpone. The Monstro armies will prepare, and will meet the Bisonites on the field of battle in the next month. Their rules will stand, but their men will fall.

Until that day,

Ur-Chancellor Ozymandias III


sad shit

My dad happened to be born on Christmas Eve so I spend the night celebrating a meal with family like any good WASP. At the end of the night tonight I was driving my great aunt back to her house and cruised by a Target store. It was about 9pm on fucking Christmas Eve and there were at least 30 cars in the lot. I swear if I hadn't had to drop an 88 year old woman off at her house I would have rolled into that Target to witness some sad sad shit. Maybe next year.


A Departure From Our Heritage

I was reading an article in some dumbed-down-for-the-public science magazine that claimed a scientist had developed a drug to help people overcome their fears, like "fear of flying or fear of mice." I began contemplating these two fears. A fear of flying is somewhat understandable. We are descendants of apes, decidedly earth-bound creatures with the only exception being the green winged varietals found in classical cinema. Something deep in one of our many brain cotexes (do we have more than one cortex?) tells our body that getting on a plane could be bad news for the old survival instinct. So some people wig out. Understandable. But why are people afraid of fucking mice? They pose almost no threat to humans unless they shit in your food. But I have seen men scamper from the room at the sight of a mouse. I blame the Victorian era. If pomposity, frilly shirts, and man makeup had never entered our culture, then we would not be afraid of mice. Please excuse me if you are a Renaissance Faire aficionado, but your goddamn costumes are setting back the predatory instincts of humans. Please find a new hobby, like World of Warcraft or Halo 3.


A Partial List Of Movie Trailers That Have Made Me Cry In The Theatre

Jurassic Park II: The Lost World

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

We Are Marshall

Bad Boys II

The Matrix Revolutions

The Dark is Rising

27 Dresses


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Into the Wild


A Series of Unfortunate Events

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Panic Room

August Rush



Literal poetry and other observations

When it's rainy out things get wet.
This wetness affects certain things, like paper, worse than others, umbrellas.
If you are walking into the rain it makes it harder to see, you have to squint
and the raincoat is only midly effective, at best.
But then the heavens say, don't take such things so lightly
and a very serious lightning bolt comes to life
coldy scientific, searching for a conductor,
no Yitzchak Perlman here, just the watery nature
of a man's body or a cold steel pole.

Then, a rainbow, to encourage drug use.

So clearly I was w(o)andering around and I made a mental list of things that blow my fucking mind. The criteria for this was greatly aided (as mentioned in prior long blog posts) by my lack of extensive scientific knowledge and was based around the simple principle that if I couldn't understand something and it was useful, it blew my fucking mind.

Oceans (waves)
Rainbows (mainly double or triple ones)
desert mirages
traffic flow
muscle recovery/pain


The Golden Compass = The Anti-Christ

I am not going to preface this rant with any warning about the "spoilers" contained within. If you are the sort of person who gets upset when someone ruins the non-existing plot twists of a movie based on a children's book, then you have stumbled upon this blogue by mistake. Shame on you.

Yesterday I saw the film The Golden Compass. I had high hopes based on two factors: 1) My sister really likes the source material and has talked up the story
2) The trailer made me cry

Now, emotional instability issues aside, movie trailers have always had a special pull on my heartstrings. Maybe it's because, when all cynicism is laid aside, I want very badly to be moved by art and when you distill a 2 hour film down to a minute and a half, with any luck you can concentrate its emotional impact. In a coming post, I will share a partial list of movie trailers that have made me cry.

The Golden Compass is set in a fantastical world, much like our own except sillier. Instead of digital technology and slang, everyone speaks with fake-proper English accents and machines are all driven by shiny gilded gears and pulleys. And what looks like majik. The other key difference between our world and theirs is that in The Golden Compass, people's souls are not internal, but instead projected into the outside world as animal companions. Aside from giving the CG animators something to have fun with, this allows for the film's one Big Idea.

The conflict in the story arises when a girl goes on an adventure for No Reason and comes in contact with a group of Evil Old White Men called The Magistrate. They seem to represent the Catholic Church. The Magistrate wants to use Science to disconnect children from their animal companions, their souls. While the movie does a piss-poor job of explaining why anyone would construct an Evil Plan around something so silly, I have my own feelings on the matter.

The Church does not like the idea that people have a personal, direct relationship to their spirituality. By having a pet soul following you around, you are always aware of the interconnectedness of life and are probably less of a douchebag, although several villains in the film challenge this assumption. The Church wants people to rely on it for their spirituality. The Church does not want people to be able to worship on their own, to feel good about their own souls. Wait, am I talking about the real life Catholic Church or the movie Magistrate? A parallel!

The movie's conflict reminds me of that time the Catholic Church outlawed the identification of Saints by any party other than itself. Only the Church can tell you what is spiritual and what is not. The movie raises the question of autonomous faith. Is it appropriate for people to have that personal connection to the divine, or must Christopher Lee, in a wasteful two-line role, decide for us?

Also, the movie sucked.


Kafka Komedy

It's been awhile since I've shat knowledge on the blogue. The Bad Fog of Loneliness has been disrupting my connectivity, you see. But as I emerge, observations begin to take shape:

Looney Tunes is wonderful.

The classic Wile E. Coyote set-up is the reversal of the joke formula, and for this it is beautiful. The set-up always involves Coyote procuring some sci-fi fantasy, like rocket skates, which he plans to use to capture Road Runner. For eating? For sex? A coyote getting rocket skates? This is absurd, the sort of thing that most jokes use as the punchline. But it gets scarier... the joke comes when the rocket skates malfunction and cause Coyote to fall down a cliff. You see, the joke comes from the Absurd resolving into Reality. This is quite similar to Kafka's classic short story The Metamorphosis, which begins with our protagonist, Gregor Samsa, discovering he's been turned into a giant verminous buggy thing. The story ends with everything going back to normal. Much like gravity overcoming Coyote's batshit schemes.

I'll be looking for more examples, in Looney Tunes, of the comic reversal. I think those tweekers were on to something...


Does Bill O'Reilly read comic books?

Something fun and happy happens to your brain when it gets saturated by modern media. It's this swirling amalgam of information, lies, advertisements, discussions, opinions, and fantasies that sometimes results in two or more totally unrelated subjects inexplicably sticking to each other and creating what kindergarten teachers like to call 'imaginative thinking.'
I have recently been dosing myself with choice YouTube clips of Bill O'Reilly rants courtesy of the folks over at Newshounds. On the surface, this man seems pretty crazy. But he's also sharp. It's obvious that to a certain extent he is aware of the persona that he is creating for himself. He has built up Bill O'Reilly and part of being Bill O'Reilly is behaving how Bill O'Reilly is supposed to behave. He has made himself into a national figure, but by doing so in the form of entertainment news, he's made himself into a character as well.
I was watching Bill O'Reilly clips simply for the sake of entertainment. I am entertained by Bill O'Reilly's belligerent behavior with his guests as well as his boneheaded opinions. I wouldn't watch Bill O'Reilly anymore if he stopped behaving like I expect him to behave. If he were to stop being his character and start being a 'real person,' I wouldn't watch him any more. Nobody watches Katie Couric clips online.
So Bill has created this big angry character. The opinionated, misogynistic, totalitarian news man. Not in search of THE truth, but HIS truth. The more I thought on this character that is Bill O'Reilly, I realized that it isn't even an original one. Bill O'Reilly, one of the most noticeable news figures in America, is a ripoff of a comic book.
J. Jonah Jameson is the head of the Daily Bugle, the newspaper from the famous comic book series Spider-Man. He's a loud egomaniac who runs the Daily Bugle with an iron fist. Jameson has a decidedly negative opinion of Spider-Man, and dedicates much of his time skewing facts and photographs to make Spider-Man appear as a villain to the general public. Jameson doesn't listen to anyone elses opinion on the matter. He's decided Spider-Man is a bad guy and tries to prove it, with or without the facts. Jameson is often portrayed stamping around his office smoking the stub of a cigar and ranting to his employees. Take the cigar away and Jameson could be a pretty good double for our good friend Bill.
I'm not necessarily insinuating that Bill O'Reilly was flipping through his Spider-Man collection and at that moment decided to make himself a media icon. I imagine the character of J. Jonah Jameson is itself of blend of others. What Bill O'Reilly did, and what Marvel comcis did, was take a recognizable persona and turn it into a compelling character that people love to hate. The crazy part is how popular the character is. J. Jonah Jameson has been in Amazing Spider-Man since the very first issue in 1963. Bill O'Reilly is one of the most recognized faces on television. For whatever reason, American culture is drawn towards this type of character.
Jameson is the perfect contrast for Spider-Man. As much as he tries to demonize Spidey, the hero ultimately shines all the brighter to the furious dismay of our angry news hothead. Perhaps Bill O'Reilly plays the same role. Maybe we need him spouting nonsense on TV because we need to hear that voice. We need someone shouting untruths to make us take stock of reality and define it for ourselves.


It may be getting old...

Making fun of things George Bush has said has long ago "jumped the shark" (people that get that are hip, with it, know it!) but sometimes I come across things that are irresistable still.

Here's one:

"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah." --at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001

way to make shit real real, real fast Georgie!


Real Life Conversation

two of the minds of Monstro Blog and Chamois Army Fort chop it up:

MANDEL2002 (8:46:45 PM): how you livin
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:00 PM): yo man
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:01 PM): i be livin
MANDEL2002 (8:47:05 PM): yeah me too
slowdowncrazyman (8:47:15 PM): work is alright
MANDEL2002 (8:47:49 PM): work is alright
MANDEL2002 (8:48:03 PM): we are clones
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:03 PM): tawonga!
MANDEL2002 (8:48:07 PM): living on the grid hardcore
MANDEL2002 (8:48:10 PM): plugged the fuck in
MANDEL2002 (8:48:13 PM): to machine portals
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:14 PM): yep
MANDEL2002 (8:48:15 PM): we sit at all day
slowdowncrazyman (8:48:31 PM): and then come home and know no better than to get online
MANDEL2002 (8:48:36 PM): yup
MANDEL2002 (8:48:39 PM): feed the beast
MANDEL2002 (8:48:42 PM): that requires no food
slowdowncrazyman (8:49:02 PM): i follow a stream that has no spring; the spring is dry but not the stream
slowdowncrazyman (8:49:44 PM): i have plans to explode soon though and plaster my existence across the face of this whole world
MANDEL2002 (8:49:50 PM): so you end up at a slowly dying ocean?
slowdowncrazyman (8:50:16 PM): yeah probably something bummer like that
MANDEL2002 (8:50:48 PM): were you just saying you were going all suicide bomber?
slowdowncrazyman (8:51:05 PM): no i'
slowdowncrazyman (8:51:24 PM): m gonna go scribble on crumbling walls in algeria with a charcoal pencil
“slowdowncrazyman” signed off at 9:15:32 PM.


Saddest Cubicles

Since I'm going on a linking tear lately, check this Wired contest touting the saddest cubicles in the modern world. I say 'modern world' simply because I bet money that some peasant working in the bottom of a castle in low candlelight scribing notes was probably a pretty dismal situation. All the cubicles pictured in this contest have electricity and presumably there isn't an armed guard nearby to murder workers if they decide to take an early lunch.


Le Darkness

I stumbled upon this website when I was trying to figure out my new cell phone. It is called FlexiSpy. You can order cellphones and software for cellphones that are used to "catch a cheating spouse." This is the advertised tag line. I wonder if they break even on the ratio of marriages ruined because of spouse catching significant other cheating using FlexiSpy and spouse being left by significant other because they found FlexiSpy and they weren't cheating at all.


Stoning the prophets

Society is self-defeating.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has been a bit of a cult hit this election cycle, drawing a devoted cadre of mainly young supporters who fanatically gravitate toward this rather plain 72 year old Texan with Libertarian leanings.

I would posit that people are into Ron Paul for the simple fact that science has taken away heroes, at least the kind of our mythical past. We even 3d animate Beowulf now, no humans allowed. Ron Paul has that anti-establishment maverick appeal of an old school cowboy who speaks his mind, then kills everyone in the bar who looks at him funny, but without any of that flash. People are just desperate for something fresh and new.

The damning part of all this though, is that in this society where a void and thirst for heroes exists, a climate is created to at once yearn for but then nullify anyone who could rise to such a calling. Paperazzi endlessly hound celebrities, exposing all their worst human flaws, taking them down to the mortals' level. The news media pounces on missteps by politicians, no more Kennedy's, and the preachers all touch little boys now. As a society we deny ourselves the ability to have what we want, a hero, a folk legend to rise above the normalcy of our constrained, controlled lives and give us something new. This is like slamming your head into a brick wall over and over while Kenny G plays a lonely ode to the health care system.

In this day and age it would take a truly supernatural being to satisfy our thirst for meaning beyond what we know, and we do know that, simply put, is not possible.

Ron Paul probably has herpes.

or this


Zeppelin Could Return!!

This article on my precious Wired.com informs us that a company based in San Francisco is trying to bring back the noble airship that met its technological end when the Hindenberg exploded into a million tiny bits of ultra-charged metal film. Since antiquated technologies seem to be moving back into the forefront, lets take a gander at other possible scientific discoveries that have gone by the wayside that we could re-introduce for a profit...or perhaps just another disastrous public explosion.

Steam Power - There is nothing more noble than the clean power of steam. For almost one decade, man was convinced that steam was the wave of the future. Why can't it be again? We are having a fuel crisis, and water is cheap and readily available. I can buy or steal as much as I need. As long as people are willing to sacrifice speed, safety, and maneuverability in their automobiles, steam power can make a triumphant return to our lives.

Mercury - Isaac Newton once took a spoonful of mercury every morning, believing that the elemental liquid metal has mystical health properties. Subsequent years of study by so called "scientists" has claimed that mercury actually poisons the brain. Let's look closer. Isaac Newton INVENTED CALCULUS. Then there are the pregnant moms who are suing left and right because of supposed mercury poisoning. Sounds like a bunch of free-loaders looking for a one-way ticket into a higher tax bracket. I say we go back to a spoonful a day and watch as humans become a race of mathematical wizards.

Man In The Moon Theory - It was once thought, by legitimate scientists (mercurially inspired), that the moon contained some sort of giant sentient being who looked down on the earth. Whether or not his actions were benevolent or evil were uncertain, but as far as the scientists could tell, he was a rather harmless old crone who just stared down during full moons. This theory was "disproved" when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and found out that it wasn't a giant face, but just a load of rocks. I don't think it is coincidental that after his landing, the world has been stricken by religious zealot terrorists. The Man In The Moon has finally asserted his true intent after tricking America's greatest warrior. We must strike quick and fast if the Moon Man is to be defeated. Let us blow apart the moon!

Hold the turkey, we're having WHAT?@?!?

yer goddam right I shot the goat.

now get me my fuckin' beer.


Everyone loves the fullback

Being a fullback in the NFL would be awesome, everyone loves the fullback, he's like the guy who takes the bullet for the hot girl but always lives and indeed sometimes gets the chance to shine himself. Fullbacks have such heroic traits that Seattle's Mack Strong, after like 13 seasons of blocking for Shaun Alexander, Matt Hasselbeck and company, hurt his back and neck earlier this season on a scary collision and just retired on the spot. That is so fucking tight. Fullbacks are awesome.

Additionally, this is yet another good reason to eat shit, literally.


Custer's Revenge

This is the title of the Atari 2600 game that GameSpy has recently named the Most Shameful Game of all time. I won't bother going into an in-depth description because the article does a fine job, but lets just say it's a graphical nightmare of a porno game where General Custer marches nude around the battlefield having "consensual bondage sex" with Native American women.

I was tickled by this article because GameSpy didn't bother to do the "Worst Games of All Time" bit because that is kind of a dead horse. Even the most rudimentary upstart video game blogs have their own list worsts. Instead, in very "Monstro" fashion, they decided to go with Most Shameful. As a result this list includes a lot of games that were travesties because they ruined otherwise-great pop culture icons like E.T. and Superman. Then there is Custer's Revenge, which is just fucked up.


Some things should never be written.

S ometimes I dick around on Wikipedia because I have some time to kill. A few days ago I was wondering about why Dutch ovens are called Dutch ovens. I assumed it was because the Dutch invented them, or at least had an affinity for them. While reading up on my Dutch oven history, I noticed that a lot of the factual information about Dutch ovens was coming from a book called "Dutch Ovens Chronicled" by John G. Ragsdale. Apparently this gentleman is the leading expert on Dutch oven history. Now, this made a little back corner of my brain spin around in circles really fast. My brain did this because I started to wonder why anyone would bother to learn the history of Dutch ovens, and then write a book about it, and then try to sell it to real people. Then I wondered about what type of people read books about the history of things like Dutch ovens. Then I thought about what type of person would find a book like "Dutch Ovens Chronicled" and give it as a gift. This reminded me of my childhood during Christmas when I watched the adults in my family do a gift exchange.
The family played a type of game where you could either choose a gift to open or sacrifice your turn to open by trading an unopened gift for one that had already been opened. Then the person you got the gift from opens a new one. I think this is called "boring" and "a waste of time" in some cultures. Anyway, someone had a really good idea to wrap up a big coffee table book about warplanes. I think it was my grandpa, because he was the only person into warplanes. Nobody wanted that warplane book. They kept trading it and trading it. It was obvious that grandpa had gotten the gift with the bright idea that he could get something he knew only he wanted. He was therefore usurping the spirit of gift-giving but still playing the game, so he technically couldn't be reprimanded for being a Grinch. The family decided to punish old grandpa for his mischievous ways. No matter how many times grandpa tried to subtly suggest that he would gladly take that dumb old warplane book off anyone's hands, the family would trade around him. The few times he opened an excellent gift, he was given the warplane book only to have it taken away a few rounds later. Grandpa started to become aware that my entire family was actively and strategically fucking with him. His jolly casual suggestions to get the book into his hands slowly became harsh criticisms of the structure of the game. The spirit of Christmas was still in the air so he never attacked a family member who played by the rules and took the book from him, but he began to point out every flaw in the system.
My family was merciless. As the game wound down, it was obvious they weren't letting grandpa off the hook. The aunts, uncles, and older cousins had all played smart and kept the book out of his hands. The family had also played with heart though, because when the last gift was opened my grandpa had a rather nice candle fixture set sitting in his lap, and my grandma was happily clutching an over-sized volume containing detailed illustrations and descriptions of historical warplanes.


Crazy Southern Aunt

My aunt, Linda Lee Lewis, who lives in Madison Mississippi, has a group of women friends from her church who go on trips together. They drafted a short letter to the Graceland Mansion folks to announce their upcoming trip to The King's estate. This is the letter they got back, with nothing ommited or altered:

Dear Mrs. Lewis:

I wish to welcome you in adance of your upcoming planned visit to Graceland. You and your fellow Episcopals are certainly welcome while you are nearby for your church's rituals, whatever they may be.

It has come to our attention that you and others are planning to wear special costumes to the Mansions and, perhaps, show less that the upmost respect for The King.. This would not be of concern to us were it not for some disturbing news we have recieved from our "friends" in the Jackson area. Yes, to protect the legacy of The King, we must employ certain people to keep us informed. Believe me, it is not much more than what our current president is being accused of. (You certainly make interesting telephone calls.)

Because of your previous involvement with a group referred to as the "Sunnyvale Clique", your behavior at Gatwick Airport in London, and your propensity for participating in bogus luncheon clubs, we must insist that you check with security upon arrival at Graceland.

We regret that this is necessary but this is not a goddamn amusement park. If you want to show your ass, may we suggest Dollywood, Branson, or some other destination more fitting your preferences.

Graceland offers some classy shit.

I do hope this letter reaches you prior to your visit.


Billy Bob Hutchinson
Security Chief

cc: Miss Priscilla

Holy shit... the fact that my aunt has done things that get people writing her these kinds of letters makes me wish we'd spent more time together during my younger years.

Pablo Picasso farted on Salvador Dali

Sometimes I find myself dying in an abstract sense, becoming a constricted human being only travelling in pre-made ruts for wheels made to spin forward as I sit window-sill prone watching huge container ships leave bound for far away ports laden with goods meant to keep cities going. What the fuck are cities, holy shit just look at them they are insane little bubbles where more people than nature intended live in small spaces but carve out lives considered comfortable. They also are shields, far greater than a spade shaped one of metal from days of yore to protect from many things, strength in numbers reigns supreme so a single mind can let itself "go green" and be heated by the sun into a baked good of the highest quality, changed irreparably from its past as singular ingredients into a congealed mass, a body of it's nice to be back brother bear.



Check if yon fort be friend or foe!

Check out the link for the Chamois Army Fort on the links page of this website. This is the blog of our associate Brandon Weil, who has recently been nicknamed "Corporate" for his affiliation and employment by a large corporate entity. Unrelated to mergers and acquisitions, Brandon recently attended the Boulder Cup cyclocross bicycle race fully costumed as William Wallace of Braveheart and, to a lesser degree, history. As far as I can tell he gave the famous "freedom" speech from the film and ran around with a kilt and blue face paint rousing all sorts of rabble and generally making the bike race fun for non-bike-race fans.

Talkin' Movies

We're getting deep into my favorite season of the year for movies: the one where good ones come out (snobbish cough, but for real).

I am going to talk about Into the Wild, Michael Clayton, The Darjeeling Limited and American Gangster so if you are trying to save all knowledge of anything before seeing the movies, don't read the this post and go do something with your life.

So since it's the Oscar-movie season I'm trying to see as many movies as possible since I'm not a huge fan of the summer blockbusters and not into horror, sci-fi or most fantasy. I like the epic, dark, uplifting human sagas that most often tug on Oscar voters' hearstrsings. That being said, here are some thoughts on the four movies I've seen in the last few weeks.

Into the Wild- Holy shit, I think this was the best of the bunch, it totally destroyed me as a person during and for awhile after sitting in the theater and watching it. So much about this movie is really good but the thing that I liked most was the nuance and balance it employed with respect to Christopher McCandless's (Emile Hirsch, he's good) story. I always felt a tug inside me between wanting to root for him and wanting him to get what was coming, agreeing with him and disagreeing, being happy and being sad, being content and being frustrated. This was a true story and I appreciated that the movie contained all of the same vagaries that are present in life. The acting was good on Hirsch's part and the supporting characters were really good throughout and added a lot to the movie. On a personal level I found a lot of connection between what McCandless was thinking and how I feel about some things so the jarring lows he hit knocked me around pretty good on my own level, Sean Penn is kind of a cinematic thug, I'm into it, the wild.

Michael Clayton- I used to think I hated George Clooney but he keeps doing tight shit. From the vapid, but self-aware and very entertaining Ocean's 11 series to Syriana, Good Night and Good Luck and now Michael Clayton, the dude makes good movies and he's a good actor, you can't argue with that. The story is well told in this movie and going into it one of the reasons I didn't think I would like it was that I couldn't see how an ethical law firm thriller would be that good and in the end, it still didn't grab me so much but the acting is superb and there isn't a dull moment throughout with just enough suspense to keep you on your toes but not make you feel dumb.

The Darjeeling Limited- Wes Anderson is the ultimate Whitman College filmmaker, dorky-cool and quirky he always seems intriguing and like someone I'd want to hang out with to seem hip and cool. I haven't seen Bottle Rocket or Rushmore but I have seen The Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and enjoyed both of them. I went into this movie with high, but incorrect hopes. As I watched this movie about three brothers (played really well across the board by Owen Wilson--thanks god he didn't kill himself--, Jason Schwartzman and Adrien Brody) traveling through India on a quest of various levels I kept feeling frustrated. Part of this could have honestly been that I'd run a 5k race earlier in the day and was dehydrated, tired and had a pounding headache which did not put me in the best movie-watching mode. Also I was frustrated because I was finding the movie very self-indulgent in its own quirkiness and I kept wanting SOMETHING TO HAPPEN, I was feeling anxious and things seemed to be dragging on and on. I pretty much felt this way until the end of the movie and throughout the night as I mulled it over. This was definitely one of those movies that stayed in my head for a few days and as that percolation was doing its thing I began to appreciate the movie more and more. The saying "it's the journey not the destination" really comes to mind here, the little bits and pieces, small anecdotes and annoyances that are liberally sprinkled throughout actually create a very real-life picture of the characters and events so in the end I began to appreciate this movie more.

American Gangster- Ridley Scott always makes good movies. So do Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington. There was very little change this would fail and it didn't in my mind. Much like last year's "The Departed" this movie left me feeling like I was in good hands throughout, the characters were good (although strangely a little underdeveloped I thought) and the story moved along well too. The only two complaints I could register would be that some scenes in this were so phenomenal that others seemed rather pedestrian and this movie didn't do anything too spectacular to distinguish it from it's cinematic lineage of The Godfather, Scarface, Departed, etc. Still a damn good movie with great acting.

'tis the season for good movies and this is only the started. Others on my list to try and get to see are:

Margot at the Wedding (same peeps as squid and whale)
Be Kind Rewind (Michel Gondry seems like an odd choice for this, but I'm excited)
Lions for Lambs
Charlie Wilson's War

I'm interested in readers comments on the movie I talked about or other upcoming movies we should keep our eyes out for!


The Art of Dance Music

I get a lot of flak from pretty much everyone I know that doesn't like dance music for liking dance music. If you don't know what dance music is, bang your hand on your desk over and over and repeat a nonsensical phrase, like "cookies are for babies" over and over, and then sometimes pause and say "wow" in a really drawn out and robotic way, and then continue banging and "cookies are for babies" and you know what dance music is. In its simplest form anyway.
The thing about dance music is that it is for people who don't listen to lyrics or melodies. Its for people who are more rhythmically minded. If you're big into "singer-songwriters" and all that horsecrap then you probably don't like dance music at all. If you listen to music and go "wow, that line was really deep" then you probably won't like dance music at all. If you wish you had a soundtrack for punching somebody in the face or scoring with an entire volleyball team, then you will get pumped for dance music. Here is some good dance music to check out. Think of this as a test of bravery, like in ancient cultures, except this time you're testing yourself for something else, something less valuable to our society. I think we all know what that is: a tendency towards the consumption of club drugs.

Paul Van Dyk - This guy was of the first "global DJs" that made dance music a phenomenon outside of European and British clubs. I am assuming he is from Holland, because they have vans and dykes there. He could also be from Lesbos.

DJ Tiesto - Another big global DJ. This guy is famous for his "In Search of Sunrise" series, which comes from his now-famous sessions at clubs in Ibiza, Spain - the dance music capital of the world! It is also probably the drunken Brit capital of the world, which by osmosis means white-legged Speedo capital.

Vitalic - I just discovered this guy. He made the slow-motion dog video. I'm pretty sure we are brothers separated at birth.

Check out this music and find out if you're a man, or a mouse, or a giant dim-wit with incredible strength played by John Malkovich.


What? What what what?

I'm not saying you shouldn't do drugs, you just shouldn't do drugs and watch this video.

Genius Darkness

For those of us with a little hate and more than a little cynicism, there is a nice blogue I have found.

This is really, really funny.

Check out Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I'm on to a few things!

first thing: I regularly consume pie and jam made of boysenberries, I find it quite good. It hit me today while eating a slice of the pie variety that for all I know boysenberries could be feces or shredded human guts because I HAVE NEVER SEEN A REAL BOYSENBERRY! Have any of the monstro blog readers seen one of these fantastical creations growing on a tree or bush or shrub or whatever the hell they come from. I mean I've seen strawberries, raspberries, blackberries in whole form, but never a boysenberry. This shit is crazy, and on a lesser level I think I may have only seen cranberries in the dried variety, never full and whole. A lot of culinary oddity is revealing itself.

second thing: I've heard more than once recently that a dog's mouth is cleaner than my own human mouth. I think this is total and utter bullshit for two main reasons, both based on observing my own dog. First, after yawning the smell of dead, rotting fish does not come forth from my throat. Second and most importantly, I do not eat my ass (flexibility issue). Case goddam closed.


We are Living in Dangerous Times

During one of my usual afternoon internet perusing sessions, done despite gorgeous carbon emitted, climate warmed fall weather that I have been programmed to avoid and stay inside (skin cancer's a bitch huh? best to avoid any sort of living) I freaked out. I was listening to "Nocturne" by Medeski, Martin and Wood and reading this article detailing the sad demise of Delhi's deputy mayor, Surinder Singh Bajwa, at the hand of a marauding band of monkeys. I freaked out because I realized that the world is fucked, we are fucking ending ourselves at the hand of ourselves.

There are wildfires raging beyond belief in southern California. It seems like every year now there is another bigger and more fucked natural disaster. Tsunami, Hurricane, Fire, I am sure an Earthquake will hit soon, I mean they already do, look at Peru, no one even cares or remembers, that was mere months ago. Also, I had a revelation as I watch my parents begin to develop their normal share of middle age health problems that our grandparents generation will live longer than us because despite probably smoking and drinking more and exercising less, their lives were less chemical. They spent more time outside or working with natural products inside. Now we live in cities, in the shadow of factories, refineries, waste plants without second thought, we sit at computers all day, mere feet from all the crap used to make the microchips and screens, we hold cell phones to our temples, right next to our brains for hours a day, this has to affect us, just ask Miss South Carolina, we are fucked. I predict the average lifespan will see its first decrease with our generation and that sucks cuz I plan to live to 100 (okay fine, I got 91, but whatever) and I want some homies to kick it with and now Mr. Bajwa won't be one of them, damn Macaques.


McGyver Style

Finally our soldiers in Iraq are getting the resources they need.

This is somewhat surreal, but I guess it makes sense. Whoever was first exploring a potentially booby-trapped house and got this idea deserves a medal. For McGyver Style.


Science > Magic

My friend Simon (PSyMan) had a saying about the internet. "Sometimes you go looking for weird shit and sometimes you find it."

It's sort of a joke...

You'd think the British would finally get a goddam grip on their dental system so they don't have to be the butt of endless jokes.


Al Gore and the Nobel Peace Prize

A few days ago Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize amid some controversy over whether it is deserved or not. Most of this seems to be petty political griping as the liberal bay area where I live said with 71% that it was deserved on an sfgate.com poll but foxnews viewers said it was unwarranted. What I find more interesting about all of this is that it seems like the PEACE prize has taken a shift in ideology away from traditional "peace" work like anti-war leaders or people encouraging dialogue in areas like Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Iraq, etc. This article makes a good point though that over time the gist of the prize has shifted from a traditional definition of peace to adapt, while still holding true to Nobel's principles, to a broader definition, including environmentalists. I for one, think Gore's selection for this prize is great, it makes me nostalgic for the world that could have been but never was if he had beat Bush in 2000, how all the hope and optimism in the world just dried up and got replaced with fear in these 7 years and how Gore took a classy move and backed away from politics instead of being a distraction after the messy election and devoted himself fully to a new cause and somewhat single-handedly shed universal light on it.

No, No, No!

As tragic as this article is, don't you sometimes wish stuff like this happened in your neighborhood? Like, when you were little, you secretely wanted these adventures to happen so you and your friend could befriend a lost elephant calf and save the day. Jumanji made it scary, but also funny. And it made my name extra memorable.


Fuck You Sunglasses

I like sunglasses. Who doesn't? They shield your eyes from the sun. I am a fan of the sun, but not in the sense that its ultraviolet rays burn holes in my skull. I have a few pairs of sunglasses, but if you have only one pair, you should have a "Fuck You" pair of sunglasses.

What constitutes a pair of Fuck You sunglasses? First and foremost, you shouldn't be able to see your eyes. If they don't reflect others' insecure gazes right back at them, then they simply won't do as Fuck You sunglasses. Secondly, they must have style. I'm not saying they have to be expensive; there are plenty of idiots strolling around with D&G sunglasses that do nothing to improve that person's social dominance. Fuck You sunglasses should make others not want to look you in the face. They should be intimidating. They should make a pitbull whine and scamper away. They should, in the simplest form, say "fuck you" to anyone and everyone that stares at you. If you have the right pair of FYS, even delivering a smile to others will make them wonder what it is you just screwed them out of.


Bizzare Ride indeed

Remember the Pharcyde? Early '90s hip-hop group who've contributed some sick jams and some sad people to popular culture. Check out this interview.

It's pretty damned hilarious/sad.

My favorite quote comes from Imani, describing his new album:

"It’s gonna sound sexy, grown up, new wave, old school, pro-black. That’s it, it’s gonna be me in rhythm form. If that makes sense. That’s who I am. I’m a freak funk nasty hip-hopper from Compton. So it’s gonna be kinda like psychedelic, funky. So everything I said, it’s me. I don’t know what it’s gonna sound like, but if you could put those words to sound, that’s what I’m trying to do."



Sometimes I hear people talking in words without meaning. You know how there are certain frequently used combinations of words, or "phrases", which slip off the tongues easily? Well, these are popular as space-fillers in conversation, but rarely mean what they say.

"I hear what you're saying" = "I don't like what you're saying"
"The fact is" = "My opinion is"
"Let's be honest" = "Let's be superlative"
"It takes all kinds" = "I have nothing to respond to your statement with"
"Whatever you say" = "Fuck you"
"I guess so" = "I give up"


Redneck Comedy Tour

If I were on the Redneck Comedy Tour, I would tell a joke. It would be like:

"You know when you buy insurance for a place? Well, they always list something like 'Act of God' on there for like if there's a earthkwaque or hurricanoe or whatever. Well, with all this damn terrorism goin' on in the world, you think they can insure me against 'Act of Allah'? That's where I need insurance!"

I think this joke would kill.



I've noticed that I usually use CNN and BBC as sources, Drew consistently uses Wired and Jumago is all over the place, I find it interesting, maybe it says something about each of us. Maybe it doesn't. You'd have to consult an authority for any real truth on the matter.


Bike Dorks Rejoice

Fast things are always shaped like a phallus.

This article highlights the recent setting of the new ground speed record for a bicycle: a startling 81 MPH. I can't even imagine what the feeling must be like to be traveling that quickly under your own power. It's probably like the guy who strapped a rocket engine to his car. Beforehand it sounds all fun, and then when you're actually going there is probably a lot of poop in the seat.

I know a good vinyl guy, so don't worry about that part. Follow your dreams and go fast mankind. You can't outrun death, but you can catch up to it in a 300 MPH flaming wreckage.


Sky Nazis

Check this out.


(How do I make a link in my post? The help menu says to click on the add a link botton, but there is no such button. There's spell check, add image, and then no more. Maybe that's the real subject of this post. Blogger is out to make me look like I can't imbed a simple link. Goddamnit. Check it out, in any case.)


The Kettle is Black

This may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but this artistic endeavor is a little over the top for me. It is an art exhibit showing the "sexual lives of robots." I understand conceptually what the artists are doing. I can already see their self-obsessed pitch line formulating in my head. It's something along the lines of:

"I was trying to, you know, create these scenarios that forced people to examine their own sexuality by, like, making them think of the absurdity in my art. Because, like, nobody thinks machines have sex. Machines are just built, right? Well, my art is supposed to, like, make people think like that about real sex. Sex between humans, I mean."

Shut up. Robots do not have sex. This is a concept that wouldn't even sneak its way past a small child. The only way this art exhibit even works is because the robots have human faces. If you had a washer humping a dryer with a strap on, people wouldn't even bat an eye at the "artistic merit" of that shit. They'd start asking you about the features and how these models compared to the Whiprool brand.

Cadence of Life

There is a rhythm to life I recognize all too often. Today I was driving to work and I lazily steered my Hyundai Elantra along a wide left turn. I checked out a familiar Vietnamese food restaurant on the corner and as I drew my eyes back to the road I notice two people leaning on an old blue car, both smoking cigarettes. The woman was wearing an over-sized golden San Francisco 49ers jacket. The man beside her had on a pair of denim overalls and wore a large gray beard. He had some round glasses on his face and a mangled hat on his head with a wide brim. He looked like a gold-rush prospector just relaxing there on the car. I thought that was a pretty cool experience. One of those "I wish I had a camera" type of things.


ok it's safe to blog again now that I've fought off prostate cancer

phew. that was a close one.

Three things have caught my eye recently that are semi-worth telling other life forms about. This automatically excludes news about the growth slowly appearing under my left eye cuz no one likes a party pooper (cancer).

The first thing is that I got a letter from Whitman College today. Naturally, I figured it would be asking for money. This actually doesn't bother me at all as it has become totally normal for schools to ask alums for money and I had a great experience at Whitman and will happily give $25 dollars until I am a self made millionaire and demand that Whitman name a building after me where you have to be naked. The thing that really stuck in my craw was that this letter was from good old George Bridges (how much longer can this turd last?) stating a bunch of great things about Whitman. Instead of asking for the gift with the forms and instructions at the end, it simply said that in a few weeks I'd be getting a letter asking for a gift and to consider doing it. It was a letter to tell me I'd be getting a letter later. Now I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm also for...I don't know, FUCKIN' TREES MAYBE and what a goddam waste, not to mention the postage that could have gone to put another fountain on campus to encourage drunk people not to go the way of Tycho Brahe (or his pet elk for that matter) but instead I get a letter announcing the future arrival of another letter. Jesus, this is not the fucking middle ages, I don't need a goddam messenger to come before the king and announce his impending arrival.

The second thing is this site which made me crack the fuck up. It's pretty much just old style greeting cards but the humor is so up the Judd Apatow/Garrett Stiles/Family Guy alley (yeah I went there) that it is so perfect. Anyways, they are funny and were passed on to me by Ashley Apel, so thank her if you laugh, kill her if you don't like it. I'm JUST THE FUCKING MESSENGER NAMED GEORGE BRIDGES. The king will be here later.

Lastly, Iranian Royal Douchebag Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University today and it was a royal mess front to back. First of all Columbia invited him probably to pat their ivy league ass on the back for being open to free speech. Bullshit, I see at best, limited reason why hatemongers and probable purveyors of violence should get free license to spout their venom. Then, as if to cater to viewpoints like mine, University President Lee Bollinger ripped him a new asshole, which must have been pretty fun, but weird in the context of them inviting him to speak, at least not really in the middle east tradition of hospitality to ones guests. Then Ahmadinejad went down a path I've been noticing lately from terrorists like Bin Laden and other US/capitalist enemies like Hugo Chavez bust out lately. They've gotten WAY smarter with their rhetoric and mix their reactionary hate/terror messages with legitimately good critiques of US culture and society. This scares me because at heart, most of these people are bad people who would hurt people like me and you just to make an ideological point, which I think is bullshit. The thing is they are starting to get as good as America at saying one thing while doing the other. When Ahmadinejad said they didn't want nukes, just peaceful energy I don't care if he means it or not. When you come out and say you want to wipe another sovereign country (Israel in this case) off the map explicitly, and deny the Holocaust, one of the major reasons for its existence, you should not possess nuclear capabilities. Anyways, Bin Laden's recent videos and this appearance made me realize that the anti-American PR is getting sharper, maybe they are hiring Karl Rove now that he is unemployed.

Good luck with your lives in this world of incredibly good Stride Gum.


Think twice

Upon first read and view, this story will shock and horrify most people. Just the blue tarped image is enough to make most proud, health loving (northwest) Americans gag. But let's consider the facts, this man has a rare disorder called Prader-Willi Syndrome which gives the sufferer a nearly constant feeling of being hungry, which then leads to gross obesity. Here's the thing, there is no better feeling for me than quenching a mean hunger so if this dude gets to do it all day then fuck him, lucky bastard. Also, he hasn't left his house since 2003. Now I'm all for getting out and about, but I"m currently working in what has to be one of the nicest offices in all of san francisco, there are huge windows right over downtown looking over the bay, out to Alcatraz Island, most people don't have it that nice in their cubicles, but still, everyday at 5 I can't wait to go home and sit on my ass, once again, dude has it good. The only person to blame here is the nurse, who called authorities because she had become "worried about his health". Now I'm sorry, but I think after the 1st year of not leaving his house she might have come to that claim, why it took this long I'll never know, except if I asked the nurse, which might lead to a published Q&A Monstro Blog exclusive.

This will not be happening.

The only other funny thing that I'm slowly picking up on is that some zit-faced intern or entry level bitch (read: liberal arts grad) sitting at CNN Headquarters in Atlanta has a shit load of fun titling the http:// addresses for CNN's articles, click on a few of 'em and I bet you'll find a funny one, eh big guy?


Living with War

With all this talk about disliking authority going around, I'm reminded of a nice interview with Neil Young from a year ago. He's angry, somewhat inarticulate, and possible drunk.


In All Seriousness.

All of you should watch the video that Aaron posted. All of you. I am nearly speechless. I am so fucking sick of everyone being so worried that a public figure might actually look bad because they can't answer intelligent and aggressive questions. I am sick of canned "town hall" debates where Bush gets to answer questions about his fucking dog. I am sick of "dinner with Obama" web clips that are so obviously edited and tweaked that I wouldn't be surprised if they were overdubbed. I am sick of this type of shit. I am sick of this half-assed form of government that has somehow insured that all the truly capable people have been run from its ranks. Fuck the University of Florida. Fuck the police.

I am not joking.

Excessive Force?

Warning: This is not quite "signs of the apocalypse" but it would win excessive force of the weak, were we to do that, which we might be, right now.

this is also pretty disturbing. tasers are intense.


New Column: Signs of the Apocalypse

The other day I was driving to Boise from Walla Walla with my good friend Gus. It was a hazy day with lots of gray smoke hanging on the horizon. It was also very windy. Just generally dismal. Out of the blue he said "It kind of looks like The Road out there." He was exactly right. Then I thought, "what if the Apocalypse really is here?" This would undoubtedly make a lot of evangelicals really happy, but also confused, because they aren't accustomed to accurate prognostication. Anyway, I decided to start a new column where us Monstro contributors share any and all signs of the coming Apoc.

This is the first of many.

Hip To Be Square

This is so geeky, but I find it absolutely awesome. Suddenly, in real life, not in Asgard or Middle Earth or Biff World, it is cool to be a super teched-out friggin' geek. It's like the Christians must have felt after the Romans would just go around all over the place chasing them out of rat-holes and chopping off their heads and then suddenly Constantine decided to make it the state religion and you had all the Christians standing around in burlap sacks and the praetorians were all embarrassed because they had just killed a bunch of them but the royal messenger showed up with the eagle crest of the emperor and told them to chill on the killing.

Huey Lewis used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid. I don't know why. I think it's because my cousin Mike watched the music video for "Hip To Be Square" right before putting on a VHS of Aliens, which made me hide behind the couch and scream into a pillow.


Massive Economic Downturns

I'm watching CNN this morning, because I have problems, and in business news the really hot reporter who can barely read cue cards noted that "trading is down today" and then noted that is was probably because "the jewish holiday of rosh hashanah is in effect and the monthlong Muslim fast of Ramadan."

Then a commercial for Alzheimer's meds came on that showed an old man putting his watch on while his family clapped. http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

God help me.

edit: I am really bored today, found this and will give a clean crisp Washington ($1) to the first monstro blog reader who can photograph themselves making, eating, digesting this dish and NOT dying.


Country & Varmints: Correlation or Consequence?

Last night I was driving home with my girlfriend, listening to some music in the car. I'm trying to get into Country Music, which is a little tricky. As usual I've turned to the late '60s/early '70s for help. After joining the Byrds in 1968, Graham Parsons took the folk rockers in a wholly Country direction with "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" which is probably the most sincerly country recording I can honestly say I enjoy. You can hear the echos of psychedelia in the cuts, and you can hear what groups like My Morning Jacket and Magnolia Electric Company are digging on.

There we were, driving home in the dark, listening to Country Music, when a rather unmotivated Possum began a Street-Crossing manuever. Erin, as is her way when a borderline-cute animal is being threatened, covered her face with her hands and executed a brief squeal. Masterful break-work on my part spared the Possum's lazy life and we went on his way. For reference, this Possum was as large as Clark's pet corgi Annabelle.

We turned the corner into my neighborhood and Erin cried "What's that?" pointing to the side of the road. A Racoon was furtively darting from car to car. This Racoon, for reference purposes, was larger than Annabelle. We're not used to seeing nocturnal beasts, so I commented "Damn, the varmints are out tonight," to which Erin replied "It must be the Country Music."


What? Where did that come from?

With an inquisitive mind blessed with the ability of contemplation, I often find myself delving rather deeply into thought about subjects that are best left in the closet. Tonight I was thinking about celebrity. More importantly, minor celebrity. For example, I know Nicole Ritchie mainly because she is Lionel Ritchie's daughter. Lionel Ritchie is the guy who sang "Say You, Say Me." I know not to what extent she exists in the public eye due to her own merits. Nicole Ritchie, in terms of my cultural context, is pretty damn marginal. But I still know her name. If a lot of people know your name, you have to possess some sort of cultural value, don't you?
Nicole Ritchie is not as deep as my thoughts on marginal celebrity went. At some point in my media-saturated existence I had heard that Nicole Ritchie married some jackass DJ out in Los Angeles. I don't know his name. I know him simply as the guy who is or was married to the daughter of Lionel Ritchie, the guy who sang "All Night Long." You see how lonely and cold it can get at the fringes of celebrity? Like a lone cowboy wandering into the graveyard of an abandoned churchyard and staring at the weather-worn headstones bearing no longer even a memory of a name.

Stop Skull Fucking

Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007

To Live and Die in Dungeons and Dragons

This discussion board posting proves why people who are in their 30's and still playing Dungeons & Dragons seem to lose grasp of reality ever so slightly. I played it when I was 13, so that is somewhat excusable.


Reno 911 Dungeons and Dragons


Stop loitering, o dissafected youth!

As Mr. Jumago brought to my attention some time ago, I have blogged incessantly about loitering goth youths outside of a notable coffee shop in Walla Walla called Coffee Perk. These kids stand around and drink alcohol conspicuously out of Nalgene bottles filled with orange juice while scaring away old people. These kids pretty much don't have anything better to do since their isn't any form of entertainment for their ilk in such a small town. No video arcades, no skateparks, no fishing ponds.
I went to Seattle this weekend and attended the Bumbershoot music festival and it was chock full of young kids with nothing better to do, and they were mostly doing what they do in Walla Walla. But some genius figured out how to get them to pay $35 a day to do it. So what Walla Walla really needs is some music festivals so that the weird teenagers can don ponchos and trip out in the grass all day.



So I'm back from Burning Man, I"ll post more about it tomorrow or the next day after I use jumper cables on my brain, but for now, dating back to last week, Drew and I had this conversation the other day and I was wondering if any of the thousands of monstro blog readers had anything to weigh in on this, one of the most confusing questions of our era: why does anyone like Wilco?

me: so i developed a question the other night to ask you

Drew: go

me: so i saw wilco the other night and the show was fucking awesome they played for like just under 2 hours without stopping i knew some of the songs, hadn't heard others but i was realizing that while listening i had no idea what they were singing about, ever, and coulodn't figure out why i liked them so the question is why the hell does anyone like wilco? what about them is appealing?

Drew: they are like rock scientists in my opinion its like you can't tell why a painting is good, but you can tell the artist is really talented, eh? i think people recognize that Wilco is a really talented band

me: yeah i feel that

Drew: cuz i dont know what they sing about either
though on earlier albums, its not so weird


Burning Man Burns Early

Some brave soul with a Mexican wrestling mask painted on his face got into the mix by lighting the big wooden effigy on fire five days early. Awesome.


Cheers Batman!

In honor of Batman being voted the best superhero of all time, I've compiled a list of amazing things he's done:

1) Batman, without any meta-human abilities or powers, has kicked Superman's ass. By building a mechsuit and hardwiring himself into Gotham City's powergrid. Then he discharges the whole city into Superman's head!

2) Batman knew that one time when Robin II came back from the dead, it was actually Clayface impersonating him. He knew because Robin II never fought that way when he was alive!

3) Batman has got a gigantic penny in his Batcave. The penny is bigger than the door, yet somehow he got it in there!

4) Batman married Ra's al-Ghul's daughter just so he could work through Ra's to destroy a terrorist army in the middle east. And get hell of ass!

5) Batman has had his back broken, but put himself back together so he could stop Bane and Jean-Paul Valley (aka Azrael) who was rampaging through Gotham as a vigilante mechanized-Batman in his stead. That took some badass motivation!

Feel free to contribute any other amazing things Batman has done.


The Golden Compass

Has anyone out there read The Golden Compass? This fantasy/science epic is being made into a film, and after reading all the rave Amazon.com reviews, I am somewhat intrigued. It sounds like this UK author was overlooked during the whole Harry Potter craze. He is being praised (and sometimes condemned) for the dark turns in his books, and how they are more suited for teens and adults rather than children. It sounds like everything I wanted Harry Potter to be. I'm gonna go read this.

Things I Hate: Facebook Apps

I think for the most part Facebook apps are pretty quirky little time-wasters that allow personalization and interaction that has the potential to turn Facebook into an even bigger time waster. Unfortunately, some people have gone absolutely nucking futs creating these apps, and something needs to be done. Somebody needs to publish an article about the lamest and most useless Facebook Apps. Who? Me? Okay, I'll do it.

Free Gifts

Give your friends the gift of...a cartoon picture. This is the type of thing I would expect out of Japanese schoolgirls, but for whatever reason some people lose it and can't refrain from gifting a cluster of grapes or a shoelace to everyone that they know. This is the interpretation of the phrase "it is the thought that counts" taken to the extreme by someone who lacks the ability to interpret English phrases. As far as I know, "it is the thought that counts" only applies if you actually give someone shit. I have never heard anyone say "I was going to get you a real skateboard, but instead here is a picture of a skateboard. It is the thought that counts." Delete the gifts application. It should be dead.

Pirates vs. Ninjas
The whole pirate vs. ninja thing that was started by Real Ultimate Power at least half a decade ago has been sapped of its humor and turned into a nerdy game of grab-ass by some illustration student who has an obsession with manga. The first app of this kind (as far as I know) was Zombies and is somewhat bearable because of the lack of manga, and at least it was an original concept. Plus if you want to get historical, pirates and ninjas were both pretty weak. Now if you wanted to start a Mongols vs. Romans, I would freakin' join.

Sex and the City Quotes

Umm...what the shit? I hope our culture is crushed under the churning wheels of time if for no other reason than I will be saved the embarrassment of having my civilization tied in any way to this goddamn show.

Fortune Cookie

There is a subtle darkness to the Fortune Cookie app. that I only recently became aware of. The cookie lists your fortune, for you, the user who puts it on your profile. It's not giving a fortune to someone who reads it. So basically this app. is for people who constantly check their own profile. Which, as far as I know, doesn't update unless you update it yourself so...what the hell are you looking at? Do you think that some magic internet gnomes are going to edit your Music interests and all of a sudden you'll realize how much you like George Michael? I guess Facebook kinda promotes that type of self-aware persona monitoring, but still, it's troublesome to have it thrown in my face by that goddamn Fortune Cookie.

PS -- I love George Michael.


Who in the crap voted for Superman? I included Superman out of more irony than Jesus or Teen Wolf.

Green Your Tailgating

Football Season Is at Hand: Green Your Tailgating (TreeHugger)

TreeHugger.com has published a well intentioned article on how to make your college football tailgates as green as possible. While the concept is badass, they missed some pretty important points that the local Boise crew will NOT be missing when BSU plays Weber State in the season opener.

First and foremost, we won't be driving to the game, we'll be biking. We'll also be towing a baby cart full of beer and hopefully a grill. The TreeHugger.com article suggests veggie brats, which is just re-goddamn-diculous, but if you run a website by that name I guess you have to be all or nothing. Secondly, and most importantly, we will be supporting a team that uses turf and not natural grass. Grass takes up a shitload of water and is costly to maintain. Boise State is famous for their blue turf...but nobody really bothers to stop and think how green it is. Super pun of the day! High five for me.


hmmm....Burning Man

So in a few hours I'm going to Burning Man, a festival/gathering/I don't really know how to describe it thing in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada where it appears not a lot goes down except for one week a year when 40,000 or so people gather on "the playa" to participate in self-expression, self-reliance and "art"

To be quite honest, I'm terrified. I think it's more likely for me to die at this event than over the course of my travels through Southeast Asia and Israel this past year. 40,000 naked, drugged out people creating what temporarily becomes Nevada's 4th largest city sounds awesome because I'll feel right at home, but then I realized that for me, feeling at home, or rather, feeling safe, means usually surrounding myself with people that are NOTHING like me, for the sake of safety and sanity. Anyways, I still think it will be a really interesting event just in the social experiment nature of it. You are expected to be totally self-reliant, you have to bring shelter, food, water for the whole week, nothing but ice and coffee is sold at the event and you are not supposed to bring money as it is a not a monetary-based economy, but rather a gift-based one, where you bring things to "gift"(I'm realizing I use quotes a lot, probably too much, in this case it is to imply that the word gift is not usually a verb, so I gottzta make it all special-like) to other people and in return you assume things will be gifted to you. Since I am well steeped in the heart of darkness I assume that no one will give me shit especially because I currently haven't shaved in close to 6 weeks and look like the kind of person you try to kick off your lawn when you realize they aren't just there to back their invisible car up and turn around. On the other hand, this might make me incredibly successful at acquiring things. Nonetheless, despite the Joseph Conrad tugging at me, Neil Young also plays a part and so I will hedge my bets by also partaking in the heart of gold approach and bringing random gifts, cuz nothing says fuck me in 123 degree heat like a free tube of chapstick from me, to you.

I go in with no expectations which is probably good but I was doing some pre-event reading in order to brush up on anything I needed to know and I came across this really interesting blog post about the event. Reading it, it struck me that like most cultural phenomena, hippie-dom, woodstock, beat generation, web 2.0, that by the time I've heard of anything it is no longer cool, hip, or in its pure, original unadulterated form. This guy talks to people that feel burning man, supposedly the epitome of non-consumer lifestyles was becoming just that, a corporate event...blah blah blah, I just think it'll be interesting to see what it feels like and talk to first timers and old timers. On a related note, my 91 year old grandma told me she was at the first burning man, like 20 years ago, which is hilarious.

Alright, I'll report back about the event when I return, maybe share some pictures, maybe show the 3 readers of Monstro blog what a totally liquidated brain is capable of and if you have skimmed this whole post and yearn for something better, by all means if you do one thing, watch this.

God Bless America.

These Speakers Go to 11

It has been a long-running joke ever since This is Spinal Tap became a staple of every college DVD collection that a speaker going to 11 is the epitome of audio prowess. Logitech has apparently released a set of speakers, the Z-5500s (big number, big sound!), that actually go to 11.

When I clicked on the article I was greeted by a sleek silver interface that would normally have driven my tech-geek mind crazy, but I have been utterly evangelized in the audio realm. Anything with silver knobs and plastic housings makes me reel in terror. I'm sure if you're used to desktop speakers the size of a deck of cards the Z-5500s do produce a "deep, rich and detailed sound." If you've ever heard a set of Blumenstein Ultra-Fi speakers then one look at the Z-5500s will induce you to utter that sound you make when you see a baby duck or a small child topple over and fall in the grass. Awwwww, that's cute. If that small child grew up to be a 6'6" Muay Thai kickboxer and started to beat you within an inch of your life, then you would have Blumenstein Ultra Fi. Check him out.


Damn it!

An article about the apparent cause of the Minneapolis bridge collapse. This is really troubling.

News Bitz! Bitz o' news? bit my lip, waaah

Serena Williams Smackdown!

When asked by reporters about her fitness, or lack thereof, before the upcoming U.S. Open tennis tournament, Serena Williams went off!

"I'm definitely in better shape than I get credit for," she says. "It's just because I have large bosoms and a big ass. I think if I were to not eat for two years, I still wouldn't be a size two, because I'm all woman, baby. I have hips, curves, butt and boobs, and that's just the way I'm built. I'm bootylicious."

"Hitting the Century"

this dude is a man on a mission, maybe fueled by his lack of one functioning limb, that is a motivator, people, he's got nothing to lose!

Bill Murray rolling harder than ever!

By the end of the year Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan all will have served less than a cumulative week in jail for various drug and dui offenses that would put normal people away for much longer.

check out the sub-head about halfway down in this bad boy of an article that legitimates nihilism and depression on a grand scale.

and finally, big ups to the apes featured here for behaving in a way that has lent itself to creating an article that at many points along the way, I had to remind myself that well-respected journalists researched and wrote this.

and there it is.


Asthma Chic: Silver Inhaler Case Makes Asthma Stylish - Gizmodo

Asthma Chic

This proves that being a geek is increasingly mainstream. Next stop? Star Wars boxing gloves.

Yoda is not a Superhero

Yoda is a fucking puppet

Temporary New Look

Blogger just updated how it manages templates for blogs. This basically means that I have to learn a whole new system for using it in order get a custom look. Bear with the blue on blue on blue for a while. It might take a week or so, but eventually I'll have customized this to look more like "us."

For now, delve into the blue.

Save Face on Facebook

Save Face on Facebook: Facebook Etiquette

Some of you out there could really, really, really use this Wired article.

Gotta love the military

Jon Stewart, host of the ridiculously good "The Daily Show" had a guest on the other night, Lt. Colonel John Nagl, who among other military endeavors wrote a book called the "counterinsurgency field manual" and he was summing up to Stewart the gist of the strategy and he literally said, "be polite, be professional, be prepared to kill."

That's like peace corps plus!


Extinction is profoundly depressing

It's like death (usually the most profound of depressing things) but even worse.

RIP fair dolphin

I just hope it doesn't happen to the Irrawady Dolphin, I didn't get a chance to see these endangered water beasts while in SE Asia. To see one became sort of a side quest that never got fulfilled.

Shit, I don't know where I'm going with this, extinction is some fucked up shit, but are the Condor's really meant to still be here? Am I? My family are neanderthals, crazy world.


Where Science Ends, God begins

Despite the use of the word "God" in the post title which is sure to unnerve a mostly secular, educated crowd, I don't think I'm going to say anything that is really that controversial, new, or even interesting. I'm currently watching an awesome mini-series on CNN called "God's Warriors" about religious intolerance, much like our much maligned required summer reading in 2002, "The Battle for God".

Many people, different kinds of people, believe in God, in some form of another. Much to the chagrin of a devout Rushdie-ist like Drew, I would count myself among them. I've actually been thinking a lot about my religion and my religious views since Drew and Gus commented to me on a beach near Hoi An, Vietnam that I wasn't "that Jewish". Presumably this comes from the fact that I don't wear a kippah on my head or go to synogauge once a week like church. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area really skewed my perception of the world, in a lot of ways actually, but religion specifically. I grew up thinking probably 30-50% of the world was jewish when in reality that number is less than one percent, most of my friends were jewish, many in my schools were and most of the people who made me laugh on TV or movies were Jewish, it makes sense. Coming to a school like Whitman, liberal and somewhat filled with jews, but in a conservative, rural, and more accurately religious part of the country was a really interesting experience for me. For the first time in my life I met people who had never met a real live Jew before, they didn't harbor hatred or anything close to that, just ignorance, meaning not knowing facts or information. It forced me to actually assume the role of representing my whole religion to people, for example, out of the 10 in the monstro, I was the only Jew, and I wasn't really that comfortable doing it all the time, like any good Jew I was more full of questions than answers about my faith and truly hadn't thought out why I did some of the religious things I did or how I felt about certain things. It really forced me to look within for answers and led to a lot of personal spiritual growth, and for that I will always be grateful.

I think what a lot of people don't understand is that for many "secular" Jews in America, the religion is more of a cultural entity than a "religion" as a typical christian would see it. You hang out with Jewish friends, eat Jewish food, follow Israel in the news with a mix of opinions, and occasionally go to temple and say prayers that you can read in Hebrew, the same language my ancestors spoke 2,000+ years ago, but don't really understand unless you dig deeper on your own. I, like most people of my upbringing, politically, economically, etc, never gave a whole lot of thought to whether I believed in God, if God existed, etc.

The more I get pressed on my views, politics, Israel, religion, the more I have to form opinions. I've always been torn about being raised Jewish and not having choice in the matter from my parents who could have laid out 10 different religions and let me choose. As I've gotten older I've sort of accepted the Judaism and enjoyed all the dimensions within it. I had the fortune to go to a Jewish summer camp for 7 summers and now to have worked there for 6 summers. The camp is set in a very picturesque setting so the outdoors shaped a great deal of my "religion" which is in quotes because an orthodox jew would not share them.

I fully admit I do not understand science as well as many of my friends but I am by no means totally ignorant. I understand (and believe in) evolution theories, love most things about physics and can tell you an above average amount about the ecology of birds. However, I cannot tell you why a sunset over a high alpine lake is pretty, or why a group of 20 people sitting around a campfire will stare totally transfixed into the leaping, playing flames. I can't describe why everyone gets happier around water or waterfalls or why people go to "retreats" for one reason or another in nature. I did realize that among the Hasidic jews (the weird ones with the black suits and hats and beards and ear locks) one of their most important teachers was deeply connected to nature and the wonder of it. I love learning scientifically about how the world was created, the big bang, the slow cooling, the shifting of continents and all that, but what I don't think can ever be explained to me is why it is all so moving and so beautiful. Another reason I think it's important for me to believe in a higher power is that I am at the shit end of the stick for having humility. As a white, American, well-off, male, being humble is not something that the world has shown me comes naturally. Realizing that there are things greater than yourself can shape your actions and behavior in a beneficial way I think. I don't think believing in God requires you to believe in an old bearded man or suddenly bitch out on living life because you think shit will be pre-destined, I think a less present God, one who rarely intervenes, but just exists to inspire and guide, not to rain down hell fire or judge or even help, is more in tune with how I feel.

I could explain much much more on the other aspects of being jewish that are interesting to me, the whole kabbalistic mystic side, the myriad of questions the belligerent old testament raises for me, the whole history of the jews, and so on and so forth but right now, I could say I am culturally Jewish by eating bagels and lox, loving Mel Brooks and Jerry Seinfeld and I am spiritually religious by the things in nature or the uncommon human interaction that go beyond explanation and simply take my breath away.

I'm back and I'll kill you.

I have decided that I like blogging, so I am back. Dive in.

The other night I had what many would call a metaphysical crisis. I was laying in bed listening to music on my iPod when I was faced with the sudden brutal realization that the infinite nature of the universe requires so much energy (or mass, thanks Einstein) in order to influence change that no matter what I do with my life it pretty much doesn't mean shit. Some lump of Silicon floating around in the Buttcrack Nebula can crash into some other interstellar mass and create more of a universal change than me burning every book on the planet. This was troubling, and I started to chew on my pillow.
Then the romantic inside me that I try so desperately to murder by reading my fill of Franz Kafka and Cormac McCarthy chimed in his two cents. I started to think that maybe I didn't need to move planets, but that I could find monumental meaning in the little things, like kissing and petting cats. As if the universe itself was striking down my feeble human emotion, my cat started to go apeshit crazy in the hallway, jumping into the walls and tearing at the carpet. In terror I climbed from my bed and downed nearly an entire bottle of water. Or what I thought was water.

Don't pee in a Gatorade bottle near your bed, no matter how badly you want to go back to sleep.