
Green Your Tailgating

Football Season Is at Hand: Green Your Tailgating (TreeHugger)

TreeHugger.com has published a well intentioned article on how to make your college football tailgates as green as possible. While the concept is badass, they missed some pretty important points that the local Boise crew will NOT be missing when BSU plays Weber State in the season opener.

First and foremost, we won't be driving to the game, we'll be biking. We'll also be towing a baby cart full of beer and hopefully a grill. The TreeHugger.com article suggests veggie brats, which is just re-goddamn-diculous, but if you run a website by that name I guess you have to be all or nothing. Secondly, and most importantly, we will be supporting a team that uses turf and not natural grass. Grass takes up a shitload of water and is costly to maintain. Boise State is famous for their blue turf...but nobody really bothers to stop and think how green it is. Super pun of the day! High five for me.

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