
Literal poetry and other observations

When it's rainy out things get wet.
This wetness affects certain things, like paper, worse than others, umbrellas.
If you are walking into the rain it makes it harder to see, you have to squint
and the raincoat is only midly effective, at best.
But then the heavens say, don't take such things so lightly
and a very serious lightning bolt comes to life
coldy scientific, searching for a conductor,
no Yitzchak Perlman here, just the watery nature
of a man's body or a cold steel pole.

Then, a rainbow, to encourage drug use.

So clearly I was w(o)andering around and I made a mental list of things that blow my fucking mind. The criteria for this was greatly aided (as mentioned in prior long blog posts) by my lack of extensive scientific knowledge and was based around the simple principle that if I couldn't understand something and it was useful, it blew my fucking mind.

Oceans (waves)
Rainbows (mainly double or triple ones)
desert mirages
traffic flow
muscle recovery/pain

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