first thing: I regularly consume pie and jam made of boysenberries, I find it quite good. It hit me today while eating a slice of the pie variety that for all I know boysenberries could be feces or shredded human guts because I HAVE NEVER SEEN A REAL BOYSENBERRY! Have any of the monstro blog readers seen one of these fantastical creations growing on a tree or bush or shrub or whatever the hell they come from. I mean I've seen strawberries, raspberries, blackberries in whole form, but never a boysenberry. This shit is crazy, and on a lesser level I think I may have only seen cranberries in the dried variety, never full and whole. A lot of culinary oddity is revealing itself.
second thing: I've heard more than once recently that a dog's mouth is cleaner than my own human mouth. I think this is total and utter bullshit for two main reasons, both based on observing my own dog. First, after yawning the smell of dead, rotting fish does not come forth from my throat. Second and most importantly, I do not eat my ass (flexibility issue). Case goddam closed.
ReplyDeletewho the hell is this andrew? Is he blind? Those are blackberries goddamit, goddamit.