
Teddy Roosevelt, the last American President who was a true badass, turns 150

Since TR turned 150 this year, I thought it only prudent before the annum was out to commemorate his pure, unadulterated, badass-ness on the Monstro blog. While the Monstro is currently the most badass thing in America, it is not as badass as TR was, not by a long shot. Therefore it is only fitting that the Monstro blog pay tribute to its predecessor-in-awesome.

TR was a badass in every regard from a young age. After spending his childhood pummeling bullies, he threw his metaphorical haymaker at his studies and went to Harvard, where he won the Harvard boxing championship his senior year by bloodying nerds until they cried uncle. His doctor warned him that he had a heart condition and should stop fighting and pursue a more sedentary lifestyle. TR responded by heading for North Dakota to ride, rope, and hunt every beast in God's creation. Badass. See picture at left.

After a few years roaming the plains (and keep in mind, this is during the 1880s when the West was very Wild) he headed back East to pursue politics and public life. Not by kissing babies mind you, but by killing motherfuckers who got in the way of the Red White and Blue. TR founded his own cavalry brigade (the famous Rough Riders - what a badass name) and recruited every badass friend of his to fight in it. He declared himself a Colonel in command of the regiment and headed off for Cuba to fight the Spaniards in the Spanish America war. This is the equivalent of me rounding up all my guns, calling up the Monstro bros and saying "I'm heading for Iraq pseudo-independently of the U.S. military to kill some non-American motherfuckers; and by the way, I'm your leader. Who's with me?!" And was he all talk? NO. He led a freakin' charge and took San Juan Hill as the only surviving officer, earning him the Medal of Honor (still the only President to get it - not even Washington, Grant, Taylor, or Ike got the MoH). BAD.....ASS!!!

Upon returning to the States he became President William McKinley's VP at the relatively young age of 42. When McKinley pussied out and died from something as trivial as a pistol bullet, TR became President and rocked that office hard for the next 8 years. He did cool shit all the time like saying badass things ("Walk softly and carry a big stick") and hiking around with John Muir while establishing the National Park and National Forest systems and the Forest Service to keep vast parts of wild America badass for future generations (who sadly would rather just sit at home and watch TV anyway - pussies). He negotiated a peaceful ending to the Russo-Japanese war by threatening to personally slap the leaders of each country like the bitches they were (it is a little known fact that TR is the source of the famous rap lyric "if you act like a bitch / you get slapped like a bitch") and won the freakin' Nobel Peace Prize for doing so - the first American President to get it. He took burgeoning American Imperialism to new heights with war in the Philippines and the ordered the commissioning of The Great White Fleet, a massive squadron of new, state-of-the-art battleships meant to scare the piss out of any country who might think of crossing TR's United States. He had many presidential firsts, all of which were pretty badass: he was the first president to ride in a car (and also consequently the first one to race from a stoplight and flip off a cop - right to the cop's face), the first one to travel outside the US, the first one to be submerged in a submarine, and - I kid you not - the first one to study JUDO and JUJITSU. He went skinny dipping in the Potomac river in the winter. He was the most voracious reader since Jefferson and read several books a day, sometimes in different languages. He also started work on the Panama Canal; see picture below. BTW, that is an actual picture, not an illustration: TR literally grew to 600ft tall and shoveled a trench between the continents. He then returned to normal size and went back to being the most badass president ever.

After he left the White House in 1909 because he'd already done all the badass things a president at the time could do, he did what any badass would do: go on safari to Africa and kill a shitload of large, often dangerous animals to donate their stuffed carcasses to the Smithsonian museum. In all he personally killed over 11,000 "specimens," over 500 of them big game animals like elephants, hippos, and the uber-endangered Northern White Rhino (the last male Northern White Rhino in existence is here at the San Diego Zoo, BTW). It took the Smithsonian YEARS just to mount all the beasts. See the picture below with TR standing over a lifeless elephant he just killed with what looks like an elephant gun? Look closer - it's not an elephant gun at all, it's a fucking club. That's what he was talking about when he said to carry a big stick - he actually meant you might need to dispatch an elephant at any moment and a club was the most badass method of doing so. What else would you expect from a badass motherfucker like TR?

In perhaps his most incredible feat of badass-ness, TR holds the title of most badass 'staring death in the face' example of any president, period. In 1912 after he founded his own political party so he could be president again (the Bull Moose Party, so named because TR declared he was as strong as a bull moose) he went around the country campaigning and at a stop in Wisconsin an assassin approached him and shot him once in the chest at point-blank range. TR literally punched the man in the face, took his gun from him, and pistol whipped him to the ground before the Secret Service could even get there. The bullet went through a glasses case in his shirt pocket and a 50 page copy of his speech for the campaign stop, slowing it down and allowing it to ONLY penetrate three inches into his chest muscle. As an experienced badass hunter and anatomist, TR correctly concluded that since he wasn't coughing blood the bullet had not completely penetrated to his lung, and thus declined to go to the hospital immediately. Instead, he delivered his scheduled speech with blood seeping into his shirt. He spoke for 90 MINUTES WITH A FRICKIN' BULLET IN HIS CHEST. He opened the speech in front of the crowd with one of the most badass lines of his entire lire (and that's saying something): "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you're fully aware that I have just been shot. But fear not, it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." HOLY BADASS MOTHERFUCKING SHIT. How will a president ever top that? Answer: they won't. Ever. But points to Reagan for trying...

TR lost the election but continued to be a badass till his death a few years later. When WWI broke out he offered to raise and command a volunteer regiment like the Rough Riders again (in his 50s, no less), but Woodrow Wilson was a pussy-ass liberal and wouldn't allow it. A few years later TR went on an expedition to find the then-undiscovered source of a ~650 mile long previously un-navigated river in the Amazon rain forest, which he promptly renamed Rio Roosevelt (just like another historical badass, the Roman Emperor Constantine, conquered the city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople).

TR also became the impetus for the successful children's toy, the Teddy Bear, because of a famous incident when he refused to kill a trapped bear because it couldn't fight back. Often omitted from this story (because of its traumatizing effect on kids no doubt) is how it ended: TR tied one arm behind his back, released the bear from the trap, and then strangled it with one hand.

When Roosevelt died in 1919, a full 40 years after his boxing doctor told him to take it easy, he went peacefully in his sleep, because that was the only way Death could sneak up on him. In fact, after hearing the news Woodrow Wilson's Vice President Thomas R. Marshall remarked: "Death had to take Roosevelt sleeping, for if he had been awake, there would have been a fight."

So Happy 150th Birthday Teddy, you badass.


A Deep and Pure Sadness

Came across this dark gem from a hidden corner of the internet

Get your own religious traditions on the 25th of December you christians!@

So myself and many other Jews have developed an informal tradition of going to the first movie on Christmas Day and then getting some chinese food while all the good little Americans come down to hot drinks, stuffed stockings and precious family time.

Well upon going to the movies this Christmas it appears everyone has sold out and like whites on hip hop the american christians have co-opted the Jewish movie and chinese food as both these venues were packed on the 25th. Can't the Jews just be left alone to enjoy themselves just this once?


the holiday spirit

nothing puts me in the mood to hate christian-pagan holiday season like some dark news. This is really highlighted by the lead: "Beset by economic worries and loneliness, elderly Japanese are turning to petty crime." Goddam if that doesn't warm the stockings. Also nothing quite like that January-December romance. When I'm old and lonely and broke there's no investment I'm gonna want as much as an 8 year old girl! And if coal in your stockings isn't enough, how about a whole house full!

Happy Chanukah you sad Monstro Blog reading degenerate motherfuckers.


Not Giving Up on Cynicism Yet

Stones I thought we agreed NOT to turn over.

Politics as usual? I think so. I've never liked Mrs. Clinton, but here it is: politics to the highest bidder. Noted: this is the appropriate way of doing it. Mr Blogojevich, please observe.

A betrayal we ignored was in the making.

He said he was against gay marriage. That didn't stop people from believing it was just for show. Turns out, Obama's distaste may be a bit stronger--or, he's pandering. Bring the left and right together. Heal the country on the backs of gays.

edit: I've cooled down a little bit since I first wrote this, but check out some of the silly justification Warren is using:

Toward the end of his speech on Saturday, Warren also talked about singer Melissa Etheridge, who performed earlier in the evening. Warren said the two had a "wonderful conversation" and that he is a huge fan who has all her albums.

The ole switcharoo: I like music made by gays, but not gay rights . This is also kind of insidious because it assumes Etheridge's presence at the speech is an endorsement because she's gay--when it's just as likely she could be there to pick up a check, I dunno, because she's a fucking musician! That she is forwarding gay rights instead of her career or income is a stupid assumption. She very well could be endorsing him, but that fact is not an a priori defense to his opinion that gay marriage leads to polygamy and pedophilia.

"I have many gay friends. I've eaten dinner in gay homes. No church has probably done more for people with AIDS than Saddleback Church," he said.

Umm..."I have lots of black friends, so I'm not a racist?" Uniquely qualified I guess to talk about gay marriage--he's consulted. And that second sentence will probably go over most people's heads, but there was a time when they thought AIDS was the "gay's disease." Apparently the link is still very clear in his mind. Fuck this guy.

Baxter out.

fuck you spammers!

this is a hilarious article about a dude reversing shit on the Nigerian email scammers.

I would say more, but I don't wanna bump Garrett's post too far down and also I feel brain dead, tgif.

The White Trash Brigade Marches On

Sarah Palin was a huge step forward for that large America demographic commonly referred to as "White Trash" (also less known by their Latin name Alba Purgeta). Here was a beauty queen who didn't graduate college until her fifth try and then married a dumb hick bro.

So far so good - but it gets better.

She then never had a thought beyond simple conservative ideology, popped out 5 kids and named them some wierd shit right out of model names from the Lands' End catalog, and brought highschool popularity contest tactics to local politics. And not just in any town, but in the meth capitol of the state.

Getting warmer.

Next she really went for it and claimed the holy grail of overachieving hick-dom: she cynically and knowingly put her own ambitions ahead of her abilities (what is it with people of faith and this "I know I can do anything because I believe in God's goodness!" mentality?) and convinced herself that she was ready to be the leader of the free world when she accepted McCain's exploitative invitation to the national ticket. She didn't mind embarassing her teenage daughter on a national scale about her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, not one bit. Afterall, how can you claim the Throne of Trailer Trash without a teenage daughter who's pregnant with the town thug's baby?


There were other fun white-trashy things along the way (spending hundreds of thousands on her clothes and makeup and decking her kids out in expensive duds on the campaign's dime because "We finally have money now!" was my personal favorite), but a new development today takes the cake: Sherry Johnston, mother of the 18 year-old thug that knocked Bristol up, has been arrested on six felony drug counts for running a meth lab.

Just when you think they're down for the count, the White Trash Brigage known as the Palin Clan marches on...


Big Aspirations

Garrett inspired me to start a new thread-theme of "Making the stakes high and shit meaning shit".

We'll start with this news article from the BBC about the shooting of Perence Shiri in Zimbabwe by opposition forces. Shiri is the head of the country's air force.

WAIT A FUCKING SECOND, Zimbabwe has an air force!?!?!?!

The Best Name Change of the Year

Maybe I'll sue him for copyright infringement. Oh well, the name's better with an "i" anyway.


Bush has good reflexes

haha, check this out

what he attempts to draw from this afterward in his remarks is borderline retarded, I'm glad this fucktard is gone soon, Obama probably has pretty good reflexes too.



This is the time of year when I sit around my house with all the lights off staring out at the falling snow and listening to Philip Glass' Metamorphosis album. Snow and music have an odd combination in my brain. If snow is falling at a steady clip, it kind of shrinks the world down to a smaller size. I often think when I'm staring into a snowstorm what my life, my thoughts, etc. would be like if my entire existence was contained within my field of vision. Like living in a snow globe I guess. Anyway, the Philip Glass has an odd effect on your brain too. Just like the snow, it really prevents you from thinking about anything else. Combine falling snow with Philip Glass and you get a bit of what nature really fucking is. Deep down in the shit, like ants crawling all over a dead carcass. The harmony of it.

I got this fun trick from Bike Snob NYC.

Open this Youtube window and turn the volume of the clip all the way down. (Not the volume of your computer.) Now open this Youtube window and skip two minutes into the song. Once the music is playing, go back to your first window and you'll witness a bit of what I'm trying to describe.


Best Movie Villain: NIXON!

Last night I watched Ron Howard's new film Frost/Nixon, based on the play of the same name. I am not going to bother describing the story because it is your very background in the subject of Nixon-era US history that will determine whether or not you're going to enjoy the film.

So with that in mind...

Frank Langella as Richard Nixon is the best villainous performance ever committed to film. Forgot about last year's wicked Bardem and Day-Lewis performances, forget about this summer's Heath Ledger. Forget about Nazis and Zombies, about Aliens and Predators, about Darth Vader and Dr. No. Forget about Jaws, Hannibal Lector, Simba's uncle Scar and every other scary antagonist you've ever seen.

Richard Nixon is the greatest movie villain of all time.

My favorite part is how, during this period especially, Nixon was one of the most universally reviled people in the world and yet Langella still manages to depict a man fully in charge. Dictating the circumstances of his situation like a mafia don locked up in prison... Damn he's good. And on an unrelated note, Kevin Bacon is very good too.


yeah? say it to my face!

so i have posted four times today, so what, ebbs and flows baby, get tidal


I like running. I've liked running since I started doing cross country and track my freshmen year of high school and I still enjoy it although to a much lesser extent time and distance-wise. Why I enjoy it is often beyond me, it hurts and over time will probably permanently cripple my joints.

The thing that has been pissing me off lately is that running as we do it today, putting on short synthetic shorts and shirts and clicking our watch on could not be more removed from our historical animal past roots to running.

In the motherfuckin good old days running was from predators or after prey, it was a desperate, visceral act, with ones survival depending on it.

I yearn for a return to those days, when the stakes were fucking high and shit meant shit.

As a result I'm incorporating way more nuts and berries into my diet in a slow, but determined effort to turn into a bear, a predator worthy of anyone's appreciation.

Learning new things everyday

Dolphins and Porpoises are not the same, thanks Wikipedia. Also, dolphins appear to be my new favorite animal for a few reasons, they are attracted to gold, jewelry and shiny objects, have sex (including gay sex) for pleasure and just in general have really advanced brains.

Smart move of the week

Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois is retarded.

That being said, it's not really his fault because he comes from a line of retarded Illinois governors.

In case the Monstro Bog readers haven't heard, Blagojevich (say that ten times fast) was arrested a few days ago on corruption-type charges centering around his desire to sell off Barack Obama's senate seat for money and perks for himself and his wife.

This is certainly pretty appalling but what I found sickly amusing is that he is now the second Illinois governor IN A ROW to be arrested, his predecessor, George Ryan is currently in jail on some corruption type shady shit charges as well.

I guess that flowery, happy and hopeful mood in Grant Park on Election Night for Obama has turned bad for his adopted home city, albeit this is the place of Capone et al so maybe we just all need to lower our expectations a little, take a kickback or two and straight chill the fuck out.


yet again hating and fearing technology

the iphone has a new feature where if you put it near music it will listen to it and tell you the name of the artist, song, etc. Robots will rule the planet soon and I'm so afraid.


Spot On

The Genderanalyzer is a website that tries to tell you if there's a man or a woman writing your favorite blogs. The Monstro, to nobody's surprise I'm sure, has an outstanding score.


You know what the Dutch like?

Regular readers of The Monstro know I sometimes like to invent random blog "strings" that share a theme that loosely ties them together. These last until I grow bored or simply dormant in my blogging and forget the theme of the latest string.

This time around I've titled my blog string "You know what the Dutch like?" Here I'll be posting information largely (entirely) unsupported by factual evidence about what Dutch people enjoy. Why the Dutch you say? Because everybody likes Dutch people except maybe Belgians and Luxemburgers.

You know what the Dutch like? Maritime trade empires. This is funny because apparently a shipping container company contributed to voting against Prop 8, and if there's one thing we know about the Dutch it's that they're pretty damn accepting of non-traditional sexual practices. One stroll down the Red Light District in Amsterdam will solidify this point. It will also make you question whether the pervasiveness of young, drunken British men in every major European city isn't just the latest ploy of Her Majesty to bring back the Empire.

So the Dutch like sea trade! Next up, buckle shoes.


To Anonymous

G's posting about female musicians has brought up a long-standing theory of mine that the smart-assed "anonymous" commenter has brought to light. I know many of you were initially astounded at the apparent stupidity of drawing a label of racism out of a post that was self-defining in its sexism, but I have long held the belief that females are indeed a separate race and not just a separate "sex." So much of the equality that has been granted to women is based on the commonly held belief that women are also human beings and therefore entitled to the same rights as human males. I have the belief that women are inferior musicians in the same way that chimpanzees are inferior carpenters (though their ability to paint with their feet is superlative.) So just as I wouldn't invite a chimp into my home to build a nice set of Japanese maple cabinets in my kitchen, I wouldn't hand a woman a guitar and expect her to write a compelling song that didn't have something to do with putting on lotion.


Prop 8 (CA Gay Marriage Ban) Blacklist

"Ooops - you're a homophobe."

Being a bigot has consequences.


Of music, sexists, and misanthropes

I am not a sexist. A sexist believes that women are inherently inferior to men and the sexes should therefore be held to different standards and be treated differently by society. I do not believe this.

However, I am a misanthrope. And I do direct a disproportionate amount of my misanthropic feelings towards women. It's not my fault though.

You see, as someone who statistically has been exposed to more advertising in my lifetime by age 20 than my great-grandparents saw in their century on this earth, I hold a special disdain for marketing. And marketing is 99% about S-E-X, and lots of it. From the blatant images to the subtle themes to the throngs of young women pitching bullshit products and services at every public place imaginable who feel no shame flirting with me to get me to buy widget XYZ, I've just kinda lost it. You know, respect. Respect for expressions of feminine sensuality in any context other than private.

Harsh, I know. But harboring a general dislike of mankind is not for pussies.

Anyway, enough background: a couple years ago someone who shall go nameless accused me of being a sexist because I didn't have more than five songs sung by female bands/singers in my vast iTunes collection. I objected the charge, but I couldn't deny the evidence. Part of the problem is just circumstance: I don't listen to R&B or Pop, two genres that are at least equally represented by women. But part of it is that women by and large don't make music, they make womens' music. And frankly I just can't relate.

I can relate to guy music because, well, I'm a guy. And I can relate to good music that is gender neutral in theme and experience because it's, you know, good. But most of that seems to be made by men, with female acts often standing out as clearly under-talented "tokens." I love punk rock, but Avril Levigne is shit. I love hard/goth rock, but Evanescence sucks balls. I like grunge/alternative rock, but the very thought of Courtney Love offends every deity mankind has ever worshipped. I even like sporadic doses of good ole' '90s gansta rap, but Lil' Kim - well, you get the point.

But all of this may have changed. I have unknowingly been listening to exclusively female artists for a couple weeks now. I don't know how this happened - it just did. And I didn't even become aware of it until yesterday. What two things do Chairlift, Feist, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Paramore all have in common? They comprise the sum total of bands I've been listening to for the past three weeks, and they're all led by female singers.

There you have it: not a sexist. Score one for me.


"I'm a PC" says Girl Talk

Thanks to Stereogum for turning me on to this awesome commercial featuring electronic musician Girl Talk.


Losing some faith in humanity

I was sitting at my desk earlier today doing some research for volunteer opportunities for teens at our camp to do during the year. I googled "Oakland Soup Kitchen" and clicked to find results. I'm going to ask all the readers here to do the same and check out the first result. Good god, swell intentions gone bad faster thaN I could ever imagine, the humanity, oh god the humanity.


Damn that Dog is Ugly

My Friends, with the election over, let us turn our attention back to the original purpose of the internet, which is to share pictures of animals.

This Dog is apparently celebrated for its ugliness. So so sad.


Pet suggestions

Obama promised his daughters he was getting them a puppy during his speech on Tuesday night and I can't think of a more typical, lame White House pet especially for a president who ran on change.

Here is an article outlining some other pets that prior presidents have had in the White House, some highlights include:

A pygmy hippo that has sired most other pygmy hippos in the US
Gators used to scare guests
Tiger Cubs
a dog named "Satan"

So come on Obama, sack up, bring about the change you promised and move away from the dog/cat paradigm.


Serious Post: race as an issue hits me for the first time this campaign

OK, I can honestly say that I haven't thought about Barack's race this entire campaign, at least as a factor influencing my vote one way or the other. Sure, I've thought it from the perspective of how it might influence the election: how it was ridiculous for ignorant whites to vote against him because of his color and how it was frankly a little uncomfortable how so many blacks were supporting him out of stated racial interests. But the fact that Obama is black simply hasn't affected me personally these last two years that I've been supporting him.

Until last night. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Seeing the reactions of African Americans - from those in the crowds to journalists on TV to those who were volunteering with me on the campaign - I couldn't help but be moved, and moved deeply. This is a special moment, and it's more than just the best man winning; much more. This is to our society what landing on the moon was to technology; an historic achievement that America was able to bring about. Only the Soviets could've beaten us to the moon; the incredible and profound meaning represented in this election could only happen in America.

Every nation on the planet is founded in tribalism. They are land areas where one tribe is dominant, and are often even named after that tribe (England is the Angles, France the Francs, Hungary the Huns, etc.). In all of these nations (at least the democratic ones) they elect the most popular member of their tribe to their highest office, and tolerate the minority tribes in their midst. But America is not founded on a tribe. It is the only nation on earth founded on an Idea. And only in such a nation could a man not of the majority tribe win the highest office in the land, purely because that man best encapsulated and expressed that Idea.

This truly is the greatest country on earth.

Funny post: The McCain campaign's last gaffe

Compared to Barack Obama's, which was one of the most organized, drama and mistake-free campaigns in history, the McCain campaign was a mess. Mistake after mistake, gaffe after gaffe, miscalculation after miscalculation, McCain was often his own worst enemy (oh yeah, other than that Bush guy).

So it is fitting that the very last thing the McCain campaign did was botched. After he offered his moving and humble concession speech last night, he walked off the stage to some powerful, strong-sounding, military-honor-type instrumental music. For the feeling of the moment, it sure seemed like a good choice.

The problem is this: it was the theme music from the 1995 film Crimson Tide, starring Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington. For those of you who don't remember, here's a quick plot summary: a crazy old white submarine captain who is a gung-ho maverick makes a gut decision to start WWIII by launching nukes from his boat. But his judgment is completely wrong, and it takes a calm, collected, intelligent black man to knock him out of power and save the world.

Opps. But don't worry McCain campaign. You can't screw anything else up.


I'm calling this motherfucker

yo, 814 new mexico time, this shit is over, we have been all over the country, pounding the pavement, mak,ing the calls, tracking the turnout and this motherfucker is over, OBAMA MOTHERFUCKER, you organize from the ground up not the top down, suck it hillary suck it mccain suck it bullshit GOP 50 year domihnance, we are redrawing this electoral map and remaking how you run a campaign mark my fucking word, a year or two from now 21 books come out on how this shit happened and it is so glorious. I'm in the campaign office in New Mexico and the field organizers are crying, CRYING, this means shit to people, very very deeply and now we can hope for 4 years that Obama can be the kind of historic president he has the potential to be. I am proudn to be an AMerican tonigth and proud of the high turnout and proud of the 6 blue moon's I just downed, love to the monstro bros.

edit: Sam Johnson is wearing an ill fitting straw hat with a purple shirt and cowboy boots dancing all over the office, life is happening, this is happening, I hate uptight people obeama amfor yo motherfuckign mama I will fuck george stephanaopolous in his ass and there is no reason for that.


6 Months?!?

Check out this insanely geeky article and marvel at how hard music nerds will work to figure shit out.

What gets me about this issue is that the chord OBVIOUSLY contains a piano part. You can hear it in both the attack and the sustain. I can't pick all those notes out, so kudos to the doc, but still, it's not much of mystery as to how the band made that sound.

It's been a hard six months' night.


Why I'm Here

Hello from battleground state New Mexico where we're all still in the office stuffing packets and printing out data at 115am after getting in a little before 8am.

It has barely hit me that in less than 48 hours America will have a new President-elect. My entire voting and adult life has been dominated by George W. Bush and the alternate reality he has created at home and abroad. I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT. At this point I think we have all gotten used to and accepted the utter and absolute bullshit that government has pulled. We have been conditioned for the absurd, slowly turned onto dangerous Kool Aid. The thought that there is a very real possibility that McCain could actually be elected and continue a lot of this shit blows my mind, I honestly don't know what I'll do. I am not saying Obama is going to fix everything or even anything right away, but it's a fucking start and that is all for many to cling to at this point.

The scene here is beyond inspiring. The office is being run by a gang of about 5 20-somethings and an old hand and it occurred to me tonight as I was furiously stuffing walk packets for volunteers tomorrow that this is the dream of many of us, youth taking shit into their own hands and taking a stab at taking the country back.

The volunteers who come in to walk neighborhoods and make phone calls are beyond epic. Many are in their 70s and go out without flinching for 4-6 grueling hours to go door to door to reclaim something they once believed in in politics and government, come back exhausted and say "see you tomorrow" and thank us for OUR efforts. Sam Johnson, the degenerate Glider Bison blogger is fucking in charge of this office on election day, this is real shit, and it is happening all over the country, talking to people in colorado, florida, and virginia it is the same thing and it is real and it is happening.

This many people deployed all over the country is literally akin to a military operation with a brilliant team of generals in Chicago led by an incredibly talented and inspiration, yet still enigmatic figure. It's a ground war that always makes the difference on election day and in battleground states Obama's plans are off the hook and amazing, people are going to vote and in big numbers.

No one wants to count a chicken before it hatches but if things go as well as they could the political map in this country will be at least temporarily redrawn. Now I had the same optimism in 2004 and it came to a crashing halt on that terrible night in November as I sat at a small desk in DC and buried my head in my hands as the last counties in Ohio wouldn't yield the precious votes needed. That is not going to happen again, if it was that close in 2004 then with a better Democratic and a weaker Republican this can really happen.

A long time ago I wrote in my journal as a bright eyed 17 or 18 year old wishing for a new Kennedy for my generation to arrive, but over the last 8 years resigning myself to the fact that that was pure whimsy, but no more, hope is back, fear is on the retreat and


let us pray, hope, work until this thing is called and then take a deep breath, sleep, and wake up to a new dawn.


Rich, well-intentioned white people with too much money

I'm taking a little break from election shit for oh, about 16 hours so I thought I'd throw something else up here for a change of pace.

The title of this post says it all about this guy but you really can't help but smile, especially about halfway through when the huge waves rocks him hard.

thanks to the indomitable Adam Sachs for passing the video along.

and sorry about the auto play on that last post, my tech-challenged brain know not what it hath wrought.


Wassup 2008

Holy shit this is funny, this a take off this original classic Budweiser ad from 8 years ago, same actors, Go Obama!


I hate people, so much

I forgot to turn the TV off after Monday Night Football (Titans, undefeated, really?) and mindlessly flipped over to CNN where Larry King was interviewing 4 different women about Sarah Palin, two liberal and two conservative, one of whom was this dumbass bitch Janine Turner, who is best known for being an actress and is also a conservative activist. She was defending Palin against the liberals and literally said the following words in the English language (I rewound this many times to get it right, it was that stunning).

"She's a smart intelligent woman, she's the governor of Alaska which, the state of Alaska, has the 5th highest ranking, the most power of the top five states in Alaska, (pause) she's had executive power, she's a smart woman."

The only thing making Palin seem smart is you Janine Turner, thanks for wasting everyone's lives, you are the worst person of the 9 o'clock hour in this night of my life.


Need more cowbell?

If your life is lacking the cowbell it so richly deserves then click over to www.morecowbell.dj and upload your favorite songs, be sure to set the cowbell up to 100%. Happy times!


Talentless whore

I recently saw the new movie Nick and Norah's Ultimate Playlist and it was actually not half bad but I am so fucking sick of Michael Cera getting lauded by critics and reviews for playing the same goddam character he played in Juno and Superbad, although again both are okay movies. Maybe I'm just fucking jealous of this little baby faced sensitive emo indie rock bitch who was born with the ability to look like he gives a fuck and is now making a career out of that look. I dunno, the movie was sweet though, almost sickly sweet except there is one scene where a drunk couple gets in a cab and the guy says "I like you so much it's retarded" and that was amazing.


Campaigns enter the stretch run!

It's the middle of October folks, this is the stretch run to the 2008 presidential election and things are looking really good for Barack Obama, poised to become one of the youngest, and blackest, US presidents of all time.

The economy is first and foremost in people's minds and Obama has an advantage there. McCain has also been all over the place, briefly canceling his campaign and having his surrogates launch some nasty attacks on Obama, Palin included.

However, the scary thing for Obama is something called The Bradley Effect where a black candidate who is polling high tanks on election day because voters get racial jitters about voting for him. I don't personally think this will happen, but some who are in the know fear that it might. That would be crazy.

Right now McCain has to win pretty much all the states Bush won in 2004 against Kerry, save maybe one or two. Obama is looking good in Iowa especially and also Colorado and New Mexico (where I'm headed to seal things up alongside Sam Johnson for Barack in a little over a week!) He's close in Missouri, Ohio and Florida and maybe even in Virginia and North Carolina which haven't been Democratic since pork was kosher.

Speaking of Kosher, the Great Schlep is underway to turn Florida for Obama and if you haven't seen the Sarah Silverman video, it's fuckin' hilarious.

Walgreens Hilarity

I went into a busy downtown SF Walgreens today to get some gum and it was a scene of pure hilarity.

Some genius manager had the idea to put all the halloween decorations along the front aisle everyone has to walk next to in order to check out.

Most of these decorations were motion censor activated to let out blood curdling screams or intense halloween-y threats.

This resulted in a bunch of suited business types recoiling at horror upon walking into a store of literally 50 different decorations yelling "untie me and I won't hurt you too bad" or "did anybody see my head" or "(maniacal laughter forever)".

It was insane.


Jesus Sharks

A lot of people question the story of Jesus' virgin birth. Well this article about multiple virgin shark births might lend some credence to the Jesus saga.

Now if you read the article, you'll see that the reason that scientists attribute for the virgin births is that no male sharks were around so the females adapted and gave birth.

Now if you were Jesus' mother in the ol' BC (no need for the "e" here) and these men were all you had to choose from, I bet you would find a way to conceive on your own as well.

Case closed.


Sandra Bullock: What am I missing?

I recently joined a very small theater company where I do improv once a week. They sent an email out offering a class on the Meisner technique and their advertising for it went as follows:

Meisner technique revolutionized American Theater and it is the technique utilized by such theater greats as: Robert Duval, David Mamet, Sandra Bullock, Kim Basinger, and Joanne Woodword.

SANDRA BULLOCK? WHAT THE FUCK??? Did I miss some incredible acting in Speed or Miss Congeniality (or the sequel)? Good god! I thought the Eddie Griffin pitch was off but this is as bad as it gets.

"Learn to act as well as Sandra Bullock and Kim Basinger."
"Learn to play piano like Helen Keller."
"Learn to see like Stevie Wonder."
"Learn to be small like Drew."
"Learn to be hairless/clothed like Aaron Mandel."

I mean seriously.


Big Brass Ones

Our dear friend Sam Johnson of the friendly rival Glider Bison blog is in need of some desperate help. One of two things has happened, he has either gone so crazy at Burning Man that only a padded room can save him or he has elephantitis, a disease where the balls grow bigger than you could imagine (I would hyperlink to something on that one, but maybe some moms still read this). Nothing else except one of those two theories would explain why he would enter a bicycling race looking like this:

Liberal America, I ask you, is this the kind of man we want working on the Obama campaign as we enter the critical stretch run?


Grandma knows best

I had dinner with my grandparents last night and the topic of conversation quickly turned to politics. My grandma was lamenting the fact that because she is 92 she can't get involved like she used and proceeded to rattle off stories that made it sound like she committed hugely fraudulent acts decades ago in san francisco politics.

Then she proceeded to produce one of the most hilarious theories I'd ever heard. She was saying how like minded people needed to get linked together and that book clubs are making a resurgence so she tasked "young people who know how the internet works" to find a way to link middle and upper class book club types with each other to read books about liberal causes and getting Obama elected. What an idea! Maybe the Monstro Blog should be the first brave foot soldier in this new movement.

Also, I heard some rumblings about the economy tanking, but then I watched this CNN report about it, and if Howard Stern can still afford to get people to act like 12 year-old's for his own self-pleasure I think we are doing just fine, calm down people.


Burn (yourself) After (watching)

I saw the new Coen Brothers movie "Burn After Reading" recently and I didn't like it at all. I don't know why I even saw it other than that mainstream pop culture has been slobbing these guys' nobs harder than ever after "No Country For Old Men", which to be totally transparent I didn't see (or read the book). This movie had an amazing cast, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich and a few other Coen mainstays who didn't disappoint. Except Pitt, he sucked, the usual charm of Clooney and Pitt, you know them seeming like they are having so much fun onscreen was over the top for Pitt, he just was so blatantly ACTING, it sucked. Everyone else was great, Malkovich is a fucking gem but the movie itself wasn't really a movie. I mean sure, it had a plot and all, but it was really just some really well done scenes strung together which left you wanting more and confused at the end. Film geeks/buffs might have loved it, there might have been homage to styles of Hollywood past or whatever, but it just felt like they were having too much fun themselves and not really thinking of the movie goer which makes me worry whether these guys, after a number of hits from the 80's through the 00's have jumped the shark.


Squirrel Melts

Please don't show this to anyone outside of the United States...


Bad Marketing

I recently saw a comedy club advertising Eddie Griffin coming to do a stand up show. The ad said "Eddie Griffin- star of 'Norbit'". Star of fucking "Norbit"? Good god, that's like marketing yourself to your significant other's family as the guy who takes undercover shits in their flower beds.

Why they would not mention the fact that Griffin once totaled a car practicing for a charity racing event that was such a limited edition it was one of only 50 in the world. After totaling it, he said "Undercover brother can't drive" and walked off.

He also had a heart attack on the set of his old show "Malcolm and Eddie" while salsa dancing.

The comedy club could have said any of these things and people would have shown up but I guarantee no one is coming now because of "Norbit".

That's bad marketing.

Turn It On!

The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is about to be turned on. I'll let your read the article to see the scientific merits of such a project. The interesting part is that there is a small chance that once it turns on all sorts of crazy physics phenomena could occur, most notably the creation of black holes that will suck up the Earth. I really doubt this will happen, but maybe a bunch of random people across the globe will get some superpowers. That would be pretty interesting.


Chez Convention

You know I was hoping the Republicans could cook up something a little better than what we got served the last few nights at the RNC. All the Republicans could do was flop some smelly old fish like John McCain onto the Republican plates and then when they realized that the fish may be a few too many days out o' the freezer they paniced and hoped maybe squeezing a little lemon onto it would cover up the smell. The problem with lemons is that they're really good for adding flavor to things, but nobody wants to eat a lemon whole. Take away the fish, and nobody wants a goddamn lemon for dinner. I doubt most Republicans want that lemon Sarah Palin for President. They just like the idea of zest. They want some flavor. The problem is they are impatient cooks. The Republicans ran to the grocery store, saw that big old fish, and didn't bother to check what was fresh because they were in a hurry and were using a really old recipe.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, is a big stew-pot of delicious goodness. A slow-cooked jambalaya. All sorts of spices and everyone can smell it down the street and they're starting to line up with empty bowls and hungry eyes. The Democrats did a good job of choosing their meal, and they did a good job choosing their side dish. They went with some nice, trusty baked bread. Joe Biden can sop up any of the juices that are leftover when everyone's done with supper and Obama needs a guy like that. He needs a guy that will follow the flavor and pizazz and help keep the bowls clean. Nobody likes doing dishes, and everybody likes bread. It goes well with almost anything. It's the common man's food.

All in all I give the RNC a rating of 2 stars. The restaurant was way too busy, the servers were a little too old to keep the pace and the fish wasn't fresh at all. I wanted something springy and refreshing but all that was on the menu was the same old bland fare. I was left dissapointed with my meal.

The DNC gets 4 stars. Upbeat atmosphere, good ambiance, and everyone there seemed to be enjoying their food. I could have done with a better beer selection but it seems like it was kind of a family restaurant so I won't complain.


Republican Blood Sport

For those of you who like sports, eating meat or just violence, killing and death in general, you should really watch the Republican National Convention. I tuned in last night to catch Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin. This shit is unreal! Just watch Giuliani's speech if you don't like to geek out as hard as I do. I was fucking stunned, I shouldn't be after the nasty campaigns Bush has run, but good god these people are shameless. Now I watched the Democratic speeches, and I have an obvious bias being a Democrat, and I saw the nearly teary-eyed, semi-possessed looking folks during Obama's talk, but the rabid and I truly mean rabid crowd at this thing was eating up every attack like it was their first fuckin H.J. at age 16. They punctuated both speeches about "innovative and bold" energy policy by chanting in unison "drill baby drill!" and Giuliani tore Obama a new anal canal for his work as a community organizer, it was brutal, offensive, largely false and without substance, and it made for some damn good TV.


A Capella Against The Machine

Oh man, if you think the modern political protest movements have lost their balls, check out these videos. If you've ever wanted to hear Tom Morello sing his guitar riffs (sad) then this is for you.


In a world....where things are stupid

In keeping with the Monstro Blog tradition of honoring psuedo celebrities, we are sad to report the passing of Don LaFontaine the erstwhile voiceover man for many of Hollywood's finest movies. With his tagline, "in a world..." LaFontaine brought us out of our world and into other worlds, where crazy shit happened. With him there was always potential, the trailer, the best parts of potentially awful movies, he lived a life in peace, away from the bombs of "Jersey Girl" or "Godfather III" and now may he rest in piece "in a world".

Hopefully that peaceful world doesn't include this utterly stupid piece of pop culture, I'd keep writing about this, but I have to go vomit, catch it in my mouth, swallow it and then vomit again, with vigor.


"We are better than the last eight years"

Back to politics:

I just got done feeding myself an IV of Springsteen songs, sickly synchronized placards, neatly vetted racial quotas of on-the-verge-of-tears delegates, and re-hashed, re-garbled and regurgitated taglines about "the people", "ordinary Americans" "those who serve with honor" and more.

That's right, it was the Democratic National Convention, held this past week in the mile high city of Denver, CO, home to the Denver Broncos and Garrett Stiles' failing coronary valves.

To be totally honest, despite my interest in electoral politics, I've never watched much of a convention, mainly because they occur during bad times for me during the summer so I was able to really sink my teeth into this one. First off, there was a lot of concern that Hillary Clinton and Bill would let their egos cause a divided party and lead to disunity at the convention. This did not happen. Both of the Clintons speeches were awesome, the best I have EVER seen Hillary.

Here is Hillary:

And here is Bill:

I didn't think Joe Biden's speech was particularly amazing, but I'm west coast leftie tree/nut hugging hippie so his meat and potatoes appeal to the heartland swing state approach might be awesome.

Hands down though, my man, MY MOTHERFUCKING HOMIE, the Napoleon Complex himself, Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich proved why I would voluntarily clean his colon out if he asked with his speech at the convention, tearing the house down at his shitty midday spot:

I beg you, if you watch nothing else from this post, give 5:50 of your time to watch this:

and lastly, Obama rocked the house on the last night, the epic scene (along with that super tacky faux-greek backdrop) in the stadium was pretty majestic, and the speech was good too.

It's here if you desire:

On the Republican side, they must have been SHITTING THEIR PANTS after such a good convention, but McCain is a wily old fuck and he pulled a rabbit out of his hat with his running mate choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a relative political unknown who satiates the evangelical base with her super terrifying (christian conservative) views and polishes his image as a "maverick" because she has a vagina. Too bad Ol' Johnny made his decision at 2 a.m. after his senility drugs wore off and clearly didn't do a goddam bit of background checks. It has now come out that Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, she is under an ethics investigation in Alaska, she makes moose and caribou stew (okay that sounds like something I'd be into) and she was nicknamed "Barracuda" for her tenacious play as a high school point guard in Wasilla, the town of just over 9,000 people that was her sole elected experience prior to that whole governor thing. Nonetheless, Palin, should she survive these early attacks, could prove to be a huge asset to McCain and make him look like genius. OR America might not want someone who was playing flute and going to PTA meetings a few years ago being a weak, 72 year-old, cancer-surviving heartbeat from the presidency. Then again, she might be a superhero.

Actually, I think "Saturday Night Live" is behind all of this, because Sarah Palin is actually Tina Fey!

And lastly I think it's funny that when writing the word "facebook" in Facebook, their spell editor tells you to correct it.

p.s. Stay tuned to GliderBison blog for Sam's reflections on Burning Man, which based on our conversation this afternoon, singed his mind.


I wasn't dead, only hibernating

Dear Readers,

Drew has made an apology of epic proportions for not blogging. A woman was at fault. I will make no such apologies for women can't change me from living my natural earthly rhythms.

Let's talk some more about natural earthly rhythms.

Hibernation is very normal, many animals do it and there is even a biblical imperative to farmers to let their croplands lay fallow once every seven years. This rejuvenation and replenishment through rest is highly essential for productivity and also my end goal of living forever so I can laugh at everyone else's inexorable decay until I am sad, alone and only friends with my xbox 360,000 (those graphics are about to be siiiiiick boyeeeeeeeeeee).

Therefore, I make no apologies for the blogging break, last time I checked there were plenty of other blogs that people could receive basic sustenance from in the lull of Monstro blogging.

It appears that while I've been in the mountains, Israel and the post-Martian landscape that is my brain the Olympis happened (China is a weird place), Obama chose an old white man from delegate-rich Delaware to shore up his supposedly weak foreign policy credentials and the A's suck really bad this year. Hibernation was good.

It's also nice to be back and blogging again.


Litigator? I hardly know her!

This news story is absolutely nightmarish. I can't even imagine how this went down...


Brian Wilson in Portland, OR

Take back that last post about STP. I am broke. No money in the account for going to Boise. I am, however, gonna see a show in my own back yard.

Yes my friends, I am finally going to bask in the sad glory that is Brian Wilson. He and his fantastic band are touring behind his *new* album That Lucky Old Sun. Early tour reviews indicate we will also get to hear plenty of classic material from his Beach Boys and solo catalogs.

I am excited. So so so excited.


STP in Boise, ID

I'm gonna see this guy! He likes rock & roll singing and heroin. Or at least he used to. Hopefully he is done with the Velvet Derringer for good, because STP fucking rules and no other permutation of those musicians can touch the churning-slow-heavy glory that is Big Empty.

Her dizzy head is conscience laden...


What the $#@% was I thinking?

To err is human, to forgive is divine. I preface this most humble of posts with that classic quote. I have a abandoned the blog I hold so dearly for many months for a reason that I now am ashamed to admit...it was for a woman. More specifically, a crazy woman. One who demanded all my mental faculties in order to keep myself sane. I liken my recently-ended relationship to a trip on a lifeboat; you both desperately cling to each other for dear life while you're stranded, but the second you get picked up by a cruise ship you never want to see that other person again.

Anyway, I've forded that river, I've cooked that goose, I've capsized that sailboat, I've jumped that railcar, I've plundered that treasure, I've mapped that Northwest Passage. It's time to move on. Time to grow. Time to learn. Time to go on a crazy vacation. Time to get a new job. Time to move to a new city. Time to look forward, not backward. Time to regret nothing.

Welcome me back into your arms dear Monstro, I never meant to leave you. I was just afraid of your love.


Cat-Head Sammich

Dammit, I won't let this blogue lie fallow another day!

Check this shit out!

Goodness gracious! What a predicament?


Make for the Exits!

Damn this news story is depressing. But check out the picture... that guy in the middle looks like a bounty hunter from the Mos Eisley Cantina.


American Film Institute BLAAA

It has come to my attention, as many things due, that the AFI has once again produced one of their aggravating and debate prompting lists.

breaks down "great films" into genres and categories. This is so damned flawed. Can't a sports movie be epic? Can't a mystery be a fantasy? And by setting animation into its own category, you ignore the potential for the medium to be anything but family and kid stuff.

Hopefully these lists will prompt some feelings on the part of my fellow Monstronaughts.


In Favor of Nature

The other day as I left my office in downtown San Francisco to meet up with fellow Monstro blogger Dan Baxter for his birthday celebration in the 5th row the Giants' stadium I passed by a tree as the wind rushed through the concrete corridors of Howard St. The wind caught this tree and lifted its ingeniously designed seed pod effortlessly from the branch and carried it aloft. It floated for a few moments until settling on the cold, barren sidewalk where it would dry up and die, mission unfulfilled, thwarted by a landscape the great creator could never plan for. Then I drank tons of beer and ate garlic fries and heckled like an idiot.

Holy Fuck!


You can read the article, but THE PICTURE communicates the story so much better.


Sasquatch Thoughts

This weekend I attended the Sasquatch Festival up at the Gorge amphitheatre in Washington. Never having been to this venue before, I was simply blown away. Amazing sights and the sound was superb.

The Presidents of the United States of America are becoming a curious sort of festival circuit band. This was the third time I had seen them and their show is becoming bigger and bigger. Considering that most folks (me included) hadn't heard from them between 1996 and 2004, it is impressive that they are such a popular draw. A new guitar player has replaced their original and while the singer/bassist still uses on two strings to strum along, the new guy is not afraid of using all the strings on his instrument. Many textures were added to classic songs and in addition, horns and and a keyboard filled out the spaces. PUSA is definitely looking to be playing more large scale shows with this bigger arrangement.

Mike Patton performed with Dan the Automator, debuting their new project Crudo. Knowing anything about these two artists, and knowing that Crudo is a hiphop band, tells you all you need to know. It was fucking sick and their keyboardist/vocalist performed an awe-inspiring beatbox solo.

MIA was a psychedelic kaleidescope of world music snatches and retarded hip hop beats. Her set was perhaps my very favorite.

REM was one of the bigger headliners, especially with their hot new album on the charts. The new songs were all great, but the audience wanted the golden goods and they got 'em. Oh Life, Andy, Drive, Orange Crush, Kenneth, Bad Day, and more. Damn they were good.

The other major headliner I saw, The Cure, were troubling. You see, I have this problem with The Cure, and the problem is that I think they are terrible. Not terrible in a way that, like, their music is bad, but terrible like a little boy who drowns in a lake because he went out fishing by himself because he thought it might bring his father back. So with that in mind, I danced really hard to The Cure and considered how sick their bassist is.

Those are my initial thoughts on Sasquatch. I may write again on the topic if any further analysis crosses my astral plane.


A Fun Game!

Yesterday I was talking to Dan and we invented a Game. It is called:

What the Fuck is Hillary Doing?

The way it works is, you say the Name of the Game out loud and then you suggest absurd things.

For example:

What the Fuck is Hillary Doing?

She is secretly campaigning for John McCain and hopes to be his running mate.

This Game is Fun! Who else wants to play?


Dear Hillary


Every day that you stay involved only helps McCain. I respect what you've been through and agree that you'd probably make a fine leader. But your chance was 2004. We needed you to defeat Bush then, thereby setting up a nice 2012 for Obama. Instead we threw Kerry to the wolves to be devoured and now Obama is running without the seasoning I'd rather see on his record. But for Christ's sake Hillary, drop out! Things don't always work out the way they should. You missed your shot and now we need to work together to get a liberal in the White House. Please, please, please.

Yours Capitally,



Trouble abounds

So the presidential race on the Democratic side will just not behave and go die its little quiet death like it knows it should. Hillary Clinton is like one of those really small dogs that makes a shocking amount of noise and gets way more fierce than you could predict. As a result of her tenacity, which would be respectable in something like mixed martial arts, Barack Obama is getting bruised and battered, so at this point even if he does become the Democratic nominee he's not the unstoppable force he once was. Thanks a fuckton you fucking bitch Hillary, I can't wait for another GOP president so I can spend my whole voting life so far getting jaded and learning to make molotov cocktails out of my grundle hair in a basement.

On another note, this is profoundly weird and sad and also funny. I checked a day later and they have given up the search, the guy has gone to god. Happy belated Earth Day!


Softball Game in San Quentin Prison

Earlier today I played a softball game with a local team I'm on against the prisoners in San Quentin Prison, we had been scheduled to play two weeks ago but there was a lockdown that prevented that from happening.

Our team gathered at a nearby park a few hours before the game and it was obvious we were nervous because of all the off-color prison jokes we were making to clearly conceal the fear that stereotypes and probably some reality had created in our minds. Also we were told we "didn't want to use the San Quentin shitter" so we all took turns pushing our hardest in the park's porta-potty.

Our usual pre-game huddles are all about hitting line drives and calling balls in the air.

This one consisted of our captain telling us the rules the volunteer San Quentin coach told him:

1. Do not ask anyone what they were in for.
2. Don't make conversation with inmates in cells if we walk down a block.
3. If you hear a siren take a knee immediately.

With that, the jokes subsided and we talked a little about observing the conditions in there, just being able to see what it's like for the inmates and went into a discussion about how some people think it's fucked up to provide an afternoon of fun for people who mostly are in for life for violent crimes. I tend to disagree, thinking that if you reform yourself and behave well, you might be in for life, and having that freedom 100% taken away is shitty enough, you might as well get some perks here or there. It's a poor man's restorative justice but I'm probably never going to be in a position to influence incarcerative law so here we went.

After driving into the visitor's parking lot it was very somber, lots of well dressed people, families, going surely to visit friends or relatives, Sunday is visiting day. We met the volunteer coach for the San Quentin Pirates outside and he was a sweet old Jewish guy but didn't seem to have any sympathy or feeling for his team. He informed us of the hostage policy (no help for us if shit goes down) and then in we went wearing goofball matching "Little Lebowski Urban Achiever" t-shirts.

I was totally shocked at how light all the security seemed. We brought nothing in as we were told but were not searched once or put through a metal detector and the guards seemed to not give a shit at all. It was weird, if we had a vendetta against anyone in there for whatever reason it seemed we could have brought anything in we wanted. Then we went through the gates and were in. It was Sunday and a lot of prisoners were coming out of the churches they had near the front. They all greeted us, pale-faced no doubt, wished us luck, said "God bless" and carried on.

We got to the field, a really nice field, as nice as any city-maintained field complete with a scoreboard in the outfield that said "San Quentin Field of Dreams". We were also all shocked to find NO GUARDS visible on the yard with about 100 or so prisoners milling around, lifting weights, hitting punching bags, shooting hoops. One of the saddest things were the older prisoners in their 60's and 70's it appeared, just sitting or slowly walking on the yard, completely alone. The prisoners were mostly racially segregated and waaaay older than we would have thought. The umps were inmates and they greeted us and got the game going, telling us that since San Quentin is maximum security and has death row and the execution chamber that this was the last stop for a lot of guys and they weren't really threats anymore and this was a "soft" prison compared to some of the other ones with younger, Latin American gang inmates in on shorter sentences. This was reassuring. There was no outfield fence, the grass just ended and there was more of the yard, inmates sitting there watching. The team we played had uniforms and gear donated from the SF Giants and we later found out the field was from the SF 49ers.

All the players on the other team had to have been on good behavior for at least three years and I think once they get on the team and are physically okay they can stay on because it's a huge privilege so the average age was around 40 and they weren't the buffed up stereotype (most of them) that we thought. We had some pre-game jitters and came out shitty in the first few innings, going down by a few runs. I was in the outfield as usual and getting some Grade A heckling from the inmates milling around behind me. One guy hit a huge blast over my head and I had to decide between diving into the crowd to get it or letting it go. I'd like to say I went headfirst into a lifer but I let it go. Another one later went over me into their outdoor urinal so there was some good fun being had at my expense but I answered back with one of the biggest (and luckiest) shots of my career, a drive to right that also cleared the field but their OF was a little friendlier with the fans so he went and got it as I came into third for a triple.

A really humorous moment came when we hear noise over the loudspeaker and remembering our instructions, dropped to a knee in about .2 seconds. The inmates throughout the yard quickly starting laughing their asses off and it turned out it was just an announcement about something over the PA system. Later an alarm did go off but the inmates grumbled to us that is happens about 8 times a day whenever a guard has to go to the bathroom or something to keep people down on the ground, waiting.

The game carried on and we relaxed a lot after realizing how nice and grateful all the guys were, slapping five to us and asking to borrow our bats and chew some sunflower seeds and the crowd we quickly realized was rooting for us for no apparent reason. We pulled ahead toward the 7th inning which we thought would be the last one but we had extra time so we went a full 9, getting a late rally and winning 10-7. At first we had been afraid of what would happen if we won, but these guys clearly wanted us to go 100% and stayed and chatted for a little bit as we packed up. They thanked us for coming out and made a number of jokes about their predicament which we all laughed a little nervously at and told us to come back and play again because "we'll be here and still have the home field advantage." We agreed to come back and took off.

One guy told us as we were leaving, "You know, inside or outside doesn't matter, just a beautiful day and everyone likes playing ball." And that was really the sentiment of the day, I didn't need to know who was in for what crimes, in fact I really didn't want to know, because they just seemed like normal guys. Who knows what you can do 20 years ago messed up on a lot of drugs, crazy. The informality and intimacy really surprised me as did the general population, so it was a very interesting and ultimately, enjoyable afternoon. When I get some more pics I'll post them.



This article is from the BBC, not The Onion, although honestly, wow, I'm having trouble even expressing the absurdity, obvious stereotypes and amazement.

Deep Thoughts (literally)

I had no idea Jack Handey was a real person, this is a funny and insightful article on the man who has influenced us all by dropping such knowledge bombs as, "The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of that face."


Action/Horror Trailer

Techno music blares in a dark nightclub. Leather clad patrons move and gyrate with the intense beat as lasers cut through the fog. Tattoos, spikes and chains flash past the camera in a flurry of debauchery. Brightly colored drinks are slammed down by pale-skinned women as men grimace at them in lust from behind dark sunglasses (despite the fact that they are indoors in a poorly lit night club.) One man in particular, dressed in a black velvet Victorian-style suit strolls through the club and casually reclines on a couch between two young women, interrupting their intense kissing. He stares at them lustfully as he sips from a dark red glass of wine. Another man walks up to him. "Fromage', we are gods my friend. We are GODS!" Fromage' smiles playfully, then turns his head back and laughs a full, maniacal laugh. The camera pans to a top-down shot and we see Fromage''s impressive set of long, pearly vampiric teeth. The whole club returns his laughs, and we see that all the patrons share the vicious canines. At that moment the door is kicked in and a small figure stands silhoutted in the moonlight. One vampire turns to hiss, and the camera zooms in close as the vampire's expression turns to one of confusion and then fear as he is sprayed with a stream of water that quickly begins to burn his skin. "Hooooooly Waaaaaater!" the vampire screams. The vampires begin to panic as the diminutive figure rushes around the room. Some vampires are sprayed with holy water, others are delivered small stakes through the heart. Fromage' stands and glares downward at the figure so small yet wreaking so much havoc. "You..." Fromage' says. "Isn't it past your bed-time?" The camera pans down and we see a small black boy with an afro carrying a squirt gun in one hand and a crossbow with wooden bolts in the other. "No" the boy says..."I took a nap today." The boy raises the squirt gun and fires directly into the camera. Fromage''s scream fades away...

..Rock music blasts in and the title explodes in blood through the black background:

Little Blade (The "little" is in kid's handwriting, and the "blade" is metallic and dripping with blood)

Coming Summer 2010

Mr. Bojangles II

I submit my own movie trailer, Mr. Bojangles II: High Octane Chicken Machine. I cheated though. I already made the trailer. I'd like to thank Hans Bengtson for taking time out of his busy schedule to shoot with us on such short notice.


We've Traded a Camel for a Mermaid

The modern cigarette is a cup of coffee. You spend $5 a day on your habit, everyone does it, and there's a certain type of brand awareness. One legalized mood altering drug has been traded for another--except, the symptoms of drinking coffee sound more like the symptoms of stopping cold turkey with cigarettes: anxiety, irritability, jitters. The similarity between coffee and cigarettes continue. They both taste like excised monkey butt. Women like something that's less severe, and I started drinking coffee without cream to prove I wasn't a wuss. Likewise, women used to have long filters on their cigarettes, and men smoked without. Sure, you don't rust your lungs, but coffee is no elixir of life itself. Coffee and cigarettes both cause hypertension and yellowed teeth. You get several of the negatives and none of the positives. Unless drinking outside a Starbucks with your laptop has increased your popularity...and I'm guessing it hasn't.

Then there's water.

Ever notice how people who carry water bottles around everywhere drink while you're talking. It's one of the most annoying social crutches I know of. Does he really feel that awkward listening to me that he has to put something in his mouth to shut his ass up? Whatever works dude.


Trailer: Summer Movie

Monumental epic string music playing...

Shots of Eric Bana walking into a diner, sitting down to coffee and eggs

"Joe Hoobastank was an ordinary man, with ordinary dreams"

Bana talking to Jennifer Aniston

"I want to be a rock star"

Bana in a field at night, watching a meteor shower

"But when a magical shooting star granted his every wish..."

turntable sound as needle skips and music stops, Bana looking confused, cut to shot of Kel, the fat kid from All That who is now on SNL


All Star by Smash Mouth plays...

Shot of Bana playing guitar with people cheering

"Now, Joe Hoobastank can finally become what he always dreamed of being..."

Shot of Kevin Spacey in a suit saying:

"Welcome to our Undersea Laboratory"

Shot of an Undersea Laboratory

"Deep Blue Sea 2: The Reckoning"

"Starring Kevin Spacey as the Bad Guy"

"This Summer"


Movie Trailer: EMO- The Movie

Death Cab's "New Year" plays in background as scene fades up into bedroom laden with music and philosophy posters.

A long haired kid in flannel shirt and tight jeans sits on his bed trying meekly to play a xylophone and crying.

Dad is heard yelling from outside, "Do your fucking chores kid and shut up with that xylophone, goddam that's annoying."

Kid keeps crying and mutters, "you don't understand" under his breath.

Dad (Rutger Hauer) bellows again and enters room with dead rat.

"see kid, you don't do your chores, I kill your rat."

Kid gets up, crying still, "I'm leaving" and marches out the front door.

Once outside he acts all pissy and starts to come back, then starts to leave again, then sits down and cries.


Trailers: The Stone Age

The trailer opens with a primitive ape-man slowly stalking an elk across the frozen tundra. He is silent as death. He creeps ever closer to his prey. When the moment is key, he lunges forward to throw his spear, but he loses his footing and topples down an icy slope. He struggles for his life but there are no handholds...he drops into an icy abyss. As he falls into the darkness we see his face. The actor is Pauly Shore.

Dramatic music cues up.


Movie trailers.

I am starting a new blog series called "Life: As told in a series of movie trailers." I encourage the other bloggers to contribute.

Trailer 1: Teaser for the Beginning of Time -

Deep Voice: "Sometimes Life draws the bow of the Mind with a bristling arrow of Darkness. When the arrow is loosed all you can do is catch it in your bare hands, redirect its momentum, and tell William Tell to suck a dick."

*Shows William Tell with his head against a tree and an apple on his head. He gets arrow to the face as the apple slowly rolls forward and hits the arrow, making a "boi oi oing" sound*

Deep Voice: "The arrow of Darkness never misses"

This is my first of many


The Costco Myth

There's this myth. It's that buying in bulk is cheaper. I've seen people write before that buying in bulk is not cost effective, but until tonight I didn't really understand the argument. Most of the time, people who harangue America's latest best friend, Bulk McTons, are usually harping on the fact that by volume, the bulk price isn't actually that competitive.

This may be true in rare cases, but it is inconsequential.

My roommate and I went to the Costco last week, that warehouse of egalatarianism. Even though we've had a membership, this is only our 3rd trip since August. They had one of our staples there, Heart To Heart. It's Honey Nut Cheerios for adults. Almost identical, except our box has adult buzz words like "healthy" instead of an obnoxious bee. We were excited--they didn't have it before. So we bought two boxes (~$14). Now, by volume, that's way cheaper than it is at Trader Joe's.

Except a funny thing happened.

We ate pretty much $7 of cereal in as much time as it would take us to eat $3 of cereal. Before a Costco universe, we dealt with the scarcity of cereal by not eating it. Since we don't get to the store anytime a single food source is depleted, we conserve. Before a Costco universe, cereal at 9:30 before bed meant no cereal in the morning.

Buying in bulk was cheaper--but we consumed more and faster. I'm eating Kashi like it's going out of style. Ergo, over time I will spend more. At the core, I don't really care if I spend more. I am irritated I'm eating more. And I feel like I've discovered another and more deceitful way we are encouraged to be mass consumers. Not just of mass quantities, but as quickly as possible. I know how grocery stores encourage sales--how they intentionally block up aisles to slow people down (so they can look at that sale on Mr. Pibb). I guess I was deluding myself when I thought Costco was more consumer-oriented, bringing us Americans, rich and poor, a great deal.

Turns out I was wrong. And who on earth drinks Mr. Pibb?


Where are Wii going, daddy? Why isn't mommy coming?

I like to browse Craigslist ads when I don't have anything better to do, which is pretty much all day now that I've quit my day job and I'm living off selling old stuff I own. I was sniffing around the wanted section to see if there was a person who just so happened to desire a 12" tall plastic skeleton (It's a collector's item!) or a weapon-ready black Maglite flashlight. No takers, but I did find a gem of an ad posted by a man who wants to trade his Nintendo Wii for a car. Now, I think it's a bit of a stretch to begin with, asking for a vehicle that can be used as transportation and not for planting a garden in the engine. The Wii retails for $250 but it has been sold out of most major retailers since Christmas, which initially had Wii's selling for exorbitant amounts, but since the holidays have subsided and the reality of the economic recession is hitting people, new Wii's are going for around $300-$350. This guy has a used Wii with 3 games, so lets assume the games drive the value back up to that of a new Wii. What kind of a car can you get for $350? A car in a field that doesn't run, that's what kind of car. Mr. Salesman here not only wants a running vehicle that doesn't have a ground squirrel nest in the front passenger seat, he wants a car with "good gas mileage." We all know that if you want good gas mileage on the cheaps, there is only one way to go:


aww dang it!

Goddamn if news like this doesn't scare the bejesus out of me!

The thing at the end about six nukes "accidentally" being flown to the wrong place is especially troubling...

I hate emo kids too, but this...

So in Mexico City "Anti-Emo Kid Riots" have been breaking out, with "rockabilly and punk" kids facing off again the doe-eyed crybabies.

This will end horribly.


Inside the minds of The Monstro

Drew and I were talking recently on the medium of the internet, just kinda riffin' it up about current events, when our brain matter slowly started to heat and ideas went from fetal, to bigger fetal, if you are a huge dork or severely on either of our nuts give this a read.

: I'm so sick of the Democratic race
so sick of it.
me: hahah, yeah electoral fatigue is setting in
Drew: nobody cares anymore. all the positive energy there was in the beginning has turned to bitterness
Clinton is a fucking viper now
win on your own merits, not on tearing down the other candidate.
me: yeah
i mean they are both pretty incredible candidates
i like obama more
obviously but it's too bad they are running in the same cycel
Drew: politics is for the birds
politicians are for the birds.
me: ahaha
you are capable of wild swings
Drew: i saw a great comic in the independent newspaper here
it was of a totally destroyed convertible
and it had tattered american flags hanging from it
and the caption said "only the Democrats could screw up a one car parade"
me: so true
Drew: ah what are we to do
except organize and overthrow?
double O
me: orgasm
Drew: dude have you seen the previews for the new HBO series
John Adams
with Paul Giamatti
me: yea
Drew: I want to edit the trailer
and when it says "John Adams" at the end replace it with "Who the fuck was John Adams?!"
me: dude
that looks ridiculous
those really old historical biopics
are ridiculous
Drew: the dude who plays Ben Franklin looks good
me: ahaha, I mean I know WHO he was, but not that much about him, apparently he was really interesting though
really aristocratic to Jefferson's more down to earth
they sparred their whole lives, and died the same day, July 4
pretty legendary
Drew: or have it say "John Adams" "...wait, was he that guy that lost to Ali in the Congo?"
me: ahahaaaa
Drew: just do a whole series
ha ha
me: that's funny
Drew: ..."didn't he write that song from the Robin Hood movie?"
me: legit funny
"john adams....guy makes damn good peanut butter"
Drew: "...his Uncle Fester was fuckin weird as hell though."

me: john adams...cooks a mean STD"

me: john adams...deodorant for the 18th century.Drew: john adams...posthumously supports Barack Obama.
me: ahaha
obama should do that
just some hella funny ads
stop all this serious shit
Drew: that would be great dude!
isn't obama doing some grassroots video thing?
that's what we'll do, Gus and I me: ahaha
get tons of dead peple to endorese him
Drew: we'll have Sam costume up as all these historical figures in a really silly way, and have them all be posthumous support ads
me: ahahhaa
Drew: i'm Ben Franklin. I'm pretty sure I invented beer and lightning. That pretty much makes me a viking.
"Ben Franklin and Vikings support Barack Obama"
me: i mean these are gold
Drew: just keep a log of any ideas you have
me: i'm jefferson davis, the only president of the confederacy ever, therefore by endorsiing Barack Obama, the entire confederacy endorses him
I'm Martin Van Buren, Franklin Pierce, John Tyler, and James Buchanan, together we were about as effective and well known as one minor president, we endorse Barack Obama, giving him the presidential seal of approval
Drew: I'm Dwight Eisenhower. When I was elected, a lot of people confused me with George Patton. That's probably why I won. You've got it easy. Barack Obama looks nothing like a woman. Unless you put a wig on him. Then I bet he'd look real pretty. I'm Dwight Eisenhower and I endorse Barack Obama.

me: I'm Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin, I know something about progress, and cotton, therefore I endorse wearing comfortable clothes and Barack Obama
Drew: I also endorse Under Armour. It's not cotton, but it has made tights cool again, which is OK in my book.
me: ahah I'm King Charlemagne and I know a little something about what it's like to rule the masses with a funny name. Any guy who can do it without guillotines and intimidation gets my support. Vote Barack Husesein Obama
Drew: I'm Stephen Hawking. I'm the smartest human being on the planet. Possibly the smartest human being ever in existence. One time, Barack Obama beat me at Scrabble with the word "huckleberry." Vote Barack Obama, or else I will trigger my Black Hole Machine.
me: I'm Gusen McFedries, I'm the drunk son of a bitch who touches your daughters in my trailer park dreams. One day I had a vision of purity and the next day I woke up passed out on a Time Magazine with Obama on it and instead of puking on his newspring face I just started crying and kissing him. Vote Obama. Save my soul, and your daughters ass.
newsprint Drew: I'm Julius Caesar. I was brutally murdered in the Senate chamber of ancient Rome because some said I was a tyrant. Let's try to avoid that debate altogether by electing Barack Obama as president.
I have saved this conversation. I am off to lunch with mom, but keep those wheels turning.
me: I'm Ron Jeremy and you might be thinking 'but he's not dead' however my penis has been my life blood and now I can't see it over my gut and it is bored with getting up for work every morning. Barack Obama is not any of these things. Lean, fit, energetic, and not a porn star, washed up or otherwise. Vote for him and then go fuck yourself, or someone else, anyone but me.

now Obama has got it locked up...thank god.