Hello from battleground state New Mexico where we're all still in the office stuffing packets and printing out data at 115am after getting in a little before 8am.
It has barely hit me that in less than 48 hours America will have a new President-elect. My entire voting and adult life has been dominated by George W. Bush and the alternate reality he has created at home and abroad. I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT. At this point I think we have all gotten used to and accepted the utter and absolute bullshit that government has pulled. We have been conditioned for the absurd, slowly turned onto dangerous Kool Aid. The thought that there is a very real possibility that McCain could actually be elected and continue a lot of this shit blows my mind, I honestly don't know what I'll do. I am not saying Obama is going to fix everything or even anything right away, but it's a fucking start and that is all for many to cling to at this point.
The scene here is beyond inspiring. The office is being run by a gang of about 5 20-somethings and an old hand and it occurred to me tonight as I was furiously stuffing walk packets for volunteers tomorrow that this is the dream of many of us, youth taking shit into their own hands and taking a stab at taking the country back.
The volunteers who come in to walk neighborhoods and make phone calls are beyond epic. Many are in their 70s and go out without flinching for 4-6 grueling hours to go door to door to reclaim something they once believed in in politics and government, come back exhausted and say "see you tomorrow" and thank us for OUR efforts. Sam Johnson, the degenerate Glider Bison blogger is fucking in charge of this office on election day, this is real shit, and it is happening all over the country, talking to people in colorado, florida, and virginia it is the same thing and it is real and it is happening.
This many people deployed all over the country is literally akin to a military operation with a brilliant team of generals in Chicago led by an incredibly talented and inspiration, yet still enigmatic figure. It's a ground war that always makes the difference on election day and in battleground states Obama's plans are off the hook and amazing, people are going to vote and in big numbers.
No one wants to count a chicken before it hatches but if things go as well as they could the political map in this country will be at least temporarily redrawn. Now I had the same optimism in 2004 and it came to a crashing halt on that terrible night in November as I sat at a small desk in DC and buried my head in my hands as the last counties in Ohio wouldn't yield the precious votes needed. That is not going to happen again, if it was that close in 2004 then with a better Democratic and a weaker Republican this can really happen.
A long time ago I wrote in my journal as a bright eyed 17 or 18 year old wishing for a new Kennedy for my generation to arrive, but over the last 8 years resigning myself to the fact that that was pure whimsy, but no more, hope is back, fear is on the retreat and
let us pray, hope, work until this thing is called and then take a deep breath, sleep, and wake up to a new dawn.
You rock Mandel.