
Grandma knows best

I had dinner with my grandparents last night and the topic of conversation quickly turned to politics. My grandma was lamenting the fact that because she is 92 she can't get involved like she used and proceeded to rattle off stories that made it sound like she committed hugely fraudulent acts decades ago in san francisco politics.

Then she proceeded to produce one of the most hilarious theories I'd ever heard. She was saying how like minded people needed to get linked together and that book clubs are making a resurgence so she tasked "young people who know how the internet works" to find a way to link middle and upper class book club types with each other to read books about liberal causes and getting Obama elected. What an idea! Maybe the Monstro Blog should be the first brave foot soldier in this new movement.

Also, I heard some rumblings about the economy tanking, but then I watched this CNN report about it, and if Howard Stern can still afford to get people to act like 12 year-old's for his own self-pleasure I think we are doing just fine, calm down people.

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