

This is the time of year when I sit around my house with all the lights off staring out at the falling snow and listening to Philip Glass' Metamorphosis album. Snow and music have an odd combination in my brain. If snow is falling at a steady clip, it kind of shrinks the world down to a smaller size. I often think when I'm staring into a snowstorm what my life, my thoughts, etc. would be like if my entire existence was contained within my field of vision. Like living in a snow globe I guess. Anyway, the Philip Glass has an odd effect on your brain too. Just like the snow, it really prevents you from thinking about anything else. Combine falling snow with Philip Glass and you get a bit of what nature really fucking is. Deep down in the shit, like ants crawling all over a dead carcass. The harmony of it.

I got this fun trick from Bike Snob NYC.

Open this Youtube window and turn the volume of the clip all the way down. (Not the volume of your computer.) Now open this Youtube window and skip two minutes into the song. Once the music is playing, go back to your first window and you'll witness a bit of what I'm trying to describe.

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