
I hate people, so much

I forgot to turn the TV off after Monday Night Football (Titans, undefeated, really?) and mindlessly flipped over to CNN where Larry King was interviewing 4 different women about Sarah Palin, two liberal and two conservative, one of whom was this dumbass bitch Janine Turner, who is best known for being an actress and is also a conservative activist. She was defending Palin against the liberals and literally said the following words in the English language (I rewound this many times to get it right, it was that stunning).

"She's a smart intelligent woman, she's the governor of Alaska which, the state of Alaska, has the 5th highest ranking, the most power of the top five states in Alaska, (pause) she's had executive power, she's a smart woman."

The only thing making Palin seem smart is you Janine Turner, thanks for wasting everyone's lives, you are the worst person of the 9 o'clock hour in this night of my life.

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