

bugger off ye bastards, i'm gone and in absentia and i was just wee willy wonderin what exactly makes us all friends at the monstro, because i think during the school year i am definetly at my most stressed, usually at some point at my most depressed, and yet when i'm at near-ultimate peace and talking to ladybugs in the summer none of you are around me, I don't know whether to be sorry or what. Here is a list of everyone I live with and their traits, as an enemy infiltrative agency would want to gather them.

Aaron Mandel- short, hairy, /strengths: running long distances, bird identification/ weaknesses: table manners, personal hygience, seeing ice cream get eaten in the morning.

Lane Aikin- strengths: singing, baseball knowledge/ weaknesses: phonecalls from someone named "hey babe"

Garrett Stiles: strengths: alcohol tolerance, car knowledge, gun knowledge/ weaknesses: allure of hard drugs, artery clogging foods, passing out sharpie-backed cold.

Dan Baxter: strenths: knowledge of literature, chokeholds & neckbreaking moves, pierce pettis music collection/ weaknesses: tv show "24", bad calls in IM sports

Julian Trowbridge: strengths: chillin', marine biology, rollin doobies/ weaknesses: grip on english language when stoned, large sake bottles

Gus Gustafson- strengths: alcohol tolerance, cycling, midwest represent, indy car knowledge/ weaknesses: Jonny Walker black label whiskey, wine, AM classes

Matt Olmstead: strengths: problem solving, reasoning skills, star wars/lotr knowledge/ weaknessses: .314159 beers

Alex Carlson: strengths: Beatles knowledge, vocal talent, baseball skeelz/ weaknesses: WHAT ARE HIS WEAKNESSES, HELP ME,

Drew: strengths: brute strength, interstellar reasoning/ weaknesses: left knee, back hair, katamari

man why the fuck did i just compile that, that took me either a) 4 minutes, b) 48 minutes or c) 8 days,


think man, goat stampedes, tick bites, oceans, beaches, Bavaria, 1850's, how ancient is farming, holy shit i wanna learn to cook.

i thought it would be punny to tell dawe she was dawe-dling once, i thought that should be shared before the wind of time and memory takes that one forever away, more monstroblog this summer, and to those i couldn't say goodbye to officially, consider this your goodbye: bugger off


  1. You couldn't think of any weaknesses for me because I don't have any! I've been telling people this for years but finally it has been verified!


  2. The Monstro itself: Strengths: large, well-known, close to school. Weaknesses: may fall apart at any moment, no more free porn

