hey there folks, I'm headed out tomorrow morning with my friend Josh to hike the John Muir Trail which runs from Yosemite National Park to Mt. Whitney over 200 miles south. We'll be hiking for about 16 days and re-supplying once along the way. My plan is to journal as close to everyday as possible and publish some/most/all of that on this here blog when I return. I am overall extremely anxious and excited to get started, I've been working a family weekend at camp and have just been antsy as hell to get going because it has been this thing that was going to happen and now it is so close and I just need to get out there and start pounding out some miles to get rid of the anxieties that are undeniably present. I guess on a lot of levels people think it's crazy to just go completely off the grid for two and a half weeks with meager food and a fishing pole to supplement our diet but on the other hand people used to live like that for like 10,000 fucking years and we are just so removed from that now that it seems weird. Anyways, I'm left handed and get a lot of bloody noses and if for some reason I die at the hands of a bear or otherwise please know that my only regret was not out-scholaring Jumago in his field, which as far as I can tell is being not lazy enough to put into well-formulated sentences what we all think when we listen to the same music.
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