
The best songs I have heard in a while.

I am not making any statements regarding my musical tastes as being better or worse than anyone else's, but I know that they are different than a lot of people and so maybe if I share some cool songs with you folks you can find a new band. Be warned, I have been demonized for not enjoying the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, so if you are one of those old-school idolizers who listened to your parents' records then hopefully you can forgive my sins against the art of mankind and stop listening to music that is 30 years old. Also, if you live with me (Matt) or know me really well, you probably have heard me listening to these songs or raving about them after a few glasses of wine, so give me a break.

TV on The Radio: "Playhouses" off of Return to Cookie Mountain
I haven't had a song evoke indescribable complex emotions in a long time. This song makes me feel something, but I'm not sure what it is yet.

Voom Voom: "Baby" off of Peng Peng
Clark Blumenstein's dad actually got me into this song. I was at his house waiting to go to the Thievery Corporation concert in Seattle a few weeks ago and he put this track on. I was blown away.

The Streets: "Pranging Out" off of Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living
I overlooked this song when I got the album and only until I saw a live recording of The Streets performing at Bonnaroo did I look at this song again. As with all The Streets songs, listen to the words!

I am only going to put three on here in hopes that my compadres will add some of their own, and maybe some readers can post comments to add their own tracks too. A fun little music community with a orgy to be planned soon depending on interest.

1 comment:

  1. Can you email me these songs?

    I would love to hear them.

