
Fun with Wine Snobs!

If you think the Monstro is only dedicated to ruining children's lives, then you'd only be half right. We also have a game you can play with your pretentious wine drinking friends. It's a little something I like to call The Pepsi Challenge. Except instead of Pepsi we use wine and instead of anyone winning, it ends in heart break.

Find a wine drinker and have them over. Make sure they bring some of their good shit. After they've talked you up and down about terra firma and grapus maximus, ask them if they could help you with a little experiment. Tell them you've got some wine too. Don't how them that it is a box of cheapo wine from the grocery store that comes in the space bag. Away from their soon-to-be-tear-filled eyes, pour some of the box wine in one glass and some of their bottle wine in another. Now comes the fun.

Make a big deal about how much of a wine fan you are too, and how, just for the fun of it, you want to see which wine they prefer. After tasting both, let them make their analysis and regardless of which glass they preference, astonish them by showing them that they were just drinking cheapo box wine. Even if they pick their own wine as their favorite, show them the box and tell them that they've chosen wisely. Then go into this conspiracy theory about how box wine is better because of the science involved in the space bag. Mention pressure and air and other scientific stuff. If they doubt the legitimacy of the Challenge, you didn't get them drunk enough before starting, so just never call them again and look for a new pretentious wine drinker. We know several.

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