
I'm Settled

Settlers of Catan is the beginning. Settlers of Catan is the end. Settlers of Catan is the Alpha and the Omega. Settlers of Catan is the cup of coffee I need to start my day and the sleeping pill I need to end it. It is the cherry on top of my ice cream, the external hard drive for my laptop, the cigarette after sex. Settlers of Catan is object beauty defined. Settlers of Catan is the 8th Wonder of the Ancient World and the First Marvel of the Twenty-First Century.

Anybody wanna play?


  1. Now you guys are on board!!!! FUCK! I was trying to get your guys to play that game all last year....fuckers...

  2. Matt. It's 3 o'clock now. Wanna get settled this evening? I know a guy that gets crazy wood for sheep.
