
borat babel

so I have seen some movies recently, two of them being "Borat" and "Babel" which I will elaborate on a bit. On the surface these are two of the most different movies out there. Borat, for starters, is the brainchild of British comic Sacha Baron Cohen previously better known for "Da Ali G Show." "Borat" is just about the rowdiest shit I have ever seen in my life. I went opening night in Emeryville which is a good crowd to see a movie in a packed house, lots of people dressed up in character, more like a sports game than a quiet viewing. Anyways, unlike most "funny" movies, borat presents comedy in the form of incredibly out of control awkward and uncomfortable situations that at times leave you fearing for Baron Cohen's safety and leave you awestruck at the size of his testes. The laughter though isn't the kind of gut pounding funny, it is more the kind of laughter where you are so shocked and awed that you know you have to react somehow, you just don't know exactly how so you revert to the lowest, safest common denominator of laughing. All of Borat's interactions are so awkward and uncomfortable that I eventually found myself feeling at first very nervous for everything he did and then just ultimately helpless for his victims and the situations as they unfolded.

"Babel" on the other hand is a devastatingly dark and beautiful film by Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu, the often mispelled director of other devastingly dark and beautiful films like "Amorres Perros" and "21 Grams" which I think I saw with a number of ye fuckres in WW. This movie was a real fucking thinker which made it even better that I got stoned out of my mind right before seeing it. The plot itself is rather basic, some chaos butterfly flaps its wings in Africa and causes Drew to orgasm in Idaho theory shit, but for some reason that is a gold mine of a topic area to make you think about ideas like interconnectedness, causal shit and all that hoo-hah goodness. About 2/3 of the way through the movie, which I think I aptly described to a friend afterwards as "bruising my soul but the colors of the bruise were hella pretty," I realized as I watched terrible event after terrible event go down in a seriously pre-destined first semester core sorta way I realized I was experiencing the same sort of helpless feeling as I did in Borat. Well that's about it I guess, hella words to say borat=babel because of helpless feeling, god bless language.

so you might notice at the beginning of this there are hella links like in a real blog and then I fuckin stopped that shit real quick, well A) it's because my Safari interface doesn't let you link without typing in the code and B) I am not a real blogger, I am so fake, but my shit woulda been hella funny and gotten more ridiculous, like with links for "Africa" and "Drew" that were mildly humorous attempts at visual metaphor. breath.

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