
Anyone up for a blogging anachronism?

I want to start a new fictional blog called Cromagblog that is written from the first-person perspective of a caveman (Cromagnon man for the anthropological dorks in the crowd.) I think I can pulls this off because I have a good imagination and sometimes I think that I am a caveman. Sometimes I get the urge to just eat a cat. Sometimes I see a guy with his girlfriend and I think "If I kill him, she will be my girlfriend." Even though my educated mind tells me not to do these things, I still think them, and maybe Cromagblog can be a nice indulgence of my more animalistic tendencies. Plus I think Aaron Mandel would be an excellent contributing writer. Perhaps he could have his own columns on body hair and shitting in the nature. Cromagblog could be just what nobody is looking for, but we could have some nice graphics of cavemen adorning the front page so when visitors come in they will think "the content of this blog is absolute bullshit, but the layout is nice." Most people don't think cavemen and graphic design mix, but I guess they just haven't seen how a mastodon skull can really tie a room together.

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