
No one gets to walk between the rain

I'm pretty fatigued. I spent today hanging flyers on rich people's doors in Piedmont for Gorilla Gutters for $8/hour. I was assured as a huge job perk by the people I did this for that I had to have "zero interaction with other people" and could listen to music so I loaded my ipod into my pocket and started walking. Since I just finished a 190 mile hike it was not really any trouble for me to walk around on sidewalks all day and since they were paying by the hour I planned to just do it all day. All the other people this company hired got blisters and tired after a few hours so they got sick of waiting for me to finish and pulled me in the afternoon. I was walking around a real wealthy neighborhood and I noticed that I think nicer houses have door handles as opposed to door knobs. What's the deal with that? I was also considering that if I told anyone excitedly that I worked as a day laborer for a low wage with the hope of potential but random bonuses they woudl think it was lame. I am, after all, a college graduate with a degree in politics, I should be changing the world, remaking it in a better way and leaving it far more well off for future generations. Today however, I got great exercise, got to listen to music and got paid. I see nothing wrong with that. Anyways, I'm going to see the A's clinch the AL West pennant tomorrow and for anyone who saw me over the years at Whitman you know how much I love the A's, they are the epitomy of what is great about baseball, that will be a whole different post when they slay everyone shortly in the postseason. Today is also the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana and it is also was the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. With more disheartening news: that the hope for peace is in its usual place of the shithole I like that some common ground can be found at least in a common occurence. The title of the blog post is a lyrics of one of the songs ("No More") from the new Bob Seeger CD. The song has another profound lyric, It was 40 years ago when I was young/And the jungle not the desert heard the guns/Someone said they had a secret plan/And the rest of us were told to understand. War has been one of the most inevitable things in the history of humanity, it is just really fucking insane. Peace. Go A's.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to day labor for a low wage...and the IPOD as the only thing to make it bearable.

    Tomorrow I will pull some weeds in your name.
