
Books to steal after the bombs drop.

While at work I was thinking about what books would be beneficial as well as entertaining after the Apocalypse is triggered by crazies. You'd want to avoid books about people who attempt survival and go nuts, like Lord of the Flies, but you would want books about people surviving harsh conditions and still managing to find happiness and love, like Little House on the Prarie. Avoid books directly about a post-apocalyptic world because they will be of little value. Most credible authors that have written on the topic have no clue about what the world would really be like, case and point is the fact that no book about the post-apocalypse has stressed horses, or even mentioned horses for all that I know. Also, no post-apocalyptic literature is intended as a "how-to" guide, and none of those authors took into account the maniac zombies that will be created by the fallout.


  1. Read Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide". It containts such gems as "Climb the stairs, then destroy them" and "Blades don't need reloading".

  2. I think you mean:
    Brooks, Max. Zombie Survival Guide.
