
TV sucks.

There is a sad desperation in the room right now. Like a crackhead scratching at the door, begging to get inside in hopes that there might be a television or a microwave that he can pawn for his fix. My friends are sitting around like a bunch of small children staring cow-eyed at the television waiting for the new episode of the HBO television show Entourage. I like my share of television, but I don't WAIT for television. They're using this new form of television watching called On Demand, which means they get to watch the show whenever they want...but they're still waiting. The show still isn't on; it doesn't come up until midnight. They're still waiting, pawing at the television, sweating brutally and twitching. I don't particularly care if I watch the show or not, so it could be forever expleed into the cold depths of space and probably wouldn't feel my life change, except that my desperate friends will probably bitch and moan more than they are right now.

1 comment:

  1. Sachs says: Fuck TiVO!

    I don't think there's anything I hate more about being home than the sound the large family room television reverberating throughout the house, making it very difficult for me to do shit that's good for me, like reading, without struggling with every bone in my body to maintain concentration. You'd think that'd be bad enough, but get this. TV obsessors are not content with "live" television. As Drew stated, they need to be able to watch the show when they want, so the Devil invented this device to let the fuckers record their shows called TiVo. While I was busy finding I way to get my undergraduate institution to give me a degree that made people nod their heads in approval, my parents and sister decided to take el Diablo up on his offer and get a damn TiVo. now, on the few occassions that I do watch television in this house, my sister has tried to kick me out so she can use the TV. I tell her we have four televisions with DirecTV on them-why can't she use one of the other three? Her response: because this one has TiVo on it. Now what the fuck. We spend shitloads of money on four TVs to have fucking satellite television with assloads of channels come in on all of them, and somehow life revolves around just this one, in the middle of the house, in a "family" room next to the kitchen, a room where the activity of television watching, especially with TiVo, takes priority over any other activity that goes on in that room. All I can do is lower my head and shake it, and post this rant on the monstro blog.
