
Sketchy People

I don't know what it is, but there is something about Walla Walla at times that can really make my skin crawl. I don't know if it's because I now live off campus or what, but more and more lately I have been seeing a lot of really sketchy people around campus. Now what do I mean by sketchy people? I mean dudes who are over 50, not professors, not walking their dogs and listening to headphones, limping and talking to themselves while pacing Whitman's lushly groomed grounds. In the last week I have seen many many different incarnations of that person I just described. I also see tons of these people when they show up to Monstro parties and I don't quite know what to make of it. Where they around freshmen year and I was in too much of the bubble to actually notice or are they somehow growing, multiplying, spreading? All I know is that it used to be rare to see non-students laying on the Reid side lawn and now it is hard to pass by during the day without seeing bearded men in sweat pants swaying slightly.

In other news, our landlord's dad came over the other day to investigate a flaming wire that was protruding from the house (he fixed it bros). I was enjoying a breakfast of Smart Start Healthy Heart when he came in and nearly fainted when he saw how clean the house was. He looked at me and said, "I thought this was a party house" and then wandered into our living room, returned to me with an even more puzzled look on his face, pointed, and said, "And I thought that was the bottle room!" ahahahahahahhaah, fooled that sucka with our cleanin skillzzzzzzzzzzzzzz////when is spring break coming///////zzzzzzzzzzzcali sun shine///zzzzzzzzzzzz////////zzzzz

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