
come on

honestly? Why doth the internet tempt me back into 12 year-old boyhood?



What if...

This article about a hypnotist accidentally knocking himself out while his audience was hypnotized got me thinking about other "what ifs" that could potentially have some funny consequences.

What if...the guy responsible for the endless bread bowl at Olive Garden has a gluten allergy and keels over, therefore ending the endless bread bowl!>!!>?

yeah, that's about all I got right now. Ha.


Commercial nostalgia

For no apparent reason other than the unknown subliminal forces acting on me by being alive and present in this world I found my thoughts drifting to commercials from the past.

There is something about a well written jingle that just imprints like tree sap or garlic into your mind that is hard to shake and when its tune comes rambling back down the line it's kind of like settling into an old worn chair, a little scary, but still comfortable.

With that in mind I've made a list below of some of my favorites. What are yours?

1. This Folgers coffee commercial is fucking awesome! So awesome in fact that amazingly originally named acapella band Rockapella did their own cover right here.

2. Gatorade's "Be Like Mike" ad really captured some wild 90's energy. On the topic of Gatorade, they have one of the best recent ads with their "evolve" ad which I think I've linked on this blog before.

3. Fry's electronics- something about the "your best buys are always at Fry's" cracks me up, especially on some of the ads (unfortunately couldn't find any online) where the announcer puts progressively more emphasis into each word.

4. The Men's Warehouse- For a place selling classy clothing, the cheap production values and overly friendly Jewish fellow saying "I guarantee it" has always cracked me up.

5. This Irish Spring Sport soap ad is amazing.

6. Sunny Delight or "sunny d" or as my parents used to call it, sunny pee! All of their commercials are amazing because there is the same 5 note piano loop whenever the sunny d is shown!

I'm going to throw in the Ducktales theme, because WHY NOT, we are having fun here people!

7. Wendy's commercials with Dave Thomas- This poor guy may have founded Wendy's and probably got filthy rich, but did he ever imagine he'd eat thousands of burgers on screen to sell his product?

8. Chevy's "Like a Rock" car commercials. Sadly, this is how most people first come upon Bob Seger's music, instead of finding him playing it himself drunk in a Detroit dive bar, but oh well. Years later they tried again, and succeeded to some degree with John Mellencamp's "This is Our Country" ad series. Oh Chevy.

9 Budweiser frogs- Nothing goes as well with driving good ol' American cars as drinking tons of American beer! In that spirit we'll close with the classic Budweiser frogs commercial. Budweiser has also had some good Clydesdale horse commercials but nothing got a bunch of middle schoolers as excited about trying out copious amounts of beer as this old Bud ad.

What are your faves?


Iceland stand up and make some noise!

For the second time in about a year a volcano erupting in Iceland is about to muck up European air travel.

I can honestly say that except for appearing on some lists of "random places I'd like to travel to one day" I don't think much about Iceland except to occasionally ruminate on the fact that a short little Jewish dude like myself would probably feel pretty bad about himself in a land that is settled by the descendants of the fucking Vikings!

However, when you are a country of 320,000 people you need to find a way to get some attention sometimes. Clearly that means having some massive volcanoes blow the fuck up and shoot their ash into the jet stream headed for Europe.

At least this time the volcano's name is Grimsvotn, significantly easier to say than the last one.


Horseboarding- not what I expected

When I saw this link for a video about "horseboarding" I got excited about learning a new torture technique that Republicans were planning to debut for the upcoming election cycle. I imagined it being, instead of waterboarding, a process where suspects are put into a room with increasingly bigger and more aggressive breeds of horses with their awful horse gas and horrifying horse erections until they spilled the truth. Instead it is a sport featuring a few British people who think they are way more badass than they are. In America we have machines do that kind of thing.


Even more stuff I don't care about

On the theme of my last post about not giving a shit about when dinosaurs hunted for food, this latest article, coincidentally also from the BBC, talking about if the Last Supper was on a Monday or a Wednesday. WHO GIVES A FUCK!>!?>!!> Am I the only one who finds these sort of things so so so so so dumb? I think my main problem is actually more along the lines of "things British people consider newsworthy." Stay tuned.


Something I am now sick of

I was going to write "2 things I am now sick of" and bemoan how the Holocaust has become its own genre for movies and entertainment, but whatever, it keeps deniers on their heels and Daniel Craig in the acting game, so whatever.

What I am really sick of is reading articles telling me about how dinosaurs used to behave. FUCKING SHIT, they went extinct 65 MILLION YEARS AGO. We are bombing the shit out of Libya, which is making way more noise and destruction than anything the dinos ever did, as of one month ago and that has pretty much faded from the headlines. I don't think people understand how long ago 65 MILLION YEARS is. Try this, think about the oldest human stuff you can remember hearing about, it was maybe 1 million years ago.

As cool as it was that dinosaurs had functional brains, did shit at night and either did or did not do other awesome things, they had their epoch, they are gone, get over it. Reptiles don't cry, you shouldn't either.


Creative museum ideas

In honor of me reading about the seemingly awesome-sounding Iceland penis museum I sit here wondering what other crazy museums might be out there, just waiting for me to visit with my mail order bride?

What about:

- Museum of abnormally large boogers or shits

- Museum of ugly pets/children that parents/owners considered cute

- Museum with taxidermy animals that were the last of their breeds before being shot for game and rendered extinct.

Other ideas?


America the Beautiful

I'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that this awesome April Fool's prank happened or that a second degree assault charge is stemming from it!


The anti-therapist

Therapy is a very established yet regimented profession.
You sit on a couch, or perhaps a comfortable chair and talk with someone who is very kind, understanding yet has the not-so-hidden agenda of using that understanding and kindness as a way of analyzing, critiquing and altering you in some way. I believe, however, that balance, a zen-like middle path, is the way to success in life. Therapy as we know it has swung the pendulum too far in one direction and I see it as my duty to re-balance the force. I want to propose that anyone seeking therapy must also sign up for anti-therapy with a licensed anti-therapist.

The anti-therapist would augment what the therapist is doing with a heavy dose of realtalk. Depressed? Probably because you're fat ugly and single. Having trouble with your spouse? Get a job and some disposable income. Considering ending it all? Run a cost-benefit for the world and do the responsible thing.

Out of the therapist/anti-therapist combination will rise a heartier species, coddled yet challenged; ready for the world in all of its layered glory.

Also, this


It's Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!

So this has gotten so amazing, phenomenal, coincidental, and downright scary that I can't NOT write about it.

It's "Friday," the song by awkward 13 year-old middleschooler Rebecca Black of Orange County, CA. If you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, I've got three things to say to you:

1) it's 2011 now - welcome.
2) what rock have you been under for the past three weeks?
3) what the fuck are you waiting for? Click on the video for godsakes!

This is failure approaching epicness of Odyssean proportions. Just a Brunswick stew of epic fail. I'm truly shocked at how bad this is.

And yet I listened the whole way thought, as I'm sure many have, because I simply couldn't turn away from such a disaster. It's the sonic version of rubbernecking at the scene of a wicked car crash. It's like watching a slightly less funny Charlie Sheen interview, only a tad more pathetic yet somehow not quite as sad.

But at least the new media -- Web 2.0 or "You" or whatever it's called -- has lived up to its billing as a game-changing technology, and in more ways than just delivering copious amounts of every type of porn imaginable.

When I first saw this thing it was forwarded to me by a buddy who's a middleschool teacher in LA county. His description accompanying the link? "Watch this guys. See, teachers should be paid ten fold what they make. Teenagers are so unbelievably goddamned annoying."

That was over two weeks ago, and the video had "just" 4 million hits at that point.

But things happen fast in viral world. As of April 1, this trainwreck of a song has since garnered over 70 million views on YouTube in less than three weeks (it also has over 1.4 million "dislikes," making it the most hated YouTube video ever by quite some margin).

The sheer velocity with which this pile of garbage has spread around the digital globe is remarkable. She's already been on Leno, for godsakes.

At no other time in human history would it be possible to something so utterly worthless to be viewed by nearly 1 in 4 Americans. Hell, for the vast majority of our species' time here on this rock, there haven't even been 70 million of us around at any one given time. Scary when you think of it like that, isn't it?

Take a moment to contemplate the incredible flow of information here: Andrew Jackson killed 2,000 British soldiers at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 when the war had actually been over for two weeks; the news hadn't made it to either side.

So yep, it's here: we truly live in the information age now. A brave new world. Just remember: nobody ever said all that "information" wouldn't be worthless, or crappy, or both.

Nothing good can come of this. Trust me, this little girl isn't going to make nearly enough money from this to offset the fact that her life is officially ruined (public ridicule on this scale and intensity never really goes away -- I'm guessing pill overdose in five, ten years tops). The only positive thing about this whole mess is that it's bred some AMAZING parody videos.

Here are some of the best:

Is it just me, or does this actually sound like Andrew W. K.?


And finally, this wouldn't be complete without an epic Dylan cover treatment. Nobody does a better job of actually sounding confused while they're signing something that doesn't really make sense than Dylan:

But even with those great parodies putting a momentary smile on my face, I still couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me about the whole situation. Then I felt the stars align in the form of Satan's Pentagram and saw this:

Rebecca Black's Not To Blame: Meet The Man Who Wrote “Friday”

"You see, little 13-year-old Rebecca actually had very little to do with the notorious song or video. Patrice Wilson, the founder of Ark Music Factory and seemingly random rapper in Rebecca's video, is taking responsibility for this dubious phenomenon…He studied…at Whitman College in Washington state"


Well, now that I've got that out of the way: don't worry all you wonkish El Monstro readers, I'll have a nice piece on the societal value of public stock markets in the next couple days.


More Cyclical Compensation Models - A Cure For 'Divide & Conquer' Anti-Labor Strategies?

I know there's been a ton of crazy shit in the news in the past couple weeks (including my accurate prediction of a massive earthquake on the Pacific plate just two days before the Japan tragedy - yikes) but I wanted to address the Wisconsin labor situation for a minute. I am very passionate about the subject, and I have a thought on how to improve the unions' bargaining situation:

It's been well established for quite sometime in the field of behavioral economics that as long as someone's standard of living is improving -- i.e., they're making more money and/or have more buying power -- they tend to not give a shit about how everybody else is doing financially. A rising tide may lift all boats, but even when it lifts some more than others nobody tends to complain (at least not in substantial numbers).

This is part of the rationale behind Reaganomics being a socially-stable economic policy position: yes, the rich may become fantastically fucking richer, but as long as it spurs enough economic growth that even the people at the bottom get a little richer there won't be riots or other forms of unrest.

China's leaders have played this tendency beautifully, papering a 9% annualized growth rate over an incredible rise in income disparity since the market reforms of Deng Xiao Ping began in 1978.

[quick trivia fact] Deng is the source of my favorite quote from a modern Chinese leader (the ancient ones were decidedly more badass, for the record). Once, Deng agreed to take a foreign reporter's questions -- the first example of such government openness since Mao's revolution triumphed in 1949. When asked if moving to a market system represented an acknowledgment that communism had indeed failed, Deng said the following (paraphrased): "No, that is not what is happening at all. You Westerners use too many labels that we do not have use for in China. Command economy? Market economy? Black cat, white cat -- what is the difference so long as it catches mice?" SO EPICALLY CHINESE!!![/quick trivia fact]

But bad shit happens when you don't have economic growth. When the proverbial 'pie' stops growing in total size, people use extra-market means -- i.e., political upheaval, riots, violence, etc. -- of squabbling over who gets what from the newly-set size of the pie. So if you want to avoid civil/political strife and unrest, you better have a growing economy more often than not.

I think this effect may help explain why unions are not supported 100% by the public.

Unions in general -- and public employee unions in particular -- have spend much of their energy and political capital over the past ~30 years fighting for more job security rather than better pay and benefits. As a result unionized government jobs on average pay less than their private-sector counterparts given constant levels of education, but they have a lot more job security when the economy goes through a cyclical downturn (or goes down the fucking toilet like in the Great Recession).

This is why people are upset at unionized public employees. They see themselves hitting hard times -- losing jobs, taking hits on their pay, working extra hours for no additional compensation, benefits freezes, etc. -- but not the unionized public employees.

The proverbial 'pie' has stopped growing, and people are resorting to extra-market means -- in this case, electoral politics -- of squabbling over who gets what from the set size of the pie.

And so we face the following reality: a whole shitload of people who make $40k a year and are sliding backwards are angry at the unionized public employees who are making $45k a year, and a majority of them just got convinced by a couple of billionaire Koch brothers to vote in the interests of the fabulously wealthy because of the more-visible perceived unfairness of the public employees' compensation being shielded from the negative effects of the recession.

Napoleon first termed this strategy "Divide & Conquer." Historically, it's been brutally effective. It's just what we did to the Native Americans: pitting tribe against tribe over comparably petty differences and old rivalries while we were fucking genociding the 'winner.' Dark, but effective. And the corporate anti-labor people are playing it really well.

He's my idea.

The unions need to focus on improving overall pay and benefits for their members, not just on shielding them from the trials and tribulations of the business cycle.

When Joe Six-Pack sees that Joe Gov't-Employee is also hurting, they'll likely feel solidarity rather than rivalry, even Joe G-E is making more money in absolute terms. They won't get taken for a ride by a socioeconomic class that has absorbed nearly all of the economic gains of the past 30 years and now faces no campaign donation restrictions, amplifying their power well beyond their meager numbers. They'll stop this anti-labor charade that actually hurts their own interests and focus on the real problems of economic inequality in a country where the richest 400 citizens have as much wealth as the entire bottom half -- 155 million people -- of the country does.

Just a thought.


All in a name

Let me just say that even though I'm American and speak English and therefore dominate the world in a heretofore unheard of imperialistic way there are some things that will never make sense to me in their authentic form.

Asian languages are a good starting point, although to me they're almost too far gone to be within the realm of reasonable discussion. They seem to me, so different than the Latin-based English and Spanish to which I can exist in that I have immense respect for anyone who is bilingual from an Asian language to a Latin-rooted one.

However, within much closer social proximity to me are some mind-bending languages and words that I have discovered that make me think that I am but dust and ashes upon the world of possibilities.

Borussia Moenchengladbach- This is a name of a German soccer team. Can you say it? I tried, I doubt I succeeded though. Apparently German has lots of long words because they just combine things we in English would normally separate (Dan- confirm?). So maybe this team just means "Near Russia a group of men good with their feet."

Additionally, here is a list of team names in the Ukrainian premier league. Which one of those would most closely associate with "Oakland A's"? I would become a fan of that team but I just can't figure it out.

Let's move to Iceland. Last year a huge volcano erupted and seriously messed up global air travel. However it was only known as "Icelandic Volcano" because it's real name, "Eyjafjallajokull" is COMPLETELY UNPRONOUNCEABLE to English speakers. Wikipedia offers some help by giving the pronunciation guide here.

Still not getting it?

Why not let a real viking motherfucker from Iceland take a crack at telling us. Seriously you must watch this video for two reasons.

1. I'm convinced this guy speaks better English than his own Icelandic.
2. The comically dark ending of the video where he cheerfully announces, "in other news, nothing."

And now that you know what's up here are some other Icelandic volcanoes so you can impress girls at a party the next time one blows.


With my own two hands

I can change the world with my own two hands/make a better place with my own two hands/
-Ben Harper

I'm not sure this angry mob of Indian workers really got Ben Harper's message when, after getting laid off, they trapped the culpable executive in his car and burned him to death. Holy shit, people need, to quote Harper again, to burn one down and chill.


Oscar rant (and one really good moment)

There was a time when this blog was all about movie snobbery, 'twas a simpler time, and now it's time for a stroll down that road again.

The Oscars fucking sucked.

It's possible because I was massively crashing from drinking for the 6 hours preceding the telecast that I was lacking certain brain chemicals needed to have any kind of joy or fun at that moment, but I seriously doubt that was it, they just fucking sucked.

Let's start with the hosts, James Franco would be fun to smoke like 12 joints with, but watching him host was pretty brutal and awkward. Anne Hatheway successfully represented everything annoying about women, being so excited and energetic about everything, no matter what. Maybe next time she shouldn't do all those 5 Hour Energy shots. Together they were the worst possible mix of trying too hard and not at all.

I hate the music pieces, they are dumb, I hate the cheesy jokes they force the presenters to say, I freaked out when Bob Hope returned back to life.

There were some good moments though, I'm not 100% hating.

1. Kirk Douglas did as only a 94 year-old could and came across as awesome for not shitting himself onstage. He does have pretty big balls though to get out at his age and after a stroke, he still had great comedic timing too.

2. Colin Firth, no nonsense and funny.

And BEST OF ALL was Luke Matheny, winner for best live action short film. He wins for a couple of reasons.

- Acknowledging his hair with his opening remark.
- Thanking his mom, who did craft services (i.e. the food) on the set.
- Promising to thank everyone else on a "thank you cam" that may or may not actually exist.
- Calling out an entire state, and that state being fucking DELAWARE! I don't even think Delaware exists!

Don't believe me? watch him here.

So that's that, I wasn't blown away by any movie this year (still need to see Winter's Bone, The Fighter and The Kids Are Alright) so hopefully next year's movies and show will be better.

basic reasoning

you know if you had told me that a bunch of small fish in a small tub of water were going to eat dead skin off my feet and then chill out in their tank for a bit and then eat some more dead skin off a bunch more people's feet I might think to call the health department too.

But I'm just a caveman...


Beautiful Moments in Life

The other day I was posted up at a nasty urinal doin' my thang. When one is at a nasty urinal it's hard to give a fuck about cleanliness because to do so, you'd be bucking a huge trend of no one else giving said fuck. So in that spirit I picked my nose, deeply and passionately, and went to wipe the results on the wall above the urinal.

To my great joy someone had already smeared the contents of their nose in the exact spot I was going for.

In that moment I felt more connected to my fellow humans than I have in ages. We are all one.


Public Service Announcement

Government Warning: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.

Just thought y'all should know. Cheers.


Cultural Superiority

So I've been listening to a lot of Cat Stevens lately, and I got to wondering: what has he been up to musically since, say, the Reagan administration?

Naturally, I got my answer where I get all my answers: Wikipedia.

(The most trusted name in news: they report, I decide. Then I edit those reports to better fit my own conclusions and worldview. It's a great system.)

Well....let's just say I'm a bigger fan of Stevens' earlier work.

It turns out Yusuf Islam has been making children's recordings to teach Muslim kids important words in Arabic. Here's an example:

Poor Yusuf. He's going to lose terribly. The competition is simply too fierce. You see, this is what mainstream American kids have for educational musicals:

That doesn't even get me started on the presidents or a primer on foreign policy.

I'm not saying we're perfect, just that there are some things American culture just really does well. Children's entertainment is definitely one of them. I didn't even resort to busting out the Schoolhouse Rock - it's that much of a monopoly.

Sorry Cat.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd just for fun:


Too slow, old man

I spent my entire weekend - 8:30am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday - at a financial modeling seminar. I learned some cool stuff, but I also got rebuked because of, of all things, my age.

Take a quick look at the following list:

Fastest Times:

35 Seconds
Yao Choong
Moelis & Co.
University of Pennsylvania
36 Seconds
Alan Hsieh
Credit Suisse
University of Pennsylvania
36 Seconds
David Berglas
Credit Suisse
Richard Ivey School of Business
37 Seconds
Olivia John
University of Pennsylvania
38 Seconds
Austin Peterson
Duke University
39 Seconds
Jason Lee
Morgan Stanley
University of California - Berkeley
39 Seconds
Donald Zhang
Dartmouth College
40 Seconds
Ang Lee
Jefferies & Co.
University of Pittsburgh
40 Seconds
Benjamin Rafetto
Société Générale
Dickinson College
41 Seconds
Robert Volpe
Morgan Stanley
Dartmouth College
42 Seconds
Shane Hwang
New York University
42 Seconds
Will Brugh
Jefferies & Co.
University of North Carolina
43 Seconds
Fernando Oura
Itau BBA
University of Sao Paulo
44 Seconds
Andy Cao
University of Pennsylvania
45 Seconds
Raheem Choudhry
Morgan Stanley
University of Virginia
45 Seconds
Kevin Curry
Vanderbilt University
47 Seconds
Sam Lundin
Cornell University
47 Seconds
Danny Pho
Case Western Reserve Univ.
47 Seconds
Jamie Harvey
Credit Suisse (Europe)
Oxford University
48 Seconds
Imran Choudhury
Jefferies & Co.
University of Richmond
48 Seconds
Mihail Ivanov
Société Générale
University of Chicago
49 Seconds
Jamie Seltzer
University of Pennsylvania
50 Seconds
Goeffrey Adler
Colgate University
50 Seconds
Sampath Jinadasa
Credit Suisse
Stanford University
50 Seconds
Shutong Zhang
Perella Weinberg
University of Pennsylvania
51 Seconds
Keith Collins
Duke University
51 Seconds
Dusko Djukic
Case Western Reserve Univ.
51 Seconds
Zhou Zhang
Vanderbilt University
51 Seconds
Jackie Cobb
Jefferies & Co.
University of Michigan
51 Seconds
James Blanchard
Yale University
51 Seconds
Derek Weiss
William Blair & Co.
Dartmouth College
51 Seconds
Nate Barajas
William Blair & Co.
University of Illinois - Urbana C.
51 Seconds
Albert Chiang
Jefferies & Co.
52 Seconds
Keima Ueno
Morgan Stanley
Tokyo University
52 Seconds
Dan Yu
Wells Fargo Securities
Wake Forest University
52 Seconds
Michael Burke
Duke University
53 Seconds
Thomas Akiyama
UC Berkeley
53 Seconds
Ivan La Frinere
Credit Suisse
California Institute of Technology
53 Seconds
Rawen Huang
Morgan Stanley
Yale University
53 Seconds
Matt Remsen
Jefferies & Co.
Kalamazoo College
54 Seconds
Greg Chory
Emory University
54 Seconds
Andrew Blickensderfer
Miami University (OH)
54 Seconds
Tom Fang
Walton Street Capital
University of Pennsylvania
55 Seconds
Michael C Meng
University of Michigan
55 Seconds
Jonathan Fisher
Royal Bank of Scotland
Miami University (OH)
55 Seconds
Roman Pedan
Walton Street Capital
University of Pennsylvania
55 Seconds
Kevin Shiiba
Perella Weinberg
Georgetown University
56 Seconds
David Sokoler
Harvard University
56 Seconds
Mike Moran
Jefferies & Co.
University of Pennsylvania
57 Seconds
Matt Collins
Credit Suisse
U. of Wisconsin
58 Seconds
Brent Frissora
Harvard University
58 Seconds
Mike Daylamani
Credit Suisse
Princeton University
59 Seconds
Tim Hannan *
Merrill Lynch
Tuck, Dartmouth
59 Seconds
Taylor Hendricks *
Morgan Stanley
Fuqua, Duke


These are the record times to complete a financial modeling exercise in MS Excel. The exercise basically tests how much of an Excel ninja you are. Thousands of business majors and MBAs have tried it, so there's a pretty sizable sample of skilled folks giving it a shot.

It took me just over five minutes to complete after a couple rounds of practice. With some more work, I think I could get it done in under three, but any faster than that is realistically pushing it for my abilities (thank god I am NOT a finance guy).

If you do it in under a minute, your name goes on the wall. Have a cookie.


That some people push very context-limited skills to their extremes is nothing new - witness Clark's track times on the original Mario Cart. I have no problem getting beat at such tasks/skills/tests by these people (though I'm proud to say that I have shown Clark Toad's rear bumper a time or two).

What I have a problem with is being told I can't even compete at something if I wanted to because I'm too old.

Becoming too old to compete in tests of skill you once could is a fact of life. Just ask Brett Favre. Or any female gymnast who can legally drink.

But it had never happened to me until yesterday.

After going through this exercise the moderator showed us the list above. He then pointed out that only two people on the list, out of about 60, are MBA students - and they're both right at the bottom. Sounds counter-intuitive, right? Afterall, to even be in an MBA program you have to have several years of work experience, and these peeps were likely financial analysts on Wall Street honing their Excel and modeling skills for a couple years in an environment where seconds matter. So why don't more make the cut?

Because, as the instructor explained, us MBAs are too old. By virtue of the fact that most of us are 6-10 years older than the 21 year-old financial phenoms on this list, our reflexes are actually measurably slower than theirs. "You're too slow, you old farts!"

And so at the ripe old age of 27 I was dealt my first ever "you're too old to hack it" moment. I fear this is the first in an ever growing cascade of such moments, until I'm finally too old to do anything at all and just die. I spent the rest of my Sunday evening pondering my own mortality during Simpsons commercial breaks.

Damn you MS Excel. Damn you financial modeling. Damn you 21 year-olds and your lightning fast reflexes.


It's all in a name

Normally I have something clever to say about things in the news, but really this article about naming (or not naming) a city government building in Fort Wayne, Indiana after former mayor Harry Baals speaks for itself.

Would you rather go down in immortal infamy because your name is Harry Baals or be completely forgotten and wiped from the record because of it?


On nipple blood

A lot of people profess to go balls to the wall but usually they are just talking about some bullshit like drinking or their data entry job.

Monstronaut Alex Carlson took it to the max yesterday, running his first half marathon, he went so hard that his nipple bled through his shirt, onto his race number. That was hard core enough, but just to make sure that everyone else felt like a wimp, he barfed right at the finish line, showing that if you thought you tried hard at things, you need to check your shirt and see if your nipple is bleeding, if not, get back at it.

Click for a larger version!


Official Monstro Blog plan for Egypt- BRING BACK THE PHARAOH!

Egypt is a MESS (2:04 into that one, for clarity).

A royal mess. A strongman has been in power for 30 years and is not relinquishing power rapidly enough to placate masses of angry Egyptians.

Rioting has broken out.

A lot of people think that the problem here is that Mubarak is too much of an authoritarian and has repressed freedoms and opportunities for so many for so long that it is inevitable that a revolution has bubbled up.

That is bullshit. Egypt needs to look no further than its past for an answer to the future.

That's right. BRING BACK THE PHARAOH!!! Mubarak just wasn't STRONG ENOUGH. He didn't wield a scepter and staff, he didn't force Jews to build him epic pyramids, he won't get his body mummified, put into a sarcophagus and looted into eternity.

Egpytian people- This is your time, this is your moment. I hope you can find the strength and courage to act on your convictions, especially if those convictions know full well that your answer is a new Pharaoh for a new time.


Tower of Babel

I'm convinced men and women speak different languages entirely, not just Venusian and Martian dialects of the same English. At least, our perceptions and understandings of the world sure are amazingly disparate.

In a moment of passion this weekend (note: undergrads really are the best thing about grad school) I relived all the excitement and awkwardness of a highschool hookup on my way to 2nd base with this cute young thing. Shirts were long gone and she had just shimmied out of her skin-tight jeans.

Then it happened: communication breakdown.

Her first words after the pants came down: "My necklace is turning you on, isn't it? I know it's pretty."

Um, what? Sweetie, I wasn't aware you were even wearing a necklace until it stood out as the last thing you had on. Let's review: your naked body is lying before me, and you think the reason I'm so excited is because there are some beads hanging from your neck?

The pursuit of the naked female form is one of the biggest drivers of men in all of human history. It's why millions of guys work jobs they don't like. It's why Victoria's Secret posted $5.6 billion dollars in revenue last year (they sell necklaces there, too, but I'm willing to bet those didn't account for much of that number). It's pretty much why all the Renaissance paintings were made. To quote an excellent 1997 film it's "why cavemen painted on walls." Millions of years of human evolution have made this moment a man's Holy Grail.

And yet an apparently normal woman thinks it's superseded by some polished rocks on a string?

If we can't get on the same page about something as fundamental - as downright primal - as this, how in the hell are we ever supposed to really communicate? How do I know that what I'm thinking about and trying to communicate to a woman via words isn't just being converted into something COMPLETELY off once it hits her ears? And vice versa: what am I missing - and how badly am I missing it - when women are trying to talk to me?

Methinks there's a surprisingly high chance that we're all just obliviously talking past one another.


What a deal!

Passed a cafe today that had a "$4.95 lunch special" which included a sandwich and a "free drink".

Unfortunately, I was hoping the drink would cost $4.95 and the sandwich would be free, then I would have purchased it.

When I retire from professional sports and open up a car dealership I'm going to offer free cars with the $17,900 cup-holders.


Spicing up academia

Sometimes academia gets a bum rap for being staid and stale. However, when two math professors get in a dispute and one pees on the door of the other, well shit, that's what I'm talking about!

Now if only I was mathematically inclined enough to figure out what that argument could have been centered around...

Since I operate at around 6th grade level math I'll have to assume they were bickering about women in terms of lowest common denominators, these are math professors we're talking about.


people are proud of their stereotypes

So this article recently dropped in the local paper which cites a study claiming that San Francisco has become the 11th gayest city in the country. San Francisco loves its gays so an uproar ensued as people found holes in the scientific method used to make this claim.

In other news, holy shit is this woman a fucking idiot. Just watch the video, goddam Tea Party, this is your answer for America. And as Anderson Cooper says in the video as he tears her a new GOP-red asshole, the scary thing is, people listen to her and her ilk. Glenn Beck repeatedly does the same shit completely reinterpreting solid historical facts and spinning them to hell and back to support their agenda. What I would like someone to do is make an outrageous claim like, "America was actually founded by Belgian colonists" and then when everyone looks at them with confusion they just say, "history? It's up for grabs. Were you there? Didn't think so, so shut up and get off your high, literate horse."

And in the least shocking news ever reported, a study found that the beef in Taco Bell tacos is not really beef. My digestive system confirmed this in 1994, idiots.



2011 has just begun and I can't wait for it to be over. According the Amish the world is supposed to end next year, but I have to wait the gestation period of a blue whale before I can expect anything to start exploding. There are two blue whales having sex somewhere off Easter Island (this is a romantic spot for whales I am told) and right when that baby whale swims for the first time, everyone living on land is going to be panicing and murdering each other because their credit cards don't work and Facebook won't let them upload pictures from their smartphones. There will be Banana Republics burning to the ground. It will be like the end of "Fight Club" except that the weird woman who is married to Tim Burton won't be there. 

The worse thing about 2010 was gauge earrings. This fashion style is so played out it isn't even funny. If you aren't a seven-foot Masai warrior about to kill a lion with a spear, your gauges make you look like an asshole. Peace!


Arkansas wildlife looks around and realizes some profound truths about Arkansas

I can't help but notice that in the last few days birds and fish have decided to spontaneously die in Arkansas. Wildlife officials are supposedly "investigating" these incidents. I have an idea, save that money you were going to use on the investigation and pump it into schools, youth programs, health care, shit, anything because what happens when the other wildlife in Arkansas also wises up and decides it just ain't worth it?