
people are proud of their stereotypes

So this article recently dropped in the local paper which cites a study claiming that San Francisco has become the 11th gayest city in the country. San Francisco loves its gays so an uproar ensued as people found holes in the scientific method used to make this claim.

In other news, holy shit is this woman a fucking idiot. Just watch the video, goddam Tea Party, this is your answer for America. And as Anderson Cooper says in the video as he tears her a new GOP-red asshole, the scary thing is, people listen to her and her ilk. Glenn Beck repeatedly does the same shit completely reinterpreting solid historical facts and spinning them to hell and back to support their agenda. What I would like someone to do is make an outrageous claim like, "America was actually founded by Belgian colonists" and then when everyone looks at them with confusion they just say, "history? It's up for grabs. Were you there? Didn't think so, so shut up and get off your high, literate horse."

And in the least shocking news ever reported, a study found that the beef in Taco Bell tacos is not really beef. My digestive system confirmed this in 1994, idiots.

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