
Cultural Superiority

So I've been listening to a lot of Cat Stevens lately, and I got to wondering: what has he been up to musically since, say, the Reagan administration?

Naturally, I got my answer where I get all my answers: Wikipedia.

(The most trusted name in news: they report, I decide. Then I edit those reports to better fit my own conclusions and worldview. It's a great system.)

Well....let's just say I'm a bigger fan of Stevens' earlier work.

It turns out Yusuf Islam has been making children's recordings to teach Muslim kids important words in Arabic. Here's an example:

Poor Yusuf. He's going to lose terribly. The competition is simply too fierce. You see, this is what mainstream American kids have for educational musicals:

That doesn't even get me started on the presidents or a primer on foreign policy.

I'm not saying we're perfect, just that there are some things American culture just really does well. Children's entertainment is definitely one of them. I didn't even resort to busting out the Schoolhouse Rock - it's that much of a monopoly.

Sorry Cat.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd just for fun:

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