
I was wrong!

Well, the results are in from Iowa and I was awesomely wrong on both counts. Obama and Huckabee won pretty comfortably, Huckabee especially, in their primaries. The big news is that Hillary Clinton looks like she is going to finish 3rd, but not by much, which is still a big blow to her. Biden and Dodd already dropped out after poor finishes like I thought and Bill Richardson got his ass handed to him, getting only 2% but he's gonna stay in.

Giuliani, continuing to show the biggest balls of all time got 4% and does not give a fuck. Thompson and McCain are in a tight battle for third in Iowa which seems a bit insignificant as both will now push on needing big showings in South Carolina and New Hampshire. If Romney can't finish at least a strong second now in New Hampshire, he's in trouble. Ron Paul got 10 fuckin percent which is epic, he's a crazy old coot.

I think the best thing about this on both sides is that change won hard, Huckabee is not at all like Bush, he openly critiques him, talks about health care, education and global warming in somewhat sentient-being-level terms. Obama and Edwards I both really like and they really stuck it to Hillary, I hope it's a sign of change for the positive, in substance and tone for the state of American politics. Romney went real negative and got punished so I hope that holds.

On another note, I think the apocalypse is about to hit the bay area, it is so windy and rainy here I think god is fuckin pissed off about something, maybe it's the liberals, ooooh the liberals.

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