Rollo de Pollo is it. Rollo de Pollo is the answer. The answer to the question. The question that was in your head when you were born; the question that will be on your lips as you die. Rollo de Pollo. Rollo de Pollo is God's smile on mankind, manifest. Manifest in a form that is accessible to all men, of all races, faiths, mental states, and any other way we choose to subdivide ourselves. Rollo de Pollo will cure cancer, if we only learn how to unleash its ultimate potential. Rollo de Pollo was sitting in a Mayan temple 2000 years ago, decoding the starts for the priests of the sun as they sacrificed slaves and holy childen with Downs Syndrome to the holy kind Quetzaquatl, the king of seas. The king of seas breathed upon the flat green grass of a young earth and what came of the breath of a titan was Rollo de Pollo. Nectar and Ambrosia - Rollo de Pollo. One in the same, like the Holy Trinity. Holy Trinity? One short. Missing one cruical key. Holy Quadrology: Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and Rollo de Pollo. It can be found on any dollar store shelf, in any cupboard, on any street corner, in any knapsack, in any cauldron. Rollo de Pollo is Jesus teaching man how to fish.
Go to the dollar store, buy Rollo de Pollo, and eat it until you feel the Earth Mother's seed of happiness and fertility well within your very being. Wallow in the glory of the Rollo, and repent at the majest of the Pollo.
For ye of uneducated levels of faith, Rollo de Pollo is the mexican chicken version of SPAM. It's tastes like it should taste given its name, but oh, how glorious the IDEA of it is.
Sometimes when all of the horrors of today's modern world get to be too much and I find myself chewing the barrel of a revolver, some Rollo de Pollo helps turn my frown upside down.