I lived in a house with ten other guys, ten other cool guys who I enjoyed spending my time with. Everyone had their little quirks and entertaining hobbies. Everyone had their pet peeves and distinct method of pissing on the toilet seat. You know you have lived with a group of guys too long when you can identify their respective laundry when you haul it half-dry out of the drier and dump it onto the floor.
Over graduation weekend I noticed another strange trend with all of these guys; everyone has a cool mom. Every mom I talked too was outgoing, fun, and almost overly talkative. Not to say that these moms are without their own personal quirks; on the contrary I think that the moms most likely have deeper, darker quirks that gave rise to more sociable versions in their sons. Aaron spends a lot of his time around the house naked, so I can only assume that Mrs. Mandel has a rather lax clothing policy when she goes to the grocery store or to pick up something from the post office.
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