
Titles appear not to be my strength

What began as a slight fray due to years of wear has now turned into an almost unnacceptable hole in the crotch of my jeans, like all of my jeans. I suppose this is some sign that life detoriorates at the same rate, except if life suddenly becomes two of my fingernails, they are in big trouble, I need ointment or something.

I might have a different perception of what is an "acceptable" hole in the crotch of something than others.

Last night Brandon had passed his orals so Gus, Sam, Brando and I went out and since Gus and I have the snifflies (Bird flu) we devoted our time and resources to getting the two elite cyclists to a stage where they would need helmets for everyday living. The night ended in Sam going absolutely insane and attempting to rockclimb in Kimball Theater and then dashing outside and climbing two different 15-20 foot trees so quickly and ferociously that none of us could stop him. I do have to say, there is something magically collegiate about the scene that unfolded outside Reid and Hunter last night with a tall lanky man, obviously heavily crazed with booze sprinting up a tree until he could get no higher and then swaying wildly from the topmost, unstable reaches of the tower yelling and hooting while his friends pleaded for him to come down.

Sam also jumped into some neatly groomed hedges.

upon watching some winter olympics, I have yet more to say on the endless glory-realm of sports. While the winter olympics are a) tight as shit, a lot of the events simply consist of athletes going one after each other making runs down a course (all the skiing, long track speedskating for hte most part, skeleton, luge, bobsled, and some more probably). They all go fast as shit and the margin of victory is tiny and the margin between first and worst is only a few seconds. That is not all that interesting to me after a few runs just to see how tight they all are. I like the team sports, or the races with multiple people in them all at once. That is where the glory lies, in making a run at the end or heroic individual efforts/sacrifices for the team. That brings me to my main thought on this subject, which is that as pitchers and catchers begin to report to Arizona and Florida it has come to a truth in my mind that the Home Run is the most glorious single instance in all of sport. In a team game, no one person can do so much on their own that can so profoundly change a game. Making a shot in basketball is cool, but there are hundreds each game. Touchdowns require blocking and other people. Hockey goals are the only thing that come close, but for the most part, fuck hockey. There will only be a few homers hit in a game at the most and baseball is not very high scoring, so in one instance, with one swing of the bat, fortunes can be changed and heroes made, that is some good shit.

I have been rather congested lately so if anyone knows any snot-banks that are willing to pay, I'm tryin to be a rich man.


  1. most entertaining aaron, wish I could have witnessed the insanity.
    -the original sarah

  2. I miss the picture of the Monstro at night.

  3. ditto on missing the picture of the Monstro at night. I don't like the new look! Back with the old! Rar.
