
Hey dreams: I want to fly again

When I was younger, until a few weeks ago, I would have sweet dreams where I could fly or kill dragons or do things that wouldn't ever really happen in reality. When I woke up it was on one hand always refreshing to know that I wasn't being pursued by killer beasts but it was also a definite break from the dream world to reality. My problem is that lately my dreams have been about really, really mundane things like going shopping for food that I need, meeting with professors, doing homework and things like that. This has created numerous situtations lately where i assume certain things have happened in real life because it happened in my dream. However, when I go downstairs to make a sandwich I have no bread, although I was sure I had bought some. Homework I thought I had done has actually not been started and worst of all, I dreamed that my professor cancelled a class on a different day than was on the syllabus so I showed up to the wrong day. This leads me to conclude that it is essential for human beings to have crazy ass motherfucking dreams about eating sasquatch shit and things like that so there is a definite break between reality and dreamland in order to avoid the situation of assuming everyone got the news bulletin to be naked on tuesdays.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I have lucid dreams I fly. Like, I'll be dreaming and something will clue me in to that fact, and I'll be like "Oh man, I'm dreaming, I wanna fly!" and then I'll fucking fly out the window. It's sweet.
