For a second I read "Alex 'Moose Hunter' Carlson" and I thought "There are no moose to be hunted in this area, Aaron in full of shit." Then a moose stormed through the door and killed my dad. I vowed then and there to kill all the mooses (meese?) that live in the Monstrosity. I'm pretty sure there is one in the laudry room, though that could just be a clothesrack. Regardless, I'm going to kill a moose/clothesrack with a cricket bat tomorrow after class, if anyone wants to spectate or take bets or something. Q & A will immediately follow.
For a second I read "Alex 'Moose Hunter' Carlson" and I thought "There are no moose to be hunted in this area, Aaron in full of shit." Then a moose stormed through the door and killed my dad. I vowed then and there to kill all the mooses (meese?) that live in the Monstrosity. I'm pretty sure there is one in the laudry room, though that could just be a clothesrack. Regardless, I'm going to kill a moose/clothesrack with a cricket bat tomorrow after class, if anyone wants to spectate or take bets or something. Q & A will immediately follow.