
I Have Returned

I have to admit, I do feel slight pangs of guilt when I go away on vacations or short trips and I am unable to update the blog. I realize that many people rely on it for information and entertainment in much the same way as our parents rely on Reader's Digest. At the same time, this is an utterly thankless cross that I must bear to the top of a mighty mountain, and I can see in the future the inevitability of me being nailed to the burden that I carry with a smile.
This blog will be the death of me.
Well, perhaps not the death of me, but I am sure in the years of senseless un-edited posting ahead that somewhere I will off-handedly mention the means of my ultimate demise. I will invoke the principals of the mighty theory of Chaos; by making that simple remark I will set into motion the great universal machine that is required to finally bring about my end. I expect no less than the influence of gods and the gods of gods, if they exist. If they do not exists, then at least the machinations of a crack-addicted hobo who will shiv me to death in an alley for $22. But a mighty fall it will be.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember why but when Sam gave me a ferocious gorilla to grace the hood of my van I decided to name him (and the van) Tartar. Last week I saw Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, and Sir Toby Belch said "To the gates of Tartar, thou most excellent devil of wit!" Well I had to figure out what this Tartar business was, and we looked it up in the dictionary and found that Tartar comes from Tartarus, which is mythologically the lowest region of the world, and very evil. I don't know what this says about the gorilla or the van, but more importantly, on the same page in the dictionary Sam found the word "tathagatagarbha." This means "the eternal and immutable matrix of all reality; the womb of the absolute and the essence of Buddhahood." Drew, do not fear your end through either Chaos or a wino. For I believe that the exit you see in front of you is your passage out of the womb and into the larger realm. You have the capability for tathagatagarbha and your next birth from that womb will be the most tantamount event of time. It has been a privilege to know you.
