MANDEL2002: we should seriously learn to sail
Toro412: its ratha easy
Auto response from MANDEL2002: i'm going to stand guard like a postcard of a golden retriever
MANDEL2002: and just vanish
Toro412: before gradeyatin?
MANDEL2002: probably after
MANDEL2002: but i'm openminded
Toro412: yeah well I bet we can find sweet jobs working on a charter boat.
MANDEL2002: i smell like a combo of b-o and shit, i don't think i could beat off right if i tried
MANDEL2002: not to say i haven't
Toro412: ha ha
Toro412: take a fuckin shower
Toro412: self-respect my brother
MANDEL2002: ah the life of a bachelor
Toro412: you should want to smell good
Toro412: or at least not smell.
MANDEL2002: it's not high on my list of concerns
Toro412: you'd be surprised how other shit falls into place when you get your life organized.
Toro412: like cleaning your room and being a groomed person
MANDEL2002: nonsense
MANDEL2002: the only great things of this earth have comem out of chaos
MANDEL2002: such as the BIG FUCKING BANG
Toro412: speaking of nonsense, i hear screams from the street.
MANDEL2002: that is the benefit of overlooking the driveway from my room, i just see the deadbeat dude every now and then
Toro412: screams of lunacy from the sound of it
Toro412: ha ha
Toro412: at the mute woman
Toro412: and
Toro412: not at
MANDEL2002: i honestly think being a motivational speaker would be the easiest job of them all
MANDEL2002: you just stand there and say whatever you want
MANDEL2002: "dream of things that never were"
MANDEL2002: "shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars"
MANDEL2002: i mean seriously
MANDEL2002: speaking fees are good these days, that is a good job
Toro412: have you ever dreamt of just living, and been tired in the morning?
Toro412: that is me right now
Toro412: i dreamt all night about talking, and eating, and going to class.
MANDEL2002: my dreams have been fantastical lately
Toro412: my sleep has been shit lately
MANDEL2002: my urine turned into a huge river and then i was in a tree that fell down and i surfed it down my own river
Toro412: that's a dream to write down.
you guys are so random...that's why i love you!! -Mel