
I can see my house from here.

The new Google Earth is awesome. It's essentially your own spy satellite to use to check out all the amazing shit that covers our planet. You can look at your favorite sports arenas, landmarks, and patches of empty ocean with it. It's currently free to download and if you're like me you'll end up spending all day zooming in and out on stuff. You can even see your own house. If you check out that big white square in the middle of the linked photo, that's the Monstro from about 1500 feet up.

It doesn't, and probably will never have, an address search feature, and currently only very major cities have 3D buildings. It's also a bitch if you live in a small town like Walla Walla because the city isn't listed on a map, you just gotta use highways to pinpoint it. Still pretty cool, so check it out.

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