
The Tit Shirt

This evening, seventeen ex-B-section bros attended dinner in the Prentiss Dining Hall. To say it was crazy would be an understatement. For any of you who remember what it was like dining with B-section, you may remember our little tradition of cheering everyone from the section into the dining hall. I can honestly say a lot of people began to get really freaked out. A lot of screaming occured, mainly from Aaron and Clark. Clark ended up making a 12-inch ice cream cone and deepthroating half of it, then promptly hurting his neck and slamming the other 6 inches down onto his plate. Then Lane smashed a cone into the side of Gus' head.
As we were getting ready to leave, we noticed a girl talking to some friends. I think her name is Jenna and she lives with Paulina. Anyway, she had a Bon Apetit shirt on, since she was technically working, though she managed to spend a lot of time visiting and not making me a damn sandwich. She also had an apron on, which was the same color as her shirt. The apron covered "Bon Ape..." so the only thing you could see from a distance was a shirt that said "tit" in capital letters over her right breast. Everyone laughed their asses of. Then Aaron took Dan's cell phone, went to "get carrots" and snapped a picture of the tit shirt. I will try to get the picture up soon for everyone to see, but we're having some trouble getting it off Dan's damn phone.

For those of you abroad in or around the UK (or those just into music from there), I just got two slick new records that I really love. The first one is the new Chemical Brothers album Push The Button. It's a nice progression from their older stuff, with a lot of guest vocalists and some more chilled out beats that I really enjoy. The second album is 64'-95' by Lemon Jelly. This album is cool because they took a song from ten different years and in the time period spanned by the album title and remixed them. Check both of them out, and even if you aren't into the music, if you're abroad you can drop "The new Chemical Brothers album is amazing!" at parties and everyone will think you're cool. Plus, you can tell them what you're wearing is "the top fashion" in the U.S., even though we both know you just took your crappy jeans and Whitman Beer Mile shirts.

Party this weekend, I'll have pics of that once it's over and done.

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