
For Hire

I went to a meeting today to start off the semester for the Whitman College Pioneer newspaper and discovered that they had hired FOUR film reviewers. Last semester this position was held by myself and friend, and we managed to get the job done just fine, because we were partners. He wasn't a sidekick like Robin was to Batman, he was more like a Ken to my Ryu. Anyway, when they hired four film reviewers, my first thought was "this new editor is a fucking moron," but I kind of already knew that from the beginning. I knew he wouldn't settle the matter on his own, so I decided I would go talk to the other two people on behalf of myself and my partner. This was an awkward meeting, because I didn't really know how to react. I didn't want to work with these two people, and I thought that my seniority should give me priority over these rookies. The conversation was a little too accommodating considering what was coming out of my mouth was nothing like what I was thinking in my head. When I said, "yeah, let's work something out so we can all work together" I really meant "I don't want to work with you at all, get the hell out of my house!" It was awkward because you could tell that everyone there thought they were the only person hired for the job, and really all of us only wanted to do the job on our own. It's kind of like if you were a hitman and when you got to the victim's house you found out that three other hitmen were hired to kill the same person. If you were a hitman though, you would just get in a shootout with the other three and whoever survived would get to go and kill the person in the house for the money. I didn't have the convenience of handling the situation with a shootout; but I also kind of find firearms scary (except in video games) and I didn't really want to KILL these other people, I just wanted to make sure that their opinions on various new films were never printed on newsprint.
Ultimately we all agreed to a rotation type thing and do two new reviews each week unless only one film was opening, then we would do a new DVD review. Not a bad deal, but I still might hire a hitman just so I can have some closure.

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