So I got a sweet Idea from my friend Sarah Dawe. Since she was venturing into the blog universe to let me know how things were going on the other side of the pond, I figured I'd do the same, but from the other-other side of the pond (original side of the pond; America.) I hope you notice that I capitalized Idea, because it's more epic that way, like an epic semester abroad or an epic trip to the Apex (Apex n. 1. A sketchy corner store that sells too much porn and knives and not enough delicious snacks.)
Upon typing "an epic trip to the Apex" I have just realized something. The Apex could quite possibly be the most contradictory business title I have ever heard. This store is not the apex of anything. One would think a corner store titled "The Apex" would sell solid gold beverage cups and have white tigers that ride you around in the store while you shop for a variety of gourmet foods like caviar and truffles. The Apex, in reality, is quite possibly the lowest point when it comes to providing foodstuffs to the population. Every time I go in there the guy behind the counter tells me how wasted he got last weekend. I can buy a hat that says "CIA" on it and get an armload of Tail Gunners magazine, but it seems to be beyond their capacity to get a real Slurpee machine.
Private note to the inspiration: Sorry about the Chargers.
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