
How to get new stuff without paying for it

My world is full of upgrades. I left from first semester with dated technology, but I am returning with the spoils of war. First on my list was this hot number, the new slimline Plastation Two:
And to ease the aching heart of my loving girlfriend, I got it for next to nothing because I just traded my old horse-drawn Playstation2 for this brand new one at minimal cost (and because I know a guy.)

Just as black and bit smaller is my next upgrade, which is this sweet new cell phone.

Once again I must slow Kaylin's fears that I've already started to succumb to consumerism by saying that I got this one for NOTHING because I get to trade in my phone every year due to some new deal T-Mobile has about feeling guilty for their insane service charges.

Tomorrow I'm returning to Walla Walla with all my Christmas presents and this new stuff I got, so I'll be seeing all of you non-abroad people very soon. To everyone else who is reading from overseas, I expect lots of pictures and at least one crazy story involving a Pakistani, regardless of where you may be studying.

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