Okay, Mandel's awesome Bruce Lee video reminded me of what a badass that guy was - like, Teddy Roosevelt-badass. This is a man about whom Chuck Norris said "Lee, pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly one of the quickest." Norris should know: before he became the "roundhouse God in the face every morning just to let Him know who wears the pants" guy he trained under Lee.
Lee was famous for a bunch of badass ass-kicking stunts, like the one-inch punch that knocked people over and video Aaron showed below. BTW, did you see the position he ends up in right after he lights that match in the guy's mouth? Seriously, go to 1:46 in and watch the amazingness. Holy shit, it's like he's preparing for that guy to go all "you sonuvabitch, you took my only match's honor!" on him or something. Of course he's not going to, but Lee's just ready for it.
Lee's most over-the-top badass moment just may be this story though, which happened while filming his magnum opus Enter the Dragon:
"Lee's famous, running thrust kick into Wall's chest at the end of their fight scene broke Wall's sternum, and broke one arm of each of two extras, into which Wall was propelled and fell. The rest of the fight was delayed for one month, until Wall had healed well enough to perform the choreography. The kick and fall were scripted and rehearsed, but Lee was unhappy that the kick would not look real on screen. Wall exhorted Lee, "Go for it, man. I'm a professional." The result put Wall in hospital."
I'm curious how many times "Go for it, I'm a professional" has led to the speaker being subsequently hospitalized.
ReplyDeletedrew's post by the way so credit goes where it is due.