

I'm not one to get sentimental but our blog is getting old. It's been around since 2005 and it's been decently consistent and we are actually about to have more posts this year than last year. But I'm not hear to toot our own collective horn. I've been really impressed lately with Garrett's and especially Drew's posts. I feel like when we first started I could rip out something crazy and funny and unpredictable using my love of the written word and a mind rotted by the earth's factors. Lately Drew has been blowing my mind, I think he maybe should become a full time writer, so props to the guy. I feel like I haven't been able to bring much fire to the blog in the way that I want lately. Are the years of living in an apartment in the city and having a job melting my creative soul? Who knows, but I am going to try to dig deep and start taking glory dumps on this thing! Long Live Viking-era rape and pillaging! Long Live the Monstro Blog!

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