
Future Person.

This evening I have begun to refer to myself in the future person. Please note the difference between future tense and future person. My sentences will still happen in past, present, and future tense, but the noun with which I refer to myself will be defined based on one possibility among many about how I may exist in the future. From this point forward I will refer to myself as the future implications and results of my life and my actions. When I want a bottle of wine, I will say "My destiny would like to try a bottle of 1997 Jordan Estates, please." If I am asking someone to call me back on a voicemail message, I'll say "It's the children of my children's children, dude. Hit me up when you get this if you want to go poach some cougs tonight." When I go to the pharmacy, my prescription on the bottle will read "A corpse returned to the soil from which it came" above my address. 

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