
Teeth Bombs 2.0 (poop)

I'm reminded of an obscure Jewish prayer where after you use the bathroom or even pass gas you say "chalulim chalulim nkavim nkavim" thanking your openings for opening and your closings for closing, and acknowledging that should they fail, you couldn't exist.

Let me tell you about the greatest thing ever. This is when you've been eating responsibly for a few days after nothing but bananas rice and pancakes have turned your insides to a glue-like nature. But lately you've been hitting the ruffage, salads, fruits and dark beers with a vengeance. You feel a slight pressure in your stomach, nothing crazy but you humor it and go to the bathroom, simply relax and exhale and lose 6 pounds. That my friends, is the life, the life upgraded, life 2.0.

1 comment:

  1. These type of posts are what get us the stripper girlfriends.
