
Living Monstro: Laundry

I have recently discovered that you can "do your laundry" in a fraction of the time previously thought. Simply dump your month's worth of dirty clothes onto the floor and sift out the socks and underwear. While the socks and underwear are going through the spin cycle, re-fold anything that doesn't stink or have obvious stains. Re-folded items go back into the drawer, stink/stain items are re-inserted into the dirty clothes basket (these need not be folded and can be crammed.) Fresh socks, fresh underwear, and a strong deodorant or cologne will make your wardrobe last at least until summer, when you can put the dirty pants away for the year and begin the cycle on shorts. The cycle is longer if you are single, and shorter if you have a significant other or a job that requires you to wear a tie or do dry cleaning.

Laundry is no fun unless you have a maid, and my maid "quit" like a week ago so I'm forced to make up new ways of living in this tough economy.

1 comment:

  1. some of us have been living our lives by this token for many a moon.
