
Degrees and shit....

well, this should be the post where it is like, "Fuck, college is over, how did this shit go by so fast, holy shit" and maybe it is, you should all know by now I never plan this shit out more than like 5 words in advance advance advance. Anyways, this last week has been really tight, kickin it hard with everyone, families, watching George Bridges be so awkward at graduation, watching Drew upstage everyone with his speech and drinking for about 7-8 nights in a row, which I know for most is nothing, but goddam. Also, while there are certainly powerful twinges of sadness with regards to leaving, I have so much optimism because I am never really happier than during the summer when it seems there are less worries, certainly less work, better weather and prettier people. I can now enter an endless summer, at least for a few years, where if played smart I can work a little, in hopefully fun jobs with kids or in the outdoors and then spend an equal or greater part of the time traveling to cool places with people whose company I enjoy and care about. I also have only a twinge of sadness because I know, mainly due (like what Drew spoke about at graduation) to the fact that almost none of us monstronauts and orbiting planetary human intergalactic earth people satellites have distince life plans. I know that my goodbyes would have been a lot sadder if I had spent the last four years living and befriending people who took Whitman as an opportunity to fast-track themselves to lawyer-hood, doctor-ness or something else immediate and post-collegiate time-demanding. Instead we have all immersed ourselves in copious amounts of sin, booze, weed, other substances, unsanitary conditions, poor odors, IM sports, parties, and other such glorious pleasures instead of studying. At this point I know that mainly due to lack of direction and deep interpersonal connections I will be seeing many of the fine men I have lived with in the very near future, so what is the big deal, we are entering a real summer like we have at the end of every year but after that, an endless summer, for as long as people will last with me, I will fucking kick it, so fear not, no one reads a book backwards we are moving forward, somewhat fearlessly and I for one am not afraid, we are all smart, capable and completely ignorant and naive, that is a great place to be, we are gonna fuck some shit up. INTERLUDE: somethign that really pisses me off when the weather gets nice is the people that work out inside in that cardio room in sherwood, I pass through there sometimes and they are like human hamsters fucking powering nothing but there own terrible inadequacies. If you are going to be inside take a cue from other monstronaut bloggernauts drew and jumago who when they are inside are gaming, watching movies, or mastering technology and not bloody fucking exercising, when it's nice out, go outside and be outside doing outside, active shit, DO NOT GO INSIDE TO WORK OUT. fuck, that is the end of the interlude. Anyways, there was something cosmically aligned as I cleaned out the last vestiges of my existence from my room (except for all the semen and bullet casings I've lodged into the wall) and first of all, even completely cleaned out my room still looks dirty somehow, so it wasn't me, it was the room! And finally, just as I glanced around to make sure I'd gotten every last thing on the highest of the many shelves in my rooms a last holdout of the college years winked at me, a blue keystone light can from potentially the prehistoric era lingered, I took it down, put it in the trash, and out I go. Anyways, the Monstrosity itself will no longer be inhabited by us, but the monstro blog will live on, we will be posting from our various locales over the summer, hopefully I'll be able to post from Camp Tawonga in Yosemite and from Israel and maybe from a pit stop along the John Muir Trail, Jumago and Drew will be in Walla Walla keeping up the local reports and Dan will be in San Jose getting huge and filling his brain with Latin and medieval disciplinary techniques and all other readers and enthusiasts should comment from every neck of the woods. Anyways, I'm sitting in Garrett's room sending this off before I drive south and we are listening to "take it easy" and there is a line in it that speaks to me, "lighten up while you still can" and it makes me think of somethign my grandpa said to me this weekend. He is nearly 89 and hobbles around and is pretty aware he has some brain loss but he has gotten to travel a lot and seen a ton of things in his life and he was telling me that you just can't do things the same way you want them when you get older so I implore everyone to remember that our lives are going to be long and let's not be too concerned with having kids and building fences on our lawns and getting married and getting careers, I still have some hell to raise.

1 comment:

  1. From the Big Lebowski:

    "I fuckin' hate the Eagles man."
