
Alternative Kids

Today I was sitting in a local coffee shop hiding from the water that was raining down from the clouds, sipping on a hazelnut steamer. This particular coffee shop in Walla Walla is a primary hangout of all the "alternative" kids that attend Walla Walla High School. All the kids who like to smoke cigarettes and wear AC/DC shirts. The kids who shop at Hot Topic for their clothes, despite that they reportedly "don't give a fuck" abou fashion. These kids get piercings because it pisses of their parents. Personally I wouldn't give a crap if my kids had piercings or not as long as they didn't act like dipshits in front of local coffee shops.
I'm pretty sure these alternative kids were getting boozed up in front of the Coffee Perk. A water bottle filled with orange juice was a clue, the aforementioned dipshittery was another. One girl with costume jewelry on was acting particularly stupid, kind of flailing around randomly, probably mimicing something she saw in a My Chemical Romance music video. I have never had the impulse to punch a 15 year-old girl in the face before, but today I felt that sinful urge well within me. I kept it at bay with the comforting thought of her being an Avril Levigne fan. At one point she entered the shop as the barista was picking up a telephone, and the girl asked if they were calling the police on her. I'm sure this girl would have liked nother more than for her deviant behavior to summon the authorities, but alas, she was just being a dumbass on a public sidewalk and that doesn't usually summon the cops unless you're also naked while you're doing it.
The alternative kids then had pizza delivered to the front of the shop, which was a horrible thing for me to experience because there is nothing more horrid than watching drunk teenagers with little to no dental work inhale a pepperoni pizza.

Kids these days.

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