
Snakes on a Plane

Ok, the following post is a public service announcement. It has come to my attention, as many things do, that next summer a movie will be coming out in America. This film is called Snakes on a Plane and will... HOLY SHIT! Did I read that right? Snakes on a Plane?!? SNAKES? On a fucking PLANE? Alright, settle down. The plot has something to do with snakes being let loose on an airplane to kill someone. Sweet! The movie features Samuel L. Jackson, Byron Lawson (who some may remember from his thrilling turn in Lighting: Bolts of Destruction), and Kenan. Kenan, right? The guy from Nickelodian who was on, like, two episodes of SNL. IMDB also mentions a "puppeteer" who, I assume, operates the snakes (unless of course the puppeteer is a sort of Being John Malkovich dude who gets eaten by snakes in the first act.) So, right now I'm just hoping that this movie is really going to come out. I mean, it could be a joke, which would be pretty intense. It could also just never get released, which based on its title is completely possible. I want the following dialogue exchange:

Pilot: "There's some disturbance in the cabin. Could be terrorists. Air Marshall Samuel L. Jackson, go check it out."

Samuel L. Jackson: "ok"

(he exits and returns)

Samuel L. Jackson: "We got snakes"

Pilot: "What?"

Samuel L. Jackson: "Snakes Motherfucker!"

Pilot: "Snakes?"

Samuel L. Jackson: "We got Snakes on a fucking Plane!"

So yeah, basically this movie has the greatest potential of any film ever concieved. Except for Brothers Grimm. That could have been sweet, but instead it sucked.

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