
Teddy Roosevelt, the last American President who was a true badass, turns 150

Since TR turned 150 this year, I thought it only prudent before the annum was out to commemorate his pure, unadulterated, badass-ness on the Monstro blog. While the Monstro is currently the most badass thing in America, it is not as badass as TR was, not by a long shot. Therefore it is only fitting that the Monstro blog pay tribute to its predecessor-in-awesome.

TR was a badass in every regard from a young age. After spending his childhood pummeling bullies, he threw his metaphorical haymaker at his studies and went to Harvard, where he won the Harvard boxing championship his senior year by bloodying nerds until they cried uncle. His doctor warned him that he had a heart condition and should stop fighting and pursue a more sedentary lifestyle. TR responded by heading for North Dakota to ride, rope, and hunt every beast in God's creation. Badass. See picture at left.

After a few years roaming the plains (and keep in mind, this is during the 1880s when the West was very Wild) he headed back East to pursue politics and public life. Not by kissing babies mind you, but by killing motherfuckers who got in the way of the Red White and Blue. TR founded his own cavalry brigade (the famous Rough Riders - what a badass name) and recruited every badass friend of his to fight in it. He declared himself a Colonel in command of the regiment and headed off for Cuba to fight the Spaniards in the Spanish America war. This is the equivalent of me rounding up all my guns, calling up the Monstro bros and saying "I'm heading for Iraq pseudo-independently of the U.S. military to kill some non-American motherfuckers; and by the way, I'm your leader. Who's with me?!" And was he all talk? NO. He led a freakin' charge and took San Juan Hill as the only surviving officer, earning him the Medal of Honor (still the only President to get it - not even Washington, Grant, Taylor, or Ike got the MoH). BAD.....ASS!!!

Upon returning to the States he became President William McKinley's VP at the relatively young age of 42. When McKinley pussied out and died from something as trivial as a pistol bullet, TR became President and rocked that office hard for the next 8 years. He did cool shit all the time like saying badass things ("Walk softly and carry a big stick") and hiking around with John Muir while establishing the National Park and National Forest systems and the Forest Service to keep vast parts of wild America badass for future generations (who sadly would rather just sit at home and watch TV anyway - pussies). He negotiated a peaceful ending to the Russo-Japanese war by threatening to personally slap the leaders of each country like the bitches they were (it is a little known fact that TR is the source of the famous rap lyric "if you act like a bitch / you get slapped like a bitch") and won the freakin' Nobel Peace Prize for doing so - the first American President to get it. He took burgeoning American Imperialism to new heights with war in the Philippines and the ordered the commissioning of The Great White Fleet, a massive squadron of new, state-of-the-art battleships meant to scare the piss out of any country who might think of crossing TR's United States. He had many presidential firsts, all of which were pretty badass: he was the first president to ride in a car (and also consequently the first one to race from a stoplight and flip off a cop - right to the cop's face), the first one to travel outside the US, the first one to be submerged in a submarine, and - I kid you not - the first one to study JUDO and JUJITSU. He went skinny dipping in the Potomac river in the winter. He was the most voracious reader since Jefferson and read several books a day, sometimes in different languages. He also started work on the Panama Canal; see picture below. BTW, that is an actual picture, not an illustration: TR literally grew to 600ft tall and shoveled a trench between the continents. He then returned to normal size and went back to being the most badass president ever.

After he left the White House in 1909 because he'd already done all the badass things a president at the time could do, he did what any badass would do: go on safari to Africa and kill a shitload of large, often dangerous animals to donate their stuffed carcasses to the Smithsonian museum. In all he personally killed over 11,000 "specimens," over 500 of them big game animals like elephants, hippos, and the uber-endangered Northern White Rhino (the last male Northern White Rhino in existence is here at the San Diego Zoo, BTW). It took the Smithsonian YEARS just to mount all the beasts. See the picture below with TR standing over a lifeless elephant he just killed with what looks like an elephant gun? Look closer - it's not an elephant gun at all, it's a fucking club. That's what he was talking about when he said to carry a big stick - he actually meant you might need to dispatch an elephant at any moment and a club was the most badass method of doing so. What else would you expect from a badass motherfucker like TR?

In perhaps his most incredible feat of badass-ness, TR holds the title of most badass 'staring death in the face' example of any president, period. In 1912 after he founded his own political party so he could be president again (the Bull Moose Party, so named because TR declared he was as strong as a bull moose) he went around the country campaigning and at a stop in Wisconsin an assassin approached him and shot him once in the chest at point-blank range. TR literally punched the man in the face, took his gun from him, and pistol whipped him to the ground before the Secret Service could even get there. The bullet went through a glasses case in his shirt pocket and a 50 page copy of his speech for the campaign stop, slowing it down and allowing it to ONLY penetrate three inches into his chest muscle. As an experienced badass hunter and anatomist, TR correctly concluded that since he wasn't coughing blood the bullet had not completely penetrated to his lung, and thus declined to go to the hospital immediately. Instead, he delivered his scheduled speech with blood seeping into his shirt. He spoke for 90 MINUTES WITH A FRICKIN' BULLET IN HIS CHEST. He opened the speech in front of the crowd with one of the most badass lines of his entire lire (and that's saying something): "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you're fully aware that I have just been shot. But fear not, it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose." HOLY BADASS MOTHERFUCKING SHIT. How will a president ever top that? Answer: they won't. Ever. But points to Reagan for trying...

TR lost the election but continued to be a badass till his death a few years later. When WWI broke out he offered to raise and command a volunteer regiment like the Rough Riders again (in his 50s, no less), but Woodrow Wilson was a pussy-ass liberal and wouldn't allow it. A few years later TR went on an expedition to find the then-undiscovered source of a ~650 mile long previously un-navigated river in the Amazon rain forest, which he promptly renamed Rio Roosevelt (just like another historical badass, the Roman Emperor Constantine, conquered the city of Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople).

TR also became the impetus for the successful children's toy, the Teddy Bear, because of a famous incident when he refused to kill a trapped bear because it couldn't fight back. Often omitted from this story (because of its traumatizing effect on kids no doubt) is how it ended: TR tied one arm behind his back, released the bear from the trap, and then strangled it with one hand.

When Roosevelt died in 1919, a full 40 years after his boxing doctor told him to take it easy, he went peacefully in his sleep, because that was the only way Death could sneak up on him. In fact, after hearing the news Woodrow Wilson's Vice President Thomas R. Marshall remarked: "Death had to take Roosevelt sleeping, for if he had been awake, there would have been a fight."

So Happy 150th Birthday Teddy, you badass.


A Deep and Pure Sadness

Came across this dark gem from a hidden corner of the internet

Get your own religious traditions on the 25th of December you christians!@

So myself and many other Jews have developed an informal tradition of going to the first movie on Christmas Day and then getting some chinese food while all the good little Americans come down to hot drinks, stuffed stockings and precious family time.

Well upon going to the movies this Christmas it appears everyone has sold out and like whites on hip hop the american christians have co-opted the Jewish movie and chinese food as both these venues were packed on the 25th. Can't the Jews just be left alone to enjoy themselves just this once?


the holiday spirit

nothing puts me in the mood to hate christian-pagan holiday season like some dark news. This is really highlighted by the lead: "Beset by economic worries and loneliness, elderly Japanese are turning to petty crime." Goddam if that doesn't warm the stockings. Also nothing quite like that January-December romance. When I'm old and lonely and broke there's no investment I'm gonna want as much as an 8 year old girl! And if coal in your stockings isn't enough, how about a whole house full!

Happy Chanukah you sad Monstro Blog reading degenerate motherfuckers.


Not Giving Up on Cynicism Yet

Stones I thought we agreed NOT to turn over.

Politics as usual? I think so. I've never liked Mrs. Clinton, but here it is: politics to the highest bidder. Noted: this is the appropriate way of doing it. Mr Blogojevich, please observe.

A betrayal we ignored was in the making.

He said he was against gay marriage. That didn't stop people from believing it was just for show. Turns out, Obama's distaste may be a bit stronger--or, he's pandering. Bring the left and right together. Heal the country on the backs of gays.

edit: I've cooled down a little bit since I first wrote this, but check out some of the silly justification Warren is using:

Toward the end of his speech on Saturday, Warren also talked about singer Melissa Etheridge, who performed earlier in the evening. Warren said the two had a "wonderful conversation" and that he is a huge fan who has all her albums.

The ole switcharoo: I like music made by gays, but not gay rights . This is also kind of insidious because it assumes Etheridge's presence at the speech is an endorsement because she's gay--when it's just as likely she could be there to pick up a check, I dunno, because she's a fucking musician! That she is forwarding gay rights instead of her career or income is a stupid assumption. She very well could be endorsing him, but that fact is not an a priori defense to his opinion that gay marriage leads to polygamy and pedophilia.

"I have many gay friends. I've eaten dinner in gay homes. No church has probably done more for people with AIDS than Saddleback Church," he said.

Umm..."I have lots of black friends, so I'm not a racist?" Uniquely qualified I guess to talk about gay marriage--he's consulted. And that second sentence will probably go over most people's heads, but there was a time when they thought AIDS was the "gay's disease." Apparently the link is still very clear in his mind. Fuck this guy.

Baxter out.

fuck you spammers!

this is a hilarious article about a dude reversing shit on the Nigerian email scammers.

I would say more, but I don't wanna bump Garrett's post too far down and also I feel brain dead, tgif.

The White Trash Brigade Marches On

Sarah Palin was a huge step forward for that large America demographic commonly referred to as "White Trash" (also less known by their Latin name Alba Purgeta). Here was a beauty queen who didn't graduate college until her fifth try and then married a dumb hick bro.

So far so good - but it gets better.

She then never had a thought beyond simple conservative ideology, popped out 5 kids and named them some wierd shit right out of model names from the Lands' End catalog, and brought highschool popularity contest tactics to local politics. And not just in any town, but in the meth capitol of the state.

Getting warmer.

Next she really went for it and claimed the holy grail of overachieving hick-dom: she cynically and knowingly put her own ambitions ahead of her abilities (what is it with people of faith and this "I know I can do anything because I believe in God's goodness!" mentality?) and convinced herself that she was ready to be the leader of the free world when she accepted McCain's exploitative invitation to the national ticket. She didn't mind embarassing her teenage daughter on a national scale about her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, not one bit. Afterall, how can you claim the Throne of Trailer Trash without a teenage daughter who's pregnant with the town thug's baby?


There were other fun white-trashy things along the way (spending hundreds of thousands on her clothes and makeup and decking her kids out in expensive duds on the campaign's dime because "We finally have money now!" was my personal favorite), but a new development today takes the cake: Sherry Johnston, mother of the 18 year-old thug that knocked Bristol up, has been arrested on six felony drug counts for running a meth lab.

Just when you think they're down for the count, the White Trash Brigage known as the Palin Clan marches on...


Big Aspirations

Garrett inspired me to start a new thread-theme of "Making the stakes high and shit meaning shit".

We'll start with this news article from the BBC about the shooting of Perence Shiri in Zimbabwe by opposition forces. Shiri is the head of the country's air force.

WAIT A FUCKING SECOND, Zimbabwe has an air force!?!?!?!

The Best Name Change of the Year

Maybe I'll sue him for copyright infringement. Oh well, the name's better with an "i" anyway.


Bush has good reflexes

haha, check this out

what he attempts to draw from this afterward in his remarks is borderline retarded, I'm glad this fucktard is gone soon, Obama probably has pretty good reflexes too.



This is the time of year when I sit around my house with all the lights off staring out at the falling snow and listening to Philip Glass' Metamorphosis album. Snow and music have an odd combination in my brain. If snow is falling at a steady clip, it kind of shrinks the world down to a smaller size. I often think when I'm staring into a snowstorm what my life, my thoughts, etc. would be like if my entire existence was contained within my field of vision. Like living in a snow globe I guess. Anyway, the Philip Glass has an odd effect on your brain too. Just like the snow, it really prevents you from thinking about anything else. Combine falling snow with Philip Glass and you get a bit of what nature really fucking is. Deep down in the shit, like ants crawling all over a dead carcass. The harmony of it.

I got this fun trick from Bike Snob NYC.

Open this Youtube window and turn the volume of the clip all the way down. (Not the volume of your computer.) Now open this Youtube window and skip two minutes into the song. Once the music is playing, go back to your first window and you'll witness a bit of what I'm trying to describe.


Best Movie Villain: NIXON!

Last night I watched Ron Howard's new film Frost/Nixon, based on the play of the same name. I am not going to bother describing the story because it is your very background in the subject of Nixon-era US history that will determine whether or not you're going to enjoy the film.

So with that in mind...

Frank Langella as Richard Nixon is the best villainous performance ever committed to film. Forgot about last year's wicked Bardem and Day-Lewis performances, forget about this summer's Heath Ledger. Forget about Nazis and Zombies, about Aliens and Predators, about Darth Vader and Dr. No. Forget about Jaws, Hannibal Lector, Simba's uncle Scar and every other scary antagonist you've ever seen.

Richard Nixon is the greatest movie villain of all time.

My favorite part is how, during this period especially, Nixon was one of the most universally reviled people in the world and yet Langella still manages to depict a man fully in charge. Dictating the circumstances of his situation like a mafia don locked up in prison... Damn he's good. And on an unrelated note, Kevin Bacon is very good too.


yeah? say it to my face!

so i have posted four times today, so what, ebbs and flows baby, get tidal


I like running. I've liked running since I started doing cross country and track my freshmen year of high school and I still enjoy it although to a much lesser extent time and distance-wise. Why I enjoy it is often beyond me, it hurts and over time will probably permanently cripple my joints.

The thing that has been pissing me off lately is that running as we do it today, putting on short synthetic shorts and shirts and clicking our watch on could not be more removed from our historical animal past roots to running.

In the motherfuckin good old days running was from predators or after prey, it was a desperate, visceral act, with ones survival depending on it.

I yearn for a return to those days, when the stakes were fucking high and shit meant shit.

As a result I'm incorporating way more nuts and berries into my diet in a slow, but determined effort to turn into a bear, a predator worthy of anyone's appreciation.

Learning new things everyday

Dolphins and Porpoises are not the same, thanks Wikipedia. Also, dolphins appear to be my new favorite animal for a few reasons, they are attracted to gold, jewelry and shiny objects, have sex (including gay sex) for pleasure and just in general have really advanced brains.

Smart move of the week

Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois is retarded.

That being said, it's not really his fault because he comes from a line of retarded Illinois governors.

In case the Monstro Bog readers haven't heard, Blagojevich (say that ten times fast) was arrested a few days ago on corruption-type charges centering around his desire to sell off Barack Obama's senate seat for money and perks for himself and his wife.

This is certainly pretty appalling but what I found sickly amusing is that he is now the second Illinois governor IN A ROW to be arrested, his predecessor, George Ryan is currently in jail on some corruption type shady shit charges as well.

I guess that flowery, happy and hopeful mood in Grant Park on Election Night for Obama has turned bad for his adopted home city, albeit this is the place of Capone et al so maybe we just all need to lower our expectations a little, take a kickback or two and straight chill the fuck out.