
If You Can't Riff

I was reading an article on my trustworthy news outlet Wired.com about an interview with the young founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg that went terribly wrong at some uninteresting internet blah conference in Texas. Let me summarize the atmosphere from the information I gathered from the article:

1) The keynote speaker sucked.
2) The person interviewing the keynote speaker sucked.
3) The audience sucked.

I was tempted to add "4) The conference sucked" but I don't want to go that far. I'm sure that the presentation by the creators of online web chat platform meebo was just flat-out CAPTIVATING.

The article got me thinking about how many times I have heard a similar story. Some tech-oriented person turns out to lack communication skills. Big freakin' surprise, am I right? I think the audience got so aggressive because they were expecting Mark Zuckerberg to not only be a prodigy in technology, but a prodigy in life. They wanted the Teddy Roosevelt of Web 2.0.

The internet, God bless it, makes orators out of none.

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