
We was robbed!

I awoke last saturday a happy happy man, finals had just finished and a long break lay ahead. I scratched sack and ventured downstairs to see what eatings there were to be had. When downstairs I realized that I had left my laptop downstairs exactly where I had entered the monstro to joyous post-finals cheers. I couldn't find my laptop and went upstairs. Then I told Drew and he scoped it out with me, in the process noticing that all of our other electronic equipment from the living room had gone missing too. "fuck, we got robbed," Drew said. "yeah," I agreed. In between the hours of 3 and 8am some coked out bastards had the good sense to be strolling by our house and stopped in for a little christmas shopping. Now they took our stereo, dvd player, n64 +games, and the spongebob remote. THE SPONGEBOB REMOTE (not to mention super smash bros.)??? What kind of cold, heartless bastards are you? Those items are worth less than my calcified toenail! The annoyance at losing my laptop with thesis notes and such pales in comparison to the utter bloodlust revenge urges I am feeling at the loss of the brown n64 controller and the 2nd season of chapelle's show (they took that shit too). So watch out Walla Walla a bunch of extremely inept thefts are on the lookout for easy to pilfer extremely cheap electronic devices.

I'd be on the lookout for that guy. Shady motherfucker.

In other news, some observations on drugs made collectively have been that one of the scariest/coolest things ever would be to have a mutation such that you posessed a tooth in your belly button that could be used to

a) scare the shit out of people or...
b) open beer bottles as a really sweet party trick

Also, me and another friend are considering a show of solidarity by tailgating outside our third friend's jury duty at the courthouse.

and...Garrett tried to microwave two potatoes but went upstairs and fell asleep. I found these in the morning looking sorta like the ancient testicles of a petrified elephant.

Here's to the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. haha that's my picture...you should have put the skinny one next to it cuz the sequence it fucking hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Mel
