
And just like that it will be done.

With the vigor of youth, the man had written a blog post from deep inside his soul. He gazed into the abyss, and when then abyss gazed back upon him, his mind could not handle the revelation. But just as every terrible nightmare must end with a sunrise, so this young man's night is quickly becoming memory after only shortly being lived. As he said, it will be something that he will remember for the rest of his life. Living on the edge of sanity is a line many are not willing to walk, but there are others, like this man, who run screaming to that line and stop short with the momentary hesitation of an unsure suicide. Instead he will walk the line for a few short hours and quickly succumb to sleep. He will awaken to find the world as it was before last night, and the nightmare will quickly fade. Some say that you always remember the bad dreams and never the good ones, but you don't learn anything about yourself when you dream about clouds, but you do when you dream about death.

Friends and beer can calm the most terrifying of nightmares.

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