
Amazingness on two levels

KFC just introduced their new Double Down Sandwich which looks totally fucking disgusting. The classic concept of bread on a sandwich has been replaced by pieces of chicken, interlaced with bacon and cheese. So the first amazing thing is that this exists and people are going to not only eat it without puking but probably enjoy it.

The second amazing thing is that this thing only has 540 calories! I'm no diet or calorie counter guy but I think 2,000 calories a day is a very low/moderate number which means you could eat nearly four of these in one day and still be okay in terms of calories. Does that creep anyone else out? I just picture a bunch of scientists with a huge suction syringe (that is a cool word to type out!) just yoinking calories out of this thing.

Bon Ape-tit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Calories? What about saturated trans fats for godsakes?

    Someone's going to have a heart attack and die in a KFC - right in the fucking restaurant for godsakes - about six bites into one of these damn things. Then a bunch of ambulance-chasing lawyers who can smell death-by-stupidity like a bunch of goddamned blood hounds will parade in muttering "blah blah blah...gross corporate negligence...blah blah blah." Then these will be canceled forever and relegated to the status of collectors' items. Mark my words.
