
Not working hard, lots of crazy news today

Most importantly, Garth Brooks is back. Where has my life been this entire decade without him? I think history will point to the "oughts" (2000's) as a dark period in history, void of anything except, well, nothing.

This story is either going to get more or less weird. I mean so far we know that a boy went airborne in a weather device, the family has been on "Wife Swap" and think that storms create their own magnetic fields and UFOs are legit, etc. Weird stuff.

And then, holy shit the living dead! This is pretty awesome and I'm not even half the sci-fi dorks of other monstronauts. I was just reading this yesterday so it's all kind of starting to make sense. Dying is not a single event but it's a process, or a series of events so if one or more of those can be stopped the process can be prolonged and remedies can be applied. This first piece though about the rats kind of takes it another step further.

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